Free stuff near Montrose, New York

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Free: antique desk/display cabinet (Garrison, NY) Antique desk in rough shape, but I have all the parts to it (even though they picture doesnt show them). Needs work and someone looking for a restoration project. I just hate to junk it...
Photo of free antique desk/display cabinet (Garrison, NY) #1
Free: 2 part glass display cabinet (Garrison, NY) Nice condition. The top glass display case separates from the bottom drawer/cabinet piece 72" long and 40' tall for the display cabinets, ~34 1/2" tall for the bottom cabinets
Photo of free 2 part glass display cabinet (Garrison, NY) #1
Photo of free 2 part glass display cabinet (Garrison, NY) #2
Photo of free 2 part glass display cabinet (Garrison, NY) #3
Free: recliner chair (Garrison, NY) works fine. It reclines and rocks
Photo of free recliner chair (Garrison, NY) #1
Photo of free recliner chair (Garrison, NY) #2
Photo of free recliner chair (Garrison, NY) #3
Free: book cases (Garrison, NY) I have 3 full sized, dark wood (all 3-like in the picture) empty book cases and one half book case: 2 are 72” x 36”, 1 is 71” x 37”, and the half is 30” x 36”. All are pressboard, but in decent shape
Photo of free book cases (Garrison, NY) #1
Free: Open bag Gluten free Oat Flour (Spring Valley) There’s approximately 3 lbs left. Was stored tightly sealed in freezer.
Request: Extension cord and wires any kind (Bergenfield) Three prong any length, any type of wires working or not ,even old Christmas lights
Request: Old tube tv and any kind of wires (Bergenfield) Working or not working is welcome . Also old heavy flat screen tvs , computer monitors ext...
Request: Air conditioner (Bergenfield) Looking for working/non working AC . Also non working microwave , electrical appliances
Free: Minnie mouse push walker (Oradell) Plastic with wheels
Photo of free Minnie mouse push walker (Oradell) #1
Free: Fisher-Price play center (Oradell) For use on floor. Opening door and other activities
Photo of free Fisher-Price play center (Oradell) #1
Free: Activity desk (Oradell) Some pieces missing
Photo of free Activity desk (Oradell) #1
Free: Antique rocker (Oradell) Needs new seat and back
Photo of free Antique rocker (Oradell) #1
Free: Child’s guitar (Oradell) First act wooden guitar
Photo of free Child’s guitar (Oradell) #1
Free: Party decoration (Oradell) New in package
Photo of free Party decoration (Oradell) #1
Free: 30th Birthday decorations (Oradell) on approximately 12 inch lucite stick.
Photo of free 30th Birthday decorations (Oradell) #1
Free: Santa cookie jar (Oradell) Ceramic
Photo of free Santa cookie jar (Oradell) #1
Free: Small standing jewelry chest (Oradell) Missing two handle pulls. Top two of four drawers are sectioned for jewelry. About 15 inches wide, perhaps 3 1/2 feet tall
Photo of free Small standing jewelry chest (Oradell) #1
Photo of free Small standing jewelry chest (Oradell) #2
Photo of free Small standing jewelry chest (Oradell) #3
Photo of free Small standing jewelry chest (Oradell) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Wall sconce (Oradell) Double fixture, for decorative bulb or needs glass
Photo of free Wall sconce (Oradell) #1
Free: