Free stuff near Jacumba Hot Springs, California

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Request: Miniture dachshund (Vista ca) Any out there who need a home?
Request: Air Fryer (East County, San Diego) Newer air fryer that hasn't been recalled as a fire hazard. Thank you.
Request: Outdoor raised dogs beds (East County, San Diego) I am interested in the outdoor raised dogs beds. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
Request: Pottery glazes and clay (East County, San Diego) Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
Free: 2 wooden restaurant chairs (Lake Hodges) Two chairs of the type typically used in restaurants in years gone by. Sturdy and in decent condition. Use as-is or refinish or paint them in bright, cheerful colors.
Photo of free 2 wooden restaurant chairs (Lake Hodges) #1
Free: Throat Coat Tea and socks (South San Diego) Bought this tea but can’t be drank by folks with high pressure but want to gift to someone that could use it. Also have these no show socks; 12 pairs
Photo of free Throat Coat Tea and socks (South San Diego) #1
Photo of free Throat Coat Tea and socks (South San Diego) #2
Photo of free Throat Coat Tea and socks (South San Diego) #3
Free: Xelogen Festoon Bulbs (Lake Hodges) Xelogen 12v5w-x Festoon style. Pack of 10, brand new, never used.
Photo of free Xelogen Festoon Bulbs (Lake Hodges) #1
Request: Ask: sweaters to unravel for yarn (Cortez) Ask: ISO large sweaters you want to give a second life to! I'd like to try to unravel the sweater and use the yarn to knit or crochet something else. Sweater content needs to be either a blend or 100% nature fibers (wool, cotton, silk, linen, etc), and neutral solid colors only please. The larger the sweater the better!
Free: AOC Monitor STAND ONLY (4) (hancock st, san diego, ca) Promised FREE: Set of 4 stands from AOC monitor Q27G4XN. Stands only - NO MONITORS. New - never been used.
Photo of free AOC Monitor STAND ONLY (4) (hancock st, san diego, ca) #1
Photo of free AOC Monitor STAND ONLY (4) (hancock st, san diego, ca) #2
Photo of free AOC Monitor STAND ONLY (4) (hancock st, san diego, ca) #3
Free: Doorknobs and hardware (South San Diego) Replaced lots of knows and collected everything to give away
Photo of free Doorknobs and hardware (South San Diego) #1
Free: Wedding dress bag (South San Diego) I’ve stored my wedding gown in another way and have this bag that’s still useful —could be for a wedding dress or some other gown.
Photo of free Wedding dress bag (South San Diego) #1
Request: Safety grab bars or rods (East County, San Diego) Safety grab bars or rods for outside steps to be placed in cement bricks for safety. Thank you.
Request: Solar shower (East County, San Diego) Solar outdoor shower for camping.
Request: Small kiln (East County, San Diego) Electric small kiln. Thank you.
Free: Vintage Clothes Hamper (Mission Valley) Approx. 24"tall, 10 " deep. Basket weave style,cream color. Very Mid-Century. Used. Call 619-542-0477. No text please. Thanks!
Request: Used empty weed carts (lakeside) I would like to collect peoples old , empty weed cartridges used for art project. Please. Thank you in advance. [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Request: Broken analog watches or clocks (lakeside) Broken analog clocks and watches , even pocket watches for art project please and thank you . [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Free: Paraffin wax - about 2 lbs (Southwest Esco 1 mi off I-15) Reposting because I think I saw a message from someone interested in starting candlemaking. I hope you see this and contact me again. I'm sorry I'm new to Trash Nothing so I don't know how to go back to replies to my post. 10x6x2.8 inches, about 2 pounds, paraffin/coconut blend. Used once for a sanitized pair of hands. Sent back the lovely hand bath machine because I couldn't tolerate the temperature. Paraffin can be used for candle making or as hand bath refill.
Photo of free Paraffin wax - about 2 lbs (Southwest Esco 1 mi off I-15) #1
Request: Canon EOS battery charger (Sandiego Chula vista sanysidro) Hello I'm in need of a Canon EOS rebel camera the battery says its a replacement LP-E5. The cameras charger port is broken.
Request: Broken , unworking analog watches (lakeside) I'm doing an art project , I'm looking for as many broken watches as I can find . Analog only please.
Request: Tower garden (La Mesa) Large tower
Request: Adult Tricycle 🏍️ (Lemon Grove) Older woman would greatly appreciate adult sized 3-wheeled bicycle (trike) in good working condition. Baskets would bring extra joy.🤗 San Diego County THANKS!
Free: Razor scooter (Shadowridge) Works perfectly, but could use a rubdown with steel wool for a shine. Handlebars extend to twice height shown.
Photo of free Razor scooter (Shadowridge) #1
Request: Clothes steamer and hairdryer (1605 Pentecost way) Any
Free: Recliner (Santee lakes) Tan good working heat massage clean. It has a bent rod on right side back can be fixed
Photo of free Recliner (Santee lakes) #1
Free: Acrylic paintings on framed canvas (Mira Mesa) Various framed canvas paintings. Perhaps they can be reused / painted over by someone who wants to make their own paintings? (1) 8x10 and (4) 11x14
Photo of free Acrylic paintings on framed canvas (Mira Mesa) #1
Request: Fish Tank Decor (City Heights 92105) Gravel/ Plants/ Decor for aquarium
Free: new teachers-ELA Centers for K-2 (North Clairemont) A set of Language Arts Phonics Center activities. hands-on, beginning readers. A couple of math and other teacher materials, mostly for center activities.
Photo of free new teachers-ELA Centers for K-2 (North Clairemont) #1
Request: Electric dog fence with 2 collars (East County, San Diego) An electric dog fence with two collars, preferably wireless.
Request: Garden beds (East County, San Diego) Any type of garden beds or garden containers. Thank you.