Free stuff near Lake Telemark, New Jersey

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Request: beach cart (Netcong) Cart that can be wheeled in sand easily
Free: Bracelet making supplies (Bernardsville, near Starbucks) Promised Colored and lettered beads, string, clue and board. Only used a few times
Photo of free Bracelet making supplies (Bernardsville, near Starbucks) #1
Photo of free Bracelet making supplies (Bernardsville, near Starbucks) #2
Photo of free Bracelet making supplies (Bernardsville, near Starbucks) #3
Request: Queen size bed frame (Airmont ny) Needed Thank you
Free: Subaru deck cover (Oradell) From 2001 forester.
Photo of free Subaru deck cover (Oradell) #1
Free: Sofa, bowls, glassware, fan (Hopatcong Heights, NJ) Available and ready for pick up
Photo of free Sofa, bowls, glassware, fan (Hopatcong Heights, NJ) #1
Photo of free Sofa, bowls, glassware, fan (Hopatcong Heights, NJ) #2
Photo of free Sofa, bowls, glassware, fan (Hopatcong Heights, NJ) #3
Photo of free Sofa, bowls, glassware, fan (Hopatcong Heights, NJ) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Men’s soccer Cleats -Size 12 Adidas (Westfield, NJ) Adidas Predator Demonscale. Worn but still useable. Still in decent condition. Would hate to just throw away. See pictures. Front porch pickup
Photo of free Men’s soccer Cleats -Size 12 Adidas (Westfield, NJ) #1
Photo of free Men’s soccer Cleats -Size 12 Adidas (Westfield, NJ) #2
Photo of free Men’s soccer Cleats -Size 12 Adidas (Westfield, NJ) #3
Free: Men’s Shoes by Rockport Size 12 (Westfield, NJ) Casual shoes, worn but still in decent condition. Size 12. Would hate to just throw away. See pictures Front porch pickup
Photo of free Men’s Shoes by Rockport Size 12 (Westfield, NJ) #1
Photo of free Men’s Shoes by Rockport Size 12 (Westfield, NJ) #2
Photo of free Men’s Shoes by Rockport Size 12 (Westfield, NJ) #3
Request: Baseball/Football Sports Cards (Westfield, NJ) In search of baseball/football cards to expand collection for kids looking to get into the hobby
Free: Bed Frame & Metal Posts--Recycle (Garfield NJ) For the person who recycles metal-- available please contact.. garfield
Request: AC adpater (Mahwah) AC Adapter for Samsung Media player: DC: 14v 1.78a
Request: Cricut/Cricut items (newark) I hope this message finds you well! I’m reaching out to see if anyone has a Cricut machine or Cricut-related items (mats, blades, tools, vinyl, etc.) that they no longer use or need. I’m working on some creative projects and would greatly appreciate any donations to help me get started. If you have anything lying around that you would like to pass on, I’d be so grateful to give it a new home! Thank You!
Photo of Cricut/Cricut items (newark) #1
Free: Lemax Caddington Ceramic Village (Randolph) Friends Offerings From the Lemax Caddington Village Collection Club. Ceramic Engine House #8 Great condition. You can also add it to any Village collection. Exterior Lighted Building. Red lights flash above fire engines.Please mention what town you will be coming from. ty
Request: coffee bean grinder (Flanders, Drakestown Rd.) Purchased bags of coffee beans. Have no way to grind them for coffee. Need a course grind. [ the grinds in the store now are too fine and mess up the coffee maker.]
Free: Full size mattress (Union, NJ) In good condition Pick up near Rita’s on Stuyvesant Ave
Free: Schwinn stationary bike (Morristown) Promised Works well. Used this bike while watching tv. Pick up only
Photo of free Schwinn stationary bike (Morristown) #1
Photo of free Schwinn stationary bike (Morristown) #2
Free: Cook Books (Flanders, Drakestown Rd.) Have about 70 cook books of many world ethnic groups and regions in America. Colonial recipes. Some on healthy diets. Pick and choose.
Free: Webster dictionary (Randolph NJ) Good condition.
Photo of free Webster dictionary (Randolph NJ) #1
Free: Dog Bed (Randolph) Friends Offerings Large wicker basket type dog bed. In good condition. Nice custom cushion. Please mention what town you are from. ty
Free: Quickbooks Desktop Pro 2018 CD (Clifton, NJ) CD with product code.
Free: Tree stand and pan (Oradell) Plastic
Photo of free Tree stand and pan (Oradell) #1
Free: Custom farm style desk (Ringwood) 72 x 42 L shaped with right hand return; all wood. Available immediately for pickup.
Photo of free Custom farm style desk (Ringwood) #1
Photo of free Custom farm style desk (Ringwood) #2
Photo of free Custom farm style desk (Ringwood) #3
Request: Sewing machine (Hawthorne) If anyone has a sewing machine, I would love to give it a good home. Please make sure it works . Thanks.
Request: VINYL RECORD ALBUMS and 45s (Nutley, NJ) Hello. If anyone has any rockin' vintage vinyl records that you no longer use, I'd love to give them a good home. I lost my albums & 45s to a house fire a few years back and am slowly trying to rebuild my collection. Know that these are for my personal enjoyment. I especially like all types of rock, soul / R&B, reggae, and jazz. Thanks for your kindness and consideration. RZ, Nutley, NJ
Photo of VINYL RECORD ALBUMS and 45s (Nutley, NJ) #1
Free: Pink Victorian mirror (Near Lowe’s on Morris Ave.) Promised 27” tall by 22” wide (including frame). Diameter of mirror alone is 13”.
Photo of free Pink Victorian mirror (Near Lowe’s on Morris Ave.) #1
Photo of free Pink Victorian mirror (Near Lowe’s on Morris Ave.) #2
Free: Bag of reusable bags (Rutherford NJ) Bag of abt 10 recyclable bags.
Request: Lego or similar (Bloomfield) Looking for Lego flower bouquets and vase
Free: Music stand (Martinsville) Standard music stand
Photo of free Music stand (Martinsville) #1
Free: miscellaneous beta fish (Wood Ridge) tank decor, imagitarium H filters, rocks, fliter easy front porch pick up .. wood-ridge NJ
Photo of free miscellaneous beta fish (Wood Ridge) #1
Request: PC Parts for Student Tech Project (passaic park) Looking for any old computer parts - working or not. Motherboards, RAM, CPUs, graphics cards, hard drives welcome. Will put them to good use learning about tech.
Request: XXX Large Dog Wee Wee Pads (Morris Plains) Looking for XXX-LARGE wee wee pads. And SMALL BITES dry dog food. Thank you for taking the time to read the request. Please mention what town you are located in. ty