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Request: Toaster in good condition (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) In need of toaster for teacher’s lounge. Thanks
Request: Braava iRobot Navigation GPS Cube (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) NorthStar Navigation GPS Cube Virtual Wall For Braava iROBOT
Photo of Braava iRobot Navigation GPS Cube (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #1
Request: Shower curtain rod neede (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Expired Hello, should anyone have a decent looking shower curtain rod they no longer need, please pass it my way. Preorder with all accessories. Thanks
Free: Many things (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Gifted We photos. Let me know what and when so I can put it out.
Photo of free Many things (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #1
Photo of free Many things (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #2
Photo of free Many things (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #3
Photo of free Many things (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: 2 sets of bed/sofa risers (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Gifted If you need these risers, come ad pick them up in Hyattsville. Can leave them in a plastic bag on door steps. All wood
Photo of free 2 sets of bed/sofa risers (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #1
Request: 1ft x 6ft piece of wood (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Received Needed-piece of wood measuring 1ft by 6ft to use as shelf to hold plants
Free: Ceiling fan with lights (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Gifted Works great, took down because of renovations. All parts are unclouded. Easy to install. Free free free - you pick up.
Photo of free Ceiling fan with lights (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #1
Free: JVC TV, lamp and foldable table (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Gifted Free on curbside . JVC tv (24”) with hdmi and remote control; not flat screen nor bulky. Foldable table which I had prepared to refinish but didn’t get a chance and tall lamp. See pictures. First come first serve. Will post when things start to disappear. Don’t deliver! Text if truly interested may be able to hold it for you.
Photo of free JVC TV, lamp and foldable table (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #1
Photo of free JVC TV, lamp and foldable table (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #2
Photo of free JVC TV, lamp and foldable table (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #3
Photo of free JVC TV, lamp and foldable table (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Computer chair, very comfortable (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Gifted The chair is black and comfortable. In good condition and kept clean. Has a little Frey but nothing to fuss about; hardly noticeable. Just doesn’t stay up; goes down once you set it up And sit on it. It’s at my mother’s house in Hyattsville, very close to Takoma Park. Will put photos.
Request: Bunk bed needed metal or wood (Silver spring) Expired Twin size will be great. Or twin/full. Really appreciate it. See pictures for suggestions. Thanks so much.
Photo of Bunk bed needed metal or wood (Silver spring) #1
Photo of Bunk bed needed metal or wood (Silver spring) #2
Request: Guitar for teenager learning (Silver spring) Expired Hello, should you have any old guitar you no longer use or need that you can gift to high school teens who need to practice at home; I can help take them off your back. I already gave all the ones I had and more teens asked to help them get some. Thanks
Request: Old type iPhone or tablet charger (Rockville, MD) Received See picture. Should you have an old Apple iPhone or iPod charger you don’t use anymore, I could really use it. Thanks
Photo of Old type iPhone or tablet charger (Rockville, MD) #1
Request: Acoustic Guitars (Rockville, MD) Expired Kids in my high school are taking guitar lesson and they can really use guitars. Should you have one or more to spare, it will be used and loved. I donated one already and that kid is a natural, the guitar helped. Thanks
Free: Queen size mattress- used (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Gifted This is a used queen size mattress. It has water and juice stain. Only 5 years old from Sears. In good condition, still firm.
Photo of free Queen size mattress- used (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #1
Photo of free Queen size mattress- used (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #2
Photo of free Queen size mattress- used (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #3
Free: Plastic Stackable chairs (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Gifted About 2 white and 4 green stackable chairs. Only serious people who are interested should respond.
Photo of free Plastic Stackable chairs (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #1
Free: Plastic Stackable chairs (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Expired About 4 or 5 stackable chairs in white and green colors. Only serious people who are interested should respond.
Photo of free Plastic Stackable chairs (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #1
Free: Toshiba laptops for parts (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Gifted These laptops are free for parts includes the extensions. I took out the memory from both. They worked but very slow and wouldn’t pick up internet. So can use the parts or add your own memory. It’s in Hyattsville at my mom’s house. A pick up any time after 5pm but must arange pickup.
Photo of free Toshiba laptops for parts (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #1
Photo of free Toshiba laptops for parts (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #2
Request: Electric Orange juice squeezer (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Expired Don’t j ow if I put it correctly but it’s an electrical squeezer for oranges to make orange juice
Request: Calculators as many as posible (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Expired Should you have any calculators you no longer need, I need them for my high school class. Don’t want to give them an excuse to Use their cell phones. Thanks
Request: Small cabinet or night table (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Expired Hello if you have a small cabinet or night stand, no matter the condition, I could really use it. Thanks
Request: Wall decore (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Expired Should you have one of these mirrored wall decore you are not in love with anymore, please let me know. I would really love it for my home. Thanks
Photo of Wall decore (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #1
Request: Weed wacker (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Expired Need a working weed wacker. Thank you.
Free: Lots of electronics (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Expired Plugs, old phones, ear plugs, chargers, adapters, etc.
Photo of free Lots of electronics (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) #1
Request: Vintage briefcase (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Expired Need old/vintage briefcase for a party theme. Thanks
Free: Glider foot rest (hyattsville, MD near Takoma pk) Expired You can clean it up or upholster it. Works great but no longer need.