Free stuff near Fayette County, Illinois

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Free: Vintage tricycles (TG South / Ultra Self Storage) 2 well loved tricycles from the 1960s. Creative people...these are calling your name!!!!
Photo of free Vintage tricycles (TG South / Ultra Self Storage) #1
Photo of free Vintage tricycles (TG South / Ultra Self Storage) #2
Photo of free Vintage tricycles (TG South / Ultra Self Storage) #3
Photo of free Vintage tricycles (TG South / Ultra Self Storage) #4
+2 +1
Request: Curio Cabinet (St. Louis) I'm looking for a VERY small curio cabinet! Plus if it is just on 4 legs!
Request: Plant saucers (St. Louis) ISO large plant saucers/pots for 3 plants I have recently acquired.
Request: Cube style shelf (Breckenridge hills) My wife starting to do crafts and in need of some sort of storage system kinda like pictured anything would help.
Photo of Cube style shelf (Breckenridge hills) #1
Free: Alley Find Pennsylvania & Walsh (5124 A Pennsylvania) Assorted furniture & appliances
Photo of free Alley Find Pennsylvania & Walsh (5124 A Pennsylvania) #1
Photo of free Alley Find Pennsylvania & Walsh (5124 A Pennsylvania) #2
Photo of free Alley Find Pennsylvania & Walsh (5124 A Pennsylvania) #3
Request: upright dresser (The whole Saint Louis Area) Hello, I am in need of a upright dresser please, Thank you in advance
Request: Study table and chairs (Central west end) Looking for any decent condition study table and office chair for long study hours. Also looking for a vaccum cleaner.
Free: everything (Kingsford and Shackleford) Promised Large wooden hutch and cabinet, bench, 2 bathroom vanities working condition, modern toilet (new),and much more! Professional construction and housing tools, for purchase but very inexpensive! Bring a truck if you are serious! Message me for the address. Come Saturday 11 AM to 2 PM.
Photo of free everything (Kingsford and Shackleford) #1
Photo of free everything (Kingsford and Shackleford) #2
Photo of free everything (Kingsford and Shackleford) #3
Photo of free everything (Kingsford and Shackleford) #4
+4 +3 +2
Request: Ceiling fan or parts (1531 Pine Saint louis) Call3147662878 .Ask for Curt
Request: Fabric (Belleville, IL) Spring cleaning as a sewist? I’ll take any fabric you’re purging and put it to use making clothing/useful items and teaching others to do the same for free!
Free: 7 ft prelit Christmas Tree with bag (Springfield West Side) Tree is disassembled and packed in the bag so no pictures. Branches show some wear but the lights work and looks good decorated. Pick-up only.
Free: Base from sleep number bed (63114) Mattress base. King size or can be used for 2 twin size. The 4 flat pieces are approx 38 in x 40 in. They basically make 2 rectangles top and sides. No delivery. Pick up near St Charles Rock Rd and Brown Rd 63114
Photo of free Base from sleep number bed (63114) #1
Photo of free Base from sleep number bed (63114) #2
Photo of free Base from sleep number bed (63114) #3
Free: Assorted Holiday items (St. Louis-Southampton) Ornament Candle hold While hanging Candy dish Basket All items like new.
Photo of free Assorted Holiday items (St. Louis-Southampton) #1
Photo of free Assorted Holiday items (St. Louis-Southampton) #2
Photo of free Assorted Holiday items (St. Louis-Southampton) #3