Free stuff near Chateaugay, New York

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Free: 2 light wood bar stools (Navan) Relatively Good condition - some scratches and dings along the edges of the top of the bar stools.
Photo of free 2 light wood bar stools (Navan) #1
Free: Hockey sticks (Navan) 4 hockey sticks. Different sizes. Two cut down and slightly used, one indoor plastic, one used goalie stick. All go together please.
Photo of free Hockey sticks (Navan) #1
Request: Used pc (Village) "Hello, I’m looking for a used desktop computer (just the tower and its components) or a mini computer for a tech project. If you have one that you no longer need, I would be very grateful. Thank you!" French: "Bonjour, je recherche un ordinateur de bureau usagé (seulement la tour et ses composants) pour un projet tech. Si vous en avez un dont vous n’avez plus besoin, je serais très reconnaissant(e). Merci !"
Free: old atlases (Ottawa east-side) Michelin Europe Tourist & Motoring Atlas 2001, AAA North American Road Atlas 2003, Rand McNally US, Canada, Mexico 1994, Michelin Tourist & Motoring Atlas France 1998, Rand McNally World Atlas 1951 (Hard cover, well used), All are large format (30 x 40 cm).
Request: Used pc (Village) "Hello, I’m looking for a used desktop computer (just the tower and its components) for a tech project. If you have one that you no longer need, I would be very grateful. Thank you!" French: "Bonjour, je recherche un ordinateur de bureau usagé (seulement la tour et ses composants) pour un projet tech. Si vous en avez un dont vous n’avez plus besoin, je serais très reconnaissant(e). Merci !"
Request: Dresser (Downtown Burlington) Seeking functioning dresser, ideally within 20 minutes of downtown Burlington.
Request: small chest freezer (St Albans City) Seeking smallish working freezer for use in garage