Free stuff near Englishtown, New Jersey

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Request: Dirt (Red Bank) If anyone has any extra dirt lying around, I could use it. Thank you.
Free: Rabbit food mix (Aberdeen by train station) Bag opened but basically full.
Photo of free Rabbit food mix (Aberdeen by train station) #1
Free: Cat litter box (Middletown) Could any cat rescues use this? I got the storage box from Costco, but I used it as a litter box for my two indoor cats. It's in great condition. It just needs to be cleaned. Pick up Middletown.
Photo of free Cat litter box (Middletown) #1
Photo of free Cat litter box (Middletown) #2
Request: Computer monitor (08520) Looking for a computer monitor can pick up anytime.
Free: Six 5 in D-Ring Binders (Eatontown) My project ended up to be larger than what I had originally anticipated. So, I had to buy 6 inch binders instead. Otherwise, I would have kept these. A little wear and tear.
Photo of free Six 5 in D-Ring Binders (Eatontown) #1
Photo of free Six 5 in D-Ring Binders (Eatontown) #2
Free: Amika Blow Dryer Brush (Freehold Township) Has only been used once
Photo of free Amika Blow Dryer Brush (Freehold Township) #1
Photo of free Amika Blow Dryer Brush (Freehold Township) #2
Free: Roll of “puffing foil” (Fair Haven) Gold, 20” x 50’ (don’t know if any is used)
Photo of free Roll of “puffing foil” (Fair Haven) #1
Request: small end tables (Monroe Township, NJ) New home and in need of furniture. Would anyone like to give a new home to some already loved end tables? Thanks so much
Free: Bedroom Set -Solid Oak - Beautiful (Somerset) Solid Oak bedroom set consist of a bed, with built in storage, lighting and back mirror. Really a nice set. It's heavy due to real solid wood. Dresser and mirror are in 2 pieces and ready now. Bed is currently in use and needs to be picked exactly on 3/22. We need a definate commitment because we are moving a few days later and I don't want to have to pay someone to remove it. Thank you. Mark
Photo of free Bedroom Set -Solid Oak - Beautiful (Somerset) #1
Photo of free Bedroom Set -Solid Oak - Beautiful (Somerset) #2
Photo of free Bedroom Set -Solid Oak - Beautiful (Somerset) #3
Request: Baby Play Yard fence (Somerset) Looking for a baby play yard fence to contain my grandchildren outside on my patio .
Free: canned and dried foods, other stuff (Browns Mills) I inherited a good group of canned goods and dry food. The sell by dates are old but still should be good. I do not need the overstock I have. If anyone would like to help themselves, the items are on a white table in my driveway. I will be placing things there all week. The items can be anything. Right now, there is an older computer that is in great condition with a monitor, keyboard and mouse. Saturday will be the last day because it will be raining Sunday. Items will be added daily. This is a first come, first serve. 52 Hydrangea Street, Browns Mills
Photo of free canned and dried foods, other stuff (Browns Mills) #1
Request: Video game system (perth amboy) Looking for an old PlayStation or Xbox console
Free: Boxes - Huge (Somerset) Promised Folded in half 3' by 6' Box is 3' x 3' x 3' Double walled Would make a great playhouse (indoors) 4 Boxes available
Photo of free Boxes - Huge (Somerset) #1
Photo of free Boxes - Huge (Somerset) #2
Request: Food processor and yogurt maker (Leonardo/Middletown) Hi I would love the working food processor and or yogurt maker that you no longer use or need. Thanks for checking.
Free: Round table (Wedgewood Place) 40” round 30” high No chairs Round rug included
Photo of free Round table (Wedgewood Place) #1
Request: Embroidery machine (South Plainfield) I’ve been wanting to start embroidering my own clothes, but embroidery machines can be so expensive! So, I thought I’d give this a shot. I’m looking for a computerized embroidery machine that allows me to upload my own designs. I know it’s a long shot, but I’m hopeful! If you have one you’re willing to part with, I’d love to hear from you. Thanks for taking the time to read my post!
Request: Used bricks or pavement stones (Near Manville, NJ) Looking for leftover bricks or pavement stones for patio. Had built a pallet padio during Covid. Now the wood is rotting I'm looking for something else to fill in the space without upkeeping.
Photo of Used bricks or pavement stones (Near Manville, NJ) #1
Request: Art supplies (Freehold/howell) Especially for watercolor art, waterproof pens, markers carrier
Free: Men’s soccer Cleats -Size 12 Adidas (Westfield, NJ) Adidas Predator Demonscale. Worn but still useable. Still in decent condition. Would hate to just throw away. See pictures. Front porch pickup
Photo of free Men’s soccer Cleats -Size 12 Adidas (Westfield, NJ) #1
Photo of free Men’s soccer Cleats -Size 12 Adidas (Westfield, NJ) #2
Photo of free Men’s soccer Cleats -Size 12 Adidas (Westfield, NJ) #3
Free: Men’s Shoes by Rockport Size 12 (Westfield, NJ) Casual shoes, worn but still in decent condition. Size 12. Would hate to just throw away. See pictures Front porch pickup
Photo of free Men’s Shoes by Rockport Size 12 (Westfield, NJ) #1
Photo of free Men’s Shoes by Rockport Size 12 (Westfield, NJ) #2
Photo of free Men’s Shoes by Rockport Size 12 (Westfield, NJ) #3
Request: Baseball/Football Sports Cards (Westfield, NJ) In search of baseball/football cards to expand collection for kids looking to get into the hobby
Free: String of white mini lights (KeyportNJ) Not sure the length (it's coiled) but I suspect it's 20-30'. Indoor - outdoor. White wire. Incandescent bulbs. It was used outdoors. All the bulbs appear to be working
Free: Wasabi paste x4 (Aberdeen by train station) My Mother-in-Law gave us to these . Not sure why lol.
Photo of free Wasabi paste x4 (Aberdeen by train station) #1
Free: Cobble stones (Belford) Cobble stones / Belgium blocks
Photo of free Cobble stones (Belford) #1
Free: Charcoal briquettes (Linden) Former owner used trays of these to deodorize basement. We don't need them and don't have a charcoal grill. Easy porch pickup
Photo of free Charcoal briquettes (Linden) #1
Free: Rino Tuff .095in Trimmer Line (Linden) 40Ft. New. Bought the wrong size. Easy porch pickup
Photo of free Rino Tuff .095in Trimmer Line (Linden) #1
Free: Wood End Tables (Somerset) Promised Two small end tables. One basically half the width of the other. Great shape, no issues. Goes well with other items I have listed.
Photo of free Wood End Tables (Somerset) #1
Photo of free Wood End Tables (Somerset) #2
Request: Working VHS player (Somerville area) Seeking a working VHS player to transfer my old VHS tapes to an electronic format
Request: “Support Ukraine” sign (Fair Haven) Blue and yellow
Free: Brake pads (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) These pads are for a 1st generation Ridgeline and should fit model years 2009-2014 (possible they could fit earlier years). I was doing the brake job myself, installed these on the front wheels, drove them for about 500 miles but ended up removing them because I was not able to complete the rear wheels myself - so I brought the truck to a shop to complete all four wheels using their own brake pads. There are four pads and mounting clips in the box.
Photo of free Brake pads (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) #1
Photo of free Brake pads (Off of Rt 206 and Triangle Rd) #2