Free stuff near Indian Springs, Texas

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Free: Zenith Digital tv tuner (Channel view) Free
Photo of free Zenith Digital tv tuner (Channel view) #1
Free: Uhaul boxes (Cypress) Pick up only Cypress in 290 and Skinner area. Slightly used with one move. Sized small and medium with a few glass pack boxes thrown in. I can't remember how many but between 20 and 40 boxes
Free: Remodeling work (75904) Promised Interior and exterior house remodeling work
Photo of free Remodeling work (75904) #1
Free: Home decor (Channel view) Free
Photo of free Home decor (Channel view) #1
Request: nb bby grl items (Central Houston(downtown)) 8 months pregnant due in April momma to be looking for any and all necessities such as formula, diapers(PREMIE or NB), onesies, mittens, bottles, baby wash,safety items, stroller, bassinet, unused car seat, car shades, diaper bag, wipes, wrap, and anything else is highly appreciated.
Request: Mardi Gras beads (Baytown) Looking for a lot of Mardi Gras beads you no longer want.
Request: clothes bad (Baytown Tx) I wear maybe large extra large I have nothing
Request: Refrigerator (Conroe, tx) Looking for any functioning refrigerator
Free: Vacuum (Conroe, tx) Works great, just needs a belt
Photo of free Vacuum (Conroe, tx) #1
Request: Household items (Pasadena) Looking for anything for the household items also women's clothing size 5 any dressers beds TVs anything that you're willing t to give away
Request: Transportation car truck (Corrigan) Don't care what it looks like if I can get it running it would be a blessing ty
Request: Transportation (Corrigan) IDC what kind of car truck van motorcycle u have if I can get it running I need it so bad walking 5 miles to work everyday rain ,sleet, snow ,or sun . Thank u so much for ur time to read this and to give me a thought 9362085576
Request: Items for SUSO Raffle Fundraiser (Pasadena/deerpark) Ladies & Gentlemen! SuSo Sober Living House is gathering raffle items for our annual fundraising event on February 14th! We will be putting together various baskets (baked goods, movie night, date night, self-care, etc). Monetary donations are welcome too! Item ideas: Movie/Event Tickets Clothing/Attire Snack Items Coffee/tea items Gift Cards Health/hygiene/Beauty Supplies Games/Cards/toys/books Recovery Related Items Candles/wax melts/oils Please drop off items to 2522 Jana St. Pasadena, TX 77503 before February 13th! If items need to be picked up, we can arrange that too!
Request: Groceries (Acres homles) Single mom in need of groceries.
Request: BBY items unisex (Conroe tx) Looking for babby bassinet swing unisex don't know what I'm having yet changing table I'm located in Conroe tx
Request: Nightstands (Conroe) Does anyone have nightstands they want to give away. Just moved to the Conroe area and we’re basically starting over.
Request: desk/table (Galena Park) I’m a beginner nail tech looking for a table or desk