Free stuff near Globe, Arizona

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Free: Hampton Bay patio chairs (Loop 101 and Raintree Road.) Four free patio chairs in need of repair. The seat fabric needs to be replaced. The seat fabric can be ordered online or replaced with a shade cloth material available locally. A flexible rod slides into a groove to hold the fabric in place. See the pictures.
Photo of free Hampton Bay patio chairs (Loop 101 and Raintree Road.) #1
Photo of free Hampton Bay patio chairs (Loop 101 and Raintree Road.) #2
Photo of free Hampton Bay patio chairs (Loop 101 and Raintree Road.) #3
Free: River rock (Mesa) We have a huge pile of river rock for free.
Photo of free River rock (Mesa) #1
Free: Leather couch set (Phoenix) Chestnut? Oxblood? Dark brown with nailhead trim. Large sofa, love seat, overstuffed chair with large ottoman. You & a helper will need to move it (1st floor, easy). Need gone ASAP.
Photo of free Leather couch set (Phoenix) #1
Photo of free Leather couch set (Phoenix) #2
Request: moving boxes (West Mesa)
Request: Trampoline Mat (South Chandler) Looking for used trampoline mat 15-16'.
Free: Wooden gate (Nw Tucson) Wooden gate ? Has some weather damage on the bottom, headboard ,1/2” drywall scraps , 30 x 48.
Photo of free Wooden gate (Nw Tucson) #1
Photo of free Wooden gate (Nw Tucson) #2
Photo of free Wooden gate (Nw Tucson) #3
Photo of free Wooden gate (Nw Tucson) #4
+2 +1
Request: Microwave (32nd street and Southern) Hello fellow Freecyclers! My little microwave just died and no longer heats anything. I’m hoping maybe someone has a little one in their garage that still works that they wouldn’t mind giving to a house in need. Please and thank you for reading my message.
Request: Motorcycle parts 🏍️ (East Valley, Gilbert) Let me know what you have. I’ll take anything from parts to entire bikes. No title, basket cases, foreign or domestic, don’t matter I’ll take it. Can really use Harley parts, chopper parts with forks anything. Thanks everyone 👋🏻
Free: Comfortable Lounge chair (Northeast Mesa) Promised Taupe. Good condition but could use a good cleaning.
Photo of free Comfortable Lounge chair (Northeast Mesa) #1
Photo of free Comfortable Lounge chair (Northeast Mesa) #2
Photo of free Comfortable Lounge chair (Northeast Mesa) #3
Photo of free Comfortable Lounge chair (Northeast Mesa) #4
+2 +1
Free: Select number mattress (San tan valley) King size, select number mattress with pump and remote. All in working order. Mattress is in working order and is 15 years old.
Free: Kitchen Cabinets (2) (Apache Junction) Brown & Standard Size Base cabinet 31” wide
Photo of free Kitchen Cabinets (2) (Apache Junction) #1
Photo of free Kitchen Cabinets (2) (Apache Junction) #2
Photo of free Kitchen Cabinets (2) (Apache Junction) #3
Request: Futon mattress (Apache junction) Looking for a futon mattress
Request: Heater washing machine (Apache junction) In need of a heater and a washing machine
Free: Genuine Lazyboy with cat damage (Uptown Phoenix) Brown. If you k ow how to restore leather claw marks this is a newish chair. It's in my carport.
Photo of free Genuine Lazyboy with cat damage (Uptown Phoenix) #1
Photo of free Genuine Lazyboy with cat damage (Uptown Phoenix) #2
Request: 1996 or older HD Chopper with forks (North Central Gilbert) Any size, color, condition as long as it’s useable
Free: Bathroom vanity light (96th Street & Thunderbird) 3ft. Bulbs not included.
