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Free: Post-cataract surgery eye glasses (West Seattle) These are "myopic glasses -4.00" or "nearsighted glasses -4.00" that I used for about a month after having cataract surgery--they are the *opposite* of readers in that they're for distance, not close up. (I think they're this brand/model: HUIHUIKK Nearsighted Myopia Glasses Everyday Use Mens Womens Distance Glasses if you want to learn more about them on Amazon.) Preference to those who have recently had cataract surgery or have it scheduled soon and who have been told this is the strength they'll want. (These could well be useless if your surgery is significantly different than mine was.) They aren't great long-term glasses, but were just what I needed as I was waiting for my eyes to adjust before getting a new prescription. NOTE: Fair offer policy applies so these won't be available for pick-up before Sunday afternoon. Please do let me know when you could pick up in your response.
Photo of free Post-cataract surgery eye glasses (West Seattle) #1
Free: Packing materials galore (West Seattle) This assortment is ideal for the Etsy-type vendor; I'm hoping it can get another reuse before it hits the recycling and compost bins. I'm happy to see it all go to one person or to several. What I've got: *Three small boxes of compostable packing peanuts *One 13-gallon bag (tall kitchen bag size) of assorted tissue paper: white, colors, patterns and more *One 13-gallon bag (tall kitchen bag size) of assorted bubble wrap: mostly clear and smaller "bubbles" some color and some larger "bubble" *One 13-gallon bag (tall kitchen bag size) of honeycomb paper wrap *One large shopping bag of brown packing paper *a small (foot tall?) pile of soft packing foam sheets Please suggest a day / time that you could pick up in West Seattle in your reply. Thanks!
Photo of free Packing materials galore (West Seattle) #1
Photo of free Packing materials galore (West Seattle) #2
Photo of free Packing materials galore (West Seattle) #3
Photo of free Packing materials galore (West Seattle) #4
+5 +4 +3
Free: Bicycle helmet (West Seattle) Gifted My husband ordered this as a replacement for the helmet that saved his life earlier this year, but it turns out Nutcase had revised its sizing so the new "large" was too big for him. He realized this the first time he wore it so it has only been worn once and since then it has sat in the house collecting dust. It would be an excellent gift for the cyclist in your life (who has a larger head); it's a cool design and an excellent product. Comes with the original box and extra padding.
Photo of free Bicycle helmet (West Seattle) #1
Photo of free Bicycle helmet (West Seattle) #2
Free: pair of 3-pound free weights (West Seattle) Gifted Pair of three-pound free weights purchased at Target earlier this year. They've only been used a few times (as it turns out that they're a little lighter than I want) and are in pretty pristine condition--ideal for budget gift-giving! They're "all in motion" brand; you can find the listing for them on Target's website if you want more details.
Photo of free pair of 3-pound free weights (West Seattle) #1
Free: Badger Beard Balm (West Seattle) Expired My husband accidentally bought Badger beard balm rather than pomade a while back, and he has since learned that it really doesn't work as pomade! This is a partially used container of beard balm--probably about 3/4s of the contents remain.
Photo of free Badger Beard Balm (West Seattle) #1
Free: Cocoa mix (West Seattle) Expired Still sealed, unopened 11-ounce canister of "Cocoa Local Valley Vanilla" powder from Sweetlife Farm on Bainbridge Island. You add 3 tablespoons of the powder to 1 cup of milk and warm it in a pan. Yum, I assume. Contents: brown sugar, cane sugar, cocoa, cornstarch, spice, and flavorings. I found this while clearing through my cupboard and have no idea how old it might be but it *is* sealed and I don't think anything with this much sugar in it can go off. There is no expiration date on the container. When I shake it it sounds like powder, not a solid mass.
