Free stuff near Glenn County, California

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Free: rolling kitchen island (grass valley) Fully functional, just had an experience with a sharpie. Butcher block top. Solid wood.
Photo of free rolling kitchen island (grass valley) #1
Photo of free rolling kitchen island (grass valley) #2
Free: back support recliner chair (grass valley) Cream leather. Clean and dry. I just moved it out to the barn. Was used for recovery from a back issue. Good to sleep in, too.
Photo of free back support recliner chair (grass valley) #1
Photo of free back support recliner chair (grass valley) #2
Free: cute rustic desk (grass valley) Approx 20"x 30". Functional drawer.
Photo of free cute rustic desk (grass valley) #1
Free: brass bed (grass valley) Full size. All the parts are here. This might be worth some money to someone who wants to put it back together
Photo of free brass bed (grass valley) #1
Photo of free brass bed (grass valley) #2
Request: RC cars (Olivehurst) Looking for hobby grade RC cars and trucks..
Free: several sheets of window glass (Willits, California) several sheets of window glass, one is in an aluminum frame.
Free: Spider Web Catcher (Chico) Blue spider web catcher available. The purple one pictured has been taken. Porch pick up in Chico.
Photo of free Spider Web Catcher (Chico) #1
Free: clothes drying rack (Wanchai) Taller third level is available to be added
Photo of free clothes drying rack (Wanchai) #1
Photo of free clothes drying rack (Wanchai) #2
Request: Phones (South Yuba City) In search of Any phones that may be broken, wanting to get rid of, sitting in a closet or just don’t want anymore.
Free: Handicap potty chair (Paradise California) Standard gray potty chair bucket included must come pick it up in paradise
Photo of free Handicap potty chair (Paradise California) #1
Photo of free Handicap potty chair (Paradise California) #2
Request: Insulation (Healdsburg, Ca) Looking for a few pieces of insulation (pink fluffy kind)
Free: Oak Dresser (Spring Lake, Woodland) d-18”, h-31”, w-59”
Photo of free Oak Dresser (Spring Lake, Woodland) #1
Request: Japan (Healdsburg, Ca) Looking for Japanese travel books for an upcoming spring trip.
Request: outdoor cat shelter/styrofoam chest (NorthWest Chico) looking for outdoor cat house or large styrofoam ice chest cooler to make one
Free: bale of straw (NorthWest Chico) most of a bale of straw for animal bedding or craft projects
Free: Oak dresser (Spring Lake, Woodland)
Photo of free Oak dresser (Spring Lake, Woodland) #1