Photo of free Bathroom vanity light (96th Street & Thunderbird) #1
Request: Transmission 4L65E (Mesa) Automotive looking for a 99-07 transmission 4L65E transmission for my Chevy 04 Chevy avalanche [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Request: Queen bunk bed with twin ontop (Mesa) Large good condition looking for my apartment [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Request: dinning room table and chairs (Casa grande Az Noble Circle) Hello I'm Martha I'm in need of a small but nice dinning room table and chairs I'll be getting an apt soon and am desperate for a dinning room set so if you can help please contact me if so aprciate it thanks again and be safe
Request: Single, ill woman ISO vehicle (Tempe, Arizona) Hi there- just wondering if you or someone you know might have a vehicle no loner needed or wanted? I am an AZ native in need of reliable transportation for trips to & from work, school, grocery shopping, etc. I would be more than happy to provide any additional information but will absolutely gladly & with HUGE appreciation accept any kind of vehicle offered. I’m happy to pick up anytime. Thank you in advance so much. This would make life so much easier.
Free: Utility room light (96th Street & Thunderbird) 4 foot fluorescent bulb fixture, bulbs included. Needs new ballast, lights are flickering.
Photo of free Utility room light (96th Street & Thunderbird) #1
Photo of free Utility room light (96th Street & Thunderbird) #2
Free: Gardening containers (Coronado Historical Area) A bunch of one and five gallon gardening containers.
Free: Honeywell Programmable Thermostats (Downtown Fountain Hills) Two Honeywell programmable thermostats model TH6110D1005.
Photo of free Honeywell Programmable Thermostats (Downtown Fountain Hills) #1
Free: HP 1319f MFP printer (Downtown Fountain Hills) In great shape, fully functioning older HP laser printer. It is black toner only, not color! Looking for a good home. Old school, includes ability to fax.
Photo of free HP 1319f MFP printer (Downtown Fountain Hills) #1
Photo of free HP 1319f MFP printer (Downtown Fountain Hills) #2
Request: Reliable Transportation (Mid-Town Phoenix, AZ 85012) Do you or someone you may know, have a Car or SUV no loner needed or wanted? I am looking for a donation of a Reliable car or suv that can hold my scooter , power chair or up right walker. I am a 75 year old female, I can't stand or walk long, I can't get around like I use to, but I can still drive. I need Reliable Transportation to get groceries, attend worship services and keep much needed Doctors appointments . Please help me if you can. 1480-995-8100 Mary jean. GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS! Phoenix, AZ 85012.
Free: Office Chair - large, comfortable (Desert Ridge, Phoenix) ... but not pretty to look at! fully functional, not sure why it started "shedding"
Photo of free Office Chair - large, comfortable (Desert Ridge, Phoenix) #1
Photo of free Office Chair - large, comfortable (Desert Ridge, Phoenix) #2
Photo of free Office Chair - large, comfortable (Desert Ridge, Phoenix) #3
Request: Christmas gifts for 2 amazing kids (Rural & baseline) 👋 Hi. I am on this site today to ask for help with a few Christmas gifts for my kids. They are 2 of the best kids and i feel horrible we couldn't get them anything. I lost my job in July and money got extremely tight. I have already reached out to the different toy drives and charities but we missed the application deadline on all. If anyone knows of a program that will help please message me. I have an 11 year old boy who loves roblox, sports and reading. My daughter is 3 almost 4 and loves to do arts and crafts and play with dolls. If anyone can help bring my kids a nice Christmas I would be so greatful!! They mean the world to me and I feel like I let them down. Lastly, We just got a tree but no ornaments.. so if anyone has old ones to spare that would be appreciated too!! Please message me with any ideas on resources or help that can be given.
Photo of Christmas gifts for 2 amazing kids (Rural & baseline) #1
Request: vehicle (Tempe, Arizona) Hi there! Do you or someone you may know have a vehicle no loner needed or wanted? I am an Arizona native in need of reliable transportation for trips to and from work, school, grocery shopping, etc. I would be more than happy to provide any additional information but will absolutely gladly and with tremendous appreciation accept any kind of vehicle offered! I’m also happy to pick up anytime! Thank you in advance so much for your consideration!
Request: everything for apartment (PHX az 85017) I'm in news of everything from a queen bed to dishes and pans and towels and blankets I have nothing and everything helps so of u can help me out that would be cool
Free: Tether ball stand (West Chandler) Tether ball stand in concrete. Perfect for the grandkids for Christmas outdoor play.
Photo of free Tether ball stand (West Chandler) #1