Photo of free Cocoa mix (West Seattle) #1
Free: Cocoa mix (West Seattle) Expired Unopened 11-ounce canister of "Cocoa Local Valley Vanilla" powder from Sweetlife Farm on Bainbridge Island which seems to have gone out of business. You add 3 tablespoons of the powder to 1 cup of milk and warm it in a pan. Yum, I assume. Contents: brown sugar, cane sugar, cocoa, cornstarch, spice, and flavorings. I found this while clearing through my cupboard and have no idea how old it might be but it *is* sealed and I don't think anything with this much sugar in it can go off. There is no expiration date on the container. When I shake it it sounds like powder, not a solid mass. While it's hot today, winter is on its way and this would be lovely when it's cold and snowy.
Photo of free Cocoa mix (West Seattle) #1
Free: Fresh picked Italian plums (WS) (West Seattle) Gifted These were just picked a few hours ago from an organic / no pesticides or fertilizers tree in my backyard. A few are very ripe and a few could likely use a day or two to ripen further but they're all ready to go *now.* They are *perfect* for the NYT plum torte recipe (/). Please let me know how many you'd like and when you could collect them. I don't have room for them in my refrigerator so preference to those who are most local (to West Seattle) and able to pick up soon. The photo shows four "flats"; please say if you want one flat (or more) or if you want a specific number of plums Thanks so much for helping these go to good use!
Photo of free Fresh picked Italian plums (WS) (West Seattle) #1
Free: glass tealight candle containers (West Seattle) Expired Any candle-makers out there? Offering seven nice *glass* containers that previously held tea-light candles that I assume could be refilled with fresh wax and wicks to hold candles once more. They could also be used to organize tiny things: beads, earrings, seeds, pins, etc. Oh! so many possibilities that it would be an absolute crime to have to trash them. Easy porch-side pick up in West Seattle. Tell me when you could collect. Thanks!
Photo of free glass tealight candle containers (West Seattle) #1
Free: Candy + weight-loss (West Seattle) Gifted We continue to get misdelivered Amazon packages (Ross Summers! Correct your address!) which means another hodgepodge offering on trash nothing. Today's eclectic mix: Wild Berry Skittles (15.6 oz bag) Strawberry Margarita Cordials (4 oz. bag / contains no alcohol according to the label) 365-brand Peppermints (1.5 oz tin) and Night Time Weight Loss product from Biotequelab. inc (2 fl. oz) I'm tempted to promise the collection to the person who writes the most Hemingwayesque short story about this array of products, but I'll really just be happy to see all of it go to an appreciative home. I'm willing to split the collection up (weight-loss to one; candies to someone else), but I'd also be delighted to see it all go at once. No delivery available; you must pick up in West Seattle during daylight hours. Thanks!
Photo of free Candy + weight-loss (West Seattle) #1
Free: Cleaners (West Seattle) Gifted Amazon misdelivered a package for Ross Summers (if you know Ross, please ask him to correct his address with Amazon!) and they don't want it back. I don't want it either so I'm offering it here. There are three items; take one or all three: 1) Total drug free detox + support for liver. Nano brand. 30 capsules 2) Stardrops -- The Pink Stuff -- The Miracle All Purpose Cleaning Paste (1.1 lb size I'm guessing) 3) Nialnant Non Scratch Wire Dish Cloth (3 pcs, according to the packaging) Preference would be given to anyone who can get Amazon to correct Ross's mailing address (this isn't the first package we've received for him and I weary of wasting my time trying to get Amazon to take things back and/or fix Ross's address in their system), but that seems a long shot so I'll be happy just to get it off of my porch.
Photo of free Cleaners (West Seattle) #1
Free: Tomato starts (West Seattle) Gifted These were started from Territorial Seed Company seeds and have had an organic youth. They're small but healthy and will undoubtedly thrive once planted in good dirt in the the warm sun. Three types: 1) Cherry Buzz cherry tomato. 55-day "tasty, bite-sized treats." Indeterminate. 2 PLANTS 2) San Marzano sauce/paste tomato. 78-day "meaty and thick-walled." Indeterminate. 2 PLANTS 3) Legend early tomato. 68-day "sweet tomato with just the right amount of acid flavor." Determinate. 3 PLANTS Let me know how many you want of each type and how soon you can collect from my front porch. I planted their friends today and I'd like for these fellows to start in their forever homes as soon as possible so preference given to those who can collect soonest. Thanks!
Photo of free Tomato starts (West Seattle) #1
Photo of free Tomato starts (West Seattle) #2
Photo of free Tomato starts (West Seattle) #3
Free: Coffee (West Seattle) Gifted Reposting because I really thought this would be snapped up! Bag of Bellingham-based roaster (hammerheadcoffee.com) coffee, ground for French press. It was a gift that turns out to be too dark a roast for our tastes; it's 12 ounces less a tablespoon or two. Handy porch pick-up; respond with day/time you can pick up. Thanks!
Photo of free Coffee (West Seattle) #1
Free: Concord grape vine cuttings (West Seattle) Gifted UPDATED: It's been a while since I pruned these but many are still green and ready to develop roots given a chance (aka water or soil). Tuesday was a beautiful day for pruning grapes so I now have a pile of freshly cut canes. In my experience, pruned canes root very easily so if you want to try your hand at growing your own Concord grapes, this is your lucky day! Let me know how many cuttings you want and how soon you can pick them up. Photos show 1) close-up on cut edge showing vine is live; 2) pile of cuttings; 3) what the original vines produce / look like in late summer. Thanks!
Photo of free Concord grape vine cuttings (West Seattle) #1
Photo of free Concord grape vine cuttings (West Seattle) #2
Photo of free Concord grape vine cuttings (West Seattle) #3
Free: "Velvet Elvis" ground coffee (West Seattle) Gifted Bag of Bellingham-based roaster (hammerheadcoffee.com) coffee, ground for French press. It was a gift that turns out to be too dark a roast for our tastes; it's 12 ounces less a tablespoon or two. Handy porch pick-up; respond with day/time you can pick up. Thanks!
Photo of free "Velvet Elvis" ground coffee (West Seattle) #1
Free: Small shipping boxes (West Seattle) Gifted A number of boxes ideal for Etsy-type shipments: those in the top row are 6" x 6" x 6"; the two Origin boxes in the center of the lower row are about 2.5" x 6.25" x 8.5". I also have some biodegradable packing peanuts and eco-friendly packaging I'd be happy to have someone reuse. Easy porch pick-up! Please suggest a day/time you could collect in your reply. Thanks for helping me keep these out of the recycling bin.
Photo of free Small shipping boxes (West Seattle) #1
Free: Unused USPS flat-rate boxes (West Seattle) Gifted In the early days of the pandemic I ordered and received a bunch of flat-rate boxes from the USPS, thinking I'd be doing a lot of shipping, but the boxes I got weren't really the size I needed so 17 boxes, conveniently flat, have sat for a few years. These are the "medium flat rate" size, meaning 12" x 3.5" x 13.625". Yes, you can might be able to find the same boxes in the same condition at your local PO, but I've got these I'd love to get out of my house and I don't want to lug them to *my* local PO. Easy porch pick-up. Give a day and time you could pick up please. Thanks!
Photo of free Unused USPS flat-rate boxes (West Seattle) #1
Free: water bottle -- unused (West Seattle) Gifted Made of recycled aluminum, this water bottle has a RET Physical Therapy logo and verbiage on it, but that doesn't affect how useful you'll find it. Learn more about Liberty bottles here: /. It's still in its original packaging--never used. Easy porch pick up. Please provide a day and time you could pick up. Thanks!
Photo of free water bottle -- unused (West Seattle) #1
Free: old school plug-in clock (West Seattle) Expired Small bedside clock featuring a cute kitten picture. It works fine, BUT after it's been running a while it emits a loud buzzing noise that can be pretty annoying so I'm not sure if you'd really want it by your bed. Convenient porch pick-up. Please give day and time when you could collect it.
Photo of free old school plug-in clock (West Seattle) #1