Free stuff near Ione, California

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Request: Refrigerator (North side near IHOP) Black or white/ working conditions please..
Free: Ski Discount Passes (East Contra Costa County) 2 passes to Palisades 2 passes to Sugar Bowl 2 passes to Sierra at Tahoe redeem online
Photo of free Ski Discount Passes (East Contra Costa County) #1
Photo of free Ski Discount Passes (East Contra Costa County) #2
Photo of free Ski Discount Passes (East Contra Costa County) #3
Free: Retro Hanging Light Fixture (Mohr / Martin neighborhood) Brass and Glass light fixture. Approximately 15" wide X 19" high. Good working condition
Photo of free Retro Hanging Light Fixture (Mohr / Martin neighborhood) #1
Free: Medical Shower Chair, Storage Cart (Alphabet streets) Medical chair Never used
Photo of free Medical Shower Chair, Storage Cart (Alphabet streets) #1
Free: Couch & Oversized Chair (Pleasanton right off of 680) Beige in color and fair condition. Non smoking house
Photo of free Couch & Oversized Chair (Pleasanton right off of 680) #1
Photo of free Couch & Oversized Chair (Pleasanton right off of 680) #2
Free: Glass beads (Rossmoor, Walnut Creek) Box is full of round beads. Bag is flat bottom glass pebbles.
Photo of free Glass beads (Rossmoor, Walnut Creek) #1
Photo of free Glass beads (Rossmoor, Walnut Creek) #2
Free: Queen size box spring and frame (Dublin) Queen size box spring and frame Good condition
Photo of free Queen size box spring and frame (Dublin) #1
Free: Waterproof mattress pad (Pleasanton Val Vista) Washed but never used. Size full.
Photo of free Waterproof mattress pad (Pleasanton Val Vista) #1
Free: decorative basket; art supplies (Lafayette) Woven basket filled with leaves, corn, shells, and other natural items; corncobs; gourds (Any artists out there have a project they'd like to use these for?)
Photo of free decorative basket; art supplies (Lafayette) #1
Free: 13 reusable aluminum lasagna pans (Lafayette) The top 3 are clean and unused. The bottom 10 (somewhat bigger in size) were used for craft/project trays so have some residual glue and sand from a sand art project. These could be cleaned and used for whatever you want, or used for future craft classes/projects.
Photo of free 13 reusable aluminum lasagna pans (Lafayette) #1
Free: Two Chairs (Benicia) These chairs were rarely used, so are very clean. Our cat did scratch up the material in places, so the chairs are far from pristine, but still functional. I have some material left over from when they were last reupholstered.
Photo of free Two Chairs (Benicia) #1
Photo of free Two Chairs (Benicia) #2
Photo of free Two Chairs (Benicia) #3
Photo of free Two Chairs (Benicia) #4
+2 +1
Free: Antique air pump (Benicia) I am not sure when this was manufactured, but know it was already old 75 years ago. The patent date is 8/8/1933. Saylor-Beall MFG Co. Air hose is about 15 feet long. Electrical cord is about 40 feet long. It is loud, but still works.
Photo of free Antique air pump (Benicia) #1
Photo of free Antique air pump (Benicia) #2
Photo of free Antique air pump (Benicia) #3
Free: Space Heater (Benicia) Vornado VH200 1500 watt space heater. Seven heat levels. Three fan speeds. New York Times Wirecutter's top pick
Photo of free Space Heater (Benicia) #1
Free: Doggy poop bags (Pleasanton Val Vista) Still a good amount left
Photo of free Doggy poop bags (Pleasanton Val Vista) #1
Free: Cups, shot glass (Pleasanton Val Vista) Great condition. Keepsake from a beer festival.
Photo of free Cups, shot glass (Pleasanton Val Vista) #1
Free: Penguin cookie jar (Pleasanton Val Vista) Never used. Just collecting dust.
Photo of free Penguin cookie jar (Pleasanton Val Vista) #1
Free: Cat Litter (Rossmoor) 25 pound bag of paper cat litter
Photo of free Cat Litter (Rossmoor) #1
Request: Inner Pot for instant pot 6qt (Pleasanton -Val Vista) My sister is looking for a 6 qt stainless steel inner pot for her instant pot. If you have one to spare, we would be grateful. (Inner pot only, not an instant pot) Thank you!
Request: "Saving Us" book (Lafayette) Anyone have this book and you're ready to part with it? If so, I'd love to take it off your hands!
Photo of "Saving Us" book (Lafayette) #1
Request: Adult XL clothes (Concord) Men/women doesn’t matter. Thank you in advance!! I can typically pick up evenings and weekends.
Request: Table cloth (Pleasanton Val Vista) Any size for a table that fits 4 people. Located in Pleasanton.
Free: PUR Filtered Water Dispenser (Pleasanton Valley) Large capacity water filter dispenser. I believe it is a 30 cup size. Does not include any PUR filters.
Photo of free PUR Filtered Water Dispenser (Pleasanton Valley) #1
Photo of free PUR Filtered Water Dispenser (Pleasanton Valley) #2
Free: Large Guaze Pads (Vacaville) We used a number of them, but they are all individually wrapped in plastic. There are at least 25 left.
Photo of free Large Guaze Pads (Vacaville) #1
Photo of free Large Guaze Pads (Vacaville) #2
Free: rolling kitchen island (grass valley) Fully functional, just had an experience with a sharpie. Butcher block top. Solid wood.
Photo of free rolling kitchen island (grass valley) #1
Photo of free rolling kitchen island (grass valley) #2
Free: back support recliner chair (grass valley) Cream leather. Clean and dry. I just moved it out to the barn. Was used for recovery from a back issue. Good to sleep in, too.
Photo of free back support recliner chair (grass valley) #1
Photo of free back support recliner chair (grass valley) #2
Free: cute rustic desk (grass valley) Approx 20"x 30". Functional drawer.
Photo of free cute rustic desk (grass valley) #1
Free: brass bed (grass valley) Full size. All the parts are here. This might be worth some money to someone who wants to put it back together
Photo of free brass bed (grass valley) #1
Photo of free brass bed (grass valley) #2
Free: Crib mattress and covers (Big Trees park) This crib mattress is in good condition and works either in a crib or even on the floor for an extra toddler bed. We used it for our grandkids before they outgrew it. Comes with never used full pad/cover with zipper, a regular mattress pad and a fitted sheet. Hope someone can use it!
Photo of free Crib mattress and covers (Big Trees park) #1
Photo of free Crib mattress and covers (Big Trees park) #2
Request: dog stairs for a bed or couch (So. Sacto, 95822 or not far) Looking for dog stairs for a bed or a couch. I am located in South Sac area so would like to see if anyone in S. Sac area or is not far, may have one they are no longer using. Re-posting, hoping to find one
Request: RC cars (Olivehurst) Looking for hobby grade RC cars and trucks..