Free stuff near Fort Hamilton, New York
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Apple laptop or computer computer (Manhattan/Brooklyn/queen)
Hi guys, I am looking for an apple laptop or a computer please if someone is upgrading or have an extra one that will be great, I am requesting Apple because I am more comfortable using Apple. Will really appreciate it, thank you so much in advance and God bless.




Woman’s Gold Jacket (Brooklyn Storage)
XL PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE



Smart TV (Manhattan/Brooklyn/queen)
Hi guys, I’m looking for a smart TV if anybody is upgrading or getting rid of one please let me know. Thank you so much. God bless.

Box(rd) of Vogue magazines (East Flatbush)
At least one big box of old Vogue magazines!* Seem to all be from around 2014. Anyone into vintage fashion or collage? Lmk when you can come by. I may also have some more recent Vanity Fair’s to add to the pile.. (& Jacobins and Mother Jones and In These Times-none of which are fashion magazines ;) P/U this Saturday after 4 or Sunday after 12 PS - * I realize there’s another box underneath that I didn’t check, which probably has more “vintage” Vogues /fashion magazines in it ...

Very sturdy metal shelves (East Flatbush)
Very solid metal shelves! If you’re interested lmk when you can come pick them up *this weekend* - Saturday after 4 or Sunday after 12. (Other times mayyybe may be possible )

Cute, solid bookshelf (East Flatbush)
Cute bookshelf (or for bathroom or etc). Very solid. Lmk when you can come for it- preferably this weekend -Saturday after 4 or Sunday after 12.

Bakers Rack (East Flatbush)
Baker’s rack! Structurally in good shape — needs some love on the top surface and side. Must pick up this weekend. If you’re interested and can come get it over the weekend lmk when you can come Saturday after 4 or Sunday after 12 and I’ll hold it for you.

Android iPhone (Brooklyn)
Hi I know I put a lot of things on requesting but I know people get new phones out there I would like to get a new phone even if you have an old iPhone maybe 2023 and you don't need it and I would love to get it you don't have to have the instructions I can learn how to do it so if anybody has one that's like 2023 to 2024 I would appreciate it a lot Joe
Moving Boxes (Brooklyn/ Bed Stuy)
Drowning in moving boxes? I’ll take ‘em! Let me take those cardboard burdens off your hands

Kalanchoe Pinnata Plant (NYC)
Also known as Amor Poi (Hindi), Kop PATA (Bengali), Patharchatta (Bangladesh), Miracle Leaf, Air Plant, Life Plant, Goethe Plant, Love Bush and Cathedral Bells
Model of a human heart (Brooklyn)
This is an old model of a human heart dated back 1985 1990 is good if you are a nurse and if you're studying to be a nurse or you want to know about more all you need to get is just a stand to hold it up it is a little bit pretty heavy so a good little sturdy stand is but pretty good I've seen good condition believe it or not somebody was a nurse and has some paperwork on him maybe you might know it so the paperwork is on the model so it tells you what the heart is I hope someone could use it if they're going to be studying

Jessica Taylor Woman’s 2Pc Suit (Brooklyn Storage)
XL PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

Haus Labs Concealer samples (Clinton Hill, Brooklyn)
Brand new

Dog ramp (31 Street and 9th Avenue)
Hello! If anyone wants to part with a small dog ramp please let me know, I'd really appreciate it. She's getting old and has trouble getting off the couch. Thank you

TV Console & TV on curb now (Bensonhurst, Brooklyn)
Console in good shape with TV on Bay 19th Street between 86th Street and Benson Avenue (right side; about 3/4 of way down street).

French Collizioni Woman’s 3pc Suit (Brooklyn Storage)
2X PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

Old Navy Woman’s White Top (Brooklyn Storage)
XL PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

New Look Woman’s Windbreaker (Brooklyn Storage)
XL PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

Green Sweater (Brooklyn Storage)
Medium PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE


FLX Woman’s Top (Brooklyn Storage)
XL PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

St John’s Bay Turtleneck (Brooklyn Storage)
XL PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

St John’s Bay Woman’s Sweater (Brooklyn Storage)
XL PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

Puma Suit for Women (Brooklyn Storage)
XL PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

Good Times Kaftan 2 (Brooklyn Storage)
One Size Fits All PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

Good Times Kaftan (Brooklyn Storage)
One size fits all PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

Sunflower Kaftan 2 (Brooklyn Storage)
Free Plus PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

Riviera Sun Kaftan 2 (Brooklyn Storage)
Free Plus PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

Rivera Sun Kaftan (Brooklyn Storage)
Free Plus PLEASE READ & UNDERSTAND ------------------------------------------------ - MUST have a day and time for pickup with in 3 days of your message or I will not respond. - No hold longer than 3 days. - NO back and forth msgs. We confirm quickly. You pick up. It's simple. - Responding to an item a doesn’t guarantee it’s available to you -DO NOT ARRIVE LATE

Knee scooter walker (Prospect Heights)
I used this scooter after foot surgery, and it was a lifesaver. It comes with a basket to carry items in. It’s in excellent condition. Photo available upon request.

Wall Decal (Stuyvesant Heights)
Purchased and never used. Sing like no one’s listening, dance like nobody’s watching and love like you’ve never been hurt.
