Free stuff near Cresaptown, Maryland

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Free: GE LED boards (Siler) GE sent me the wrong parts and doesn't want them back. Not sure what to do with them so offering up before trashing. 3 tower LED boards and 1 top LED board. Kids science project?
Photo of free GE LED boards (Siler) #1
Free: Bathroom wall cabinet (Siler) Wall cabinet. Solid wood. 31" x 24" x 10"
Photo of free Bathroom wall cabinet (Siler) #1
Free: Vessel sink (Siler) White vessel sink. 27.5" x 15.5" x 4" Believe it's made of resin. Needs a good cleaning but in otherwise decent shape.
Photo of free Vessel sink (Siler) #1
Free: Bistro table set (Siler) Bistro table with two folding chairs. Plastic on chairs is wearing away, with some pieces broken off. Can't guarantee chairs won't continue to fall apart - might be a good wood working project since the frames are solid.
Photo of free Bistro table set (Siler) #1
Request: Lally pole(s (Shepherdstown WV) Lally Pole (or Lally Column) needed. These are used in a basement to support an overhead floor.
Photo of Lally pole(s (Shepherdstown WV) #1
Photo of Lally pole(s (Shepherdstown WV) #2
Request: Couch (Point. Marion pa) Iam in need of a couch very badly....sectional preferably but I'll take anything
Free: Tank tops (Williamsport) Both are 2xl but the size seems closer to xl. Please take both.
Photo of free Tank tops (Williamsport) #1
Photo of free Tank tops (Williamsport) #2
Free: Child’s winter hat (Williamsport) Never used
Photo of free Child’s winter hat (Williamsport) #1
Photo of free Child’s winter hat (Williamsport) #2
Free: Paper towel holder (Williamsport)
Photo of free Paper towel holder (Williamsport) #1
Free: Mouse pad (Williamsport)
Photo of free Mouse pad (Williamsport) #1
Photo of free Mouse pad (Williamsport) #2
Request: Toddler car seats (Hagerstown md) I am in need of 2 toddler car seats please
Request: Bag of concrete (Winchester) Looking for half a bag or so of concrete, if anyone has any leftover from projects they are willing to part with
Request: Chain link fence posts (Shepherdstown, WV) Chain link fence posts, metal, 2.5” in diameter and over 7’ long are needed. See pictures.
Photo of Chain link fence posts (Shepherdstown, WV) #1
Photo of Chain link fence posts (Shepherdstown, WV) #2
Request: of ring cam (Hagerstown.) Looking for just a regular ring camera not a doorbell. Anybody have one they’re willing to part with would be much appreciated.
Free: Wooden Magazine Rack (Lewistown, MD) Needs cosmetic refurbishing but structurally very sound.
Photo of free Wooden Magazine Rack (Lewistown, MD) #1
Request: Large metal barrels (Shepherdstown WV) 55 Gallon Steel Barrels will serve my purpose; with lids if available.
Photo of Large metal barrels (Shepherdstown WV) #1
Photo of Large metal barrels (Shepherdstown WV) #2
Request: Mini Fridge that has a freezer (Augusta WV) looking for a free mini fridge that has a freezer moved and in need of one for my camper
Request: George Forman grill (Augusta WV) looking for a george forman grill for free
Free: Bubble mailers (Halfway- Hagerstown) Lots of sizes. Great to reuse if you sell things online!
Photo of free Bubble mailers (Halfway- Hagerstown) #1
Request: Rice Cooker (Shepherdstown, WV) Rice Cooker of any size and in working condition is needed.
Photo of Rice Cooker (Shepherdstown, WV) #1
Request: Interested in any bulbs or tubers (South Chambersburg) Something I can plant now that will bloom this year or next.
Photo of Interested in any bulbs or tubers (South Chambersburg) #1
Request: Chain link fencing and parts needed (Shepherdstown, WV) Any size fencing along with posts and framing poles and parts ate needed for a chicken pen.
Photo of Chain link fencing and parts needed (Shepherdstown, WV) #1
Photo of Chain link fencing and parts needed (Shepherdstown, WV) #2
Photo of Chain link fencing and parts needed (Shepherdstown, WV) #3
Request: adjustable dress form (Middletown) Does anyone have an adjustable dress form that is still usable? I can put it to good use.
Request: Boat (Hagerstown) ISO John boat with trailer
Request: logs (New Market) Already cut
Request: Large air purifiers (Jefferson County) I'm in need of large air purifiers for my home. My husband has asthma and other respiratory problems.
Request: Plastic sand box with cover (Shepherdstown, WV) I need a few of these covered plastic sand boxes to use as delousing pits for my chickens to take dust bathes. The sturdier - the better. Any color and about 3 feet in diameter would work. (Hens don’t care about color.)
Photo of Plastic sand box with cover (Shepherdstown, WV) #1
Photo of Plastic sand box with cover (Shepherdstown, WV) #2
Request: Books in Good Condition (352 Outpost Rd Luray VA) I am looking for Good Condition Books, from 1st book to adult books. These books are free to children and adults in NC, available in Library Box. My location is Luray VA, and my pickup goes Front Royal & Harrisonburg.
Request: Dog Kennel (Shepherdstown, WV) I’m needing a 10’x10’x6’ chain link Kennel with door In useable / repairable condition to keep two pet Roosters, Buster and Bubba. Their free-ranging days are over, thanks to Mr. Fox.
Photo of Dog Kennel (Shepherdstown, WV) #1
Request: The Women by Kristin Hannah (book) (Braddock Heights) looking for a copy of this book in good condition.