Ventura Freecycle

Ventura Freecycle has 1,482 people giving and getting free stuff and there are many more people and groups all across the United States.
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Free: collapsible laundry basket with lid (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) pick up in highland park!
Photo of free collapsible laundry basket with lid (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #1
Photo of free collapsible laundry basket with lid (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #2
Photo of free collapsible laundry basket with lid (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #3
Free: 2 glass teal mixing bowls (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) pick up in highland park!
Photo of free 2 glass teal mixing bowls (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #1
Photo of free 2 glass teal mixing bowls (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #2
Photo of free 2 glass teal mixing bowls (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #3
Free: white hanes socks (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) Promised hanes socks never used, still tied together. pick up in highland park!
Photo of free white hanes socks (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #1
Photo of free white hanes socks (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #2
Free: 6 OXO drawer dividers (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) Promised pick up in highland park!
Photo of free 6 OXO drawer dividers (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #1
Photo of free 6 OXO drawer dividers (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #2
Photo of free 6 OXO drawer dividers (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #3
Free: 2 wall mounted shelves (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) never mounted, like new. pick up in highland park!
Photo of free 2 wall mounted shelves (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #1
Photo of free 2 wall mounted shelves (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #2
Photo of free 2 wall mounted shelves (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #3
Free: IKEA wicker laundry basket (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) Promised in great condition, pick up in highland park!
Photo of free IKEA wicker laundry basket (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #1
Photo of free IKEA wicker laundry basket (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #2
Photo of free IKEA wicker laundry basket (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #3
Free: SUPER soft Hara the Label underwear (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) M/L but has stretch too. SUPER SOFT material. never used. pick up in highland park!
Photo of free SUPER soft Hara the Label underwear (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #1
Photo of free SUPER soft Hara the Label underwear (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #2
Free: Lasko standing fan (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) Promised in perfect working condition. three speed settings and works great as white noise. pick up in highland park!
Photo of free Lasko standing fan (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #1
Photo of free Lasko standing fan (Highland Park/Eagle Rock) #2
Free: Ventilator fan with light (Culver City / Palms) Might be missing a part
Photo of free Ventilator fan with light (Culver City / Palms) #1
Free: 2 Mattres cover for moving any size (Culver City / Palms)
Photo of free 2 Mattres cover for moving any size (Culver City / Palms) #1
Request: Flatbed scanner to scan old photos (SFV, SaMo, Westside) I am looking for flatbed scanner to scan old family photos. I've been digitizing my old family photos (B&W and color), but unfortunately my scanner dropped dead. Looking for flatbed scanner of any brand, with at least 2400 DPI resolution. Thank you in advance :)
Request: Moving boxes (East hollywood) I will take any moving boxes please!
Free: Gardening table (Culver City / Palms)
Photo of free Gardening table (Culver City / Palms) #1
Free: Window A/C, small microwave (Culver City / Palms)
Request: Pick ax and shovel (dtla) Looking for equipment to turn an empty lot by my work into a community garden. Need to pull up the weeds and turn the soil. Pick ax, long handle shovel, rake, etc. also if you have large heavy duty garbage bags to clean up the trash. Thanks! Allison
Request: Agaves (Duarte) I am looking for agaves including century plants (A. americana) and foxtail (A. attenuata). I would be happy to come and dig up any that you do not want. Thank you.
Request: Lock for door with key (Los Angeles California) I need a new lock for my door with key.preferably the kind with a door knob in working condition.
Free: Single Hole Punch (Near Downtown LA) 8 Single Hole Punches.
Photo of free Single Hole Punch (Near Downtown LA) #1
Free: Pendaflexes (Near Downtown LA) New, Used, different colors, Legal Size
Photo of free Pendaflexes (Near Downtown LA) #1
Photo of free Pendaflexes (Near Downtown LA) #2
Photo of free Pendaflexes (Near Downtown LA) #3
Free: Various apartment furniture (1724 Clinton St front and back) Out front: 3 Bureau, 2 dressers, head board and bed frame. 2 stands. Large mirror. Three book shelves Out back shelves, 2 mattresses, cushions, large mirror And miscellaneous small items.
Request: Clear Storage Totes (Whittier) Looking for clear storage totes; in case you’ll be getting rid of any, would appreciate them, thank you!
Request: Massage Bed (San Pedro) Please for my chronic pain; I would be able to get in the right position for the heating pad to help me. Will also help me massage my wife like a good husband. : ) Thank you!
Free: Tall shelf, low shelf, glass doors (12709 Shenley St, on sidewalk) Two furniture pieces FREE for taking: The tall unit is about 6 1/2 ft all. The short unit with glass doors is about 4 ft long. In front of 12709 Shenley St, Sylmar. "First come, first served" as they say.
Photo of free Tall shelf, low shelf, glass doors (12709 Shenley St, on sidewalk) #1
Photo of free Tall shelf, low shelf, glass doors (12709 Shenley St, on sidewalk) #2
Photo of free Tall shelf, low shelf, glass doors (12709 Shenley St, on sidewalk) #3
Request: Large format scanner (>11”x17”) (Echo Park) Hi! I’m an artist in search of a large format/graphic arts scanner that can accommodate at least 11”x17” images, please. I am willing to drive far for it. Thanks for considering!
Photo of Large format scanner (>11”x17”) (Echo Park) #1
Request: Stereo receiver and/or turntable (Beverly Hills) Looking for a working stereo receiver and or automatic turntable as well. Thank you.
Request: Can opener(s) (Westwood) Need one or more to open canned foods but don’t want to buy a new one after mine broke
Request: Market umbrella (Sevenhills) I'm looking for a market umbrella, or a very large beach umbrella. I mistakenly broke mine. Just let me know where to pick it up. Thank you
Photo of Market umbrella (Sevenhills) #1
Request: Banjo (Sevenhills) Hi. Does anyone have a banjo laying around that they want to get rid of? (Stock photo) I'll take it off your hands. Thank you very much😊
Photo of Banjo (Sevenhills) #1
Free: puzzles (Sevenhills) 500's and a 600 piece puzzle. These were given to my mom by an aunt. My mom never worked them so I can't tell you if they're complete. But I would guess yes. If you're ready to take a chance, come and get them. Pick up in Tujunga.
Photo of free puzzles (Sevenhills) #1
Free: Body builder magazines (Sevenhills) Collection of various body builder magazines, and a bunch of fitness books and workout program materials. Pick up in tujunga.
Photo of free Body builder magazines (Sevenhills) #1
Photo of free Body builder magazines (Sevenhills) #2
Photo of free Body builder magazines (Sevenhills) #3
Photo of free Body builder magazines (Sevenhills) #4
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