Free stuff near Monroe County, Ohio

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Request: Couch (Point. Marion pa) Iam in need of a couch very badly....sectional preferably but I'll take anything
Request: Blood pressure monitor (Akron OH) If anyone has one they are not using
Request: Card collection (Washington co. Pa) Looking for free sports cards and Pokemon cards for grandson if anyone is giving away free me and my grandson would very much appreciate it I do live in Washington county Pennsylvania
Request: Washer and dryer or dryer (Parkersburg) Need a dryer. Need a washer. Currently using a portable washer. Don't have a dryer. Thankyou
Free: Chicco carseat (South Park) Expiration date on bottom is 8/2028. South Park off Brownsville Rd
Photo of free Chicco carseat (South Park) #1
Free: Hoover vacuum bag Y (Mt Lebanon) New
Photo of free Hoover vacuum bag Y (Mt Lebanon) #1
Free: Coffee filters (Mt Lebanon) New
Photo of free Coffee filters (Mt Lebanon) #1
Request: Nike shox R4 shoes (Zanesville OH 43781) Pink and gray or black and pink Nike shox R4 shoes 4 1/2 Big Kids or 5 youth girls I won't pay higher then 10 or 15
Request: Sewing materials and machine (Pittsburgh) Not to be picky but I prefer the average size not the mini stuff.
Request: Sewing material and machine (Pittsburgh) Need all sewing things trying to go back to doing fun stuff n whatnot. Need to find something to stop the pain that isn't goin to pull me back down
Request: BBQ grill Grates (Maple ave.) I need IRON grated from old grill to repurpose into fire grate in barrel stove.. The grill can be rusted but the iron useable
Free: Graduation Party Decorations (Pleasant Hills) Black and Gold themed graduation party decorations. Includes (2) The Party is here decorations, Photo props, banners and wall decorations
Photo of free Graduation Party Decorations (Pleasant Hills) #1
Photo of free Graduation Party Decorations (Pleasant Hills) #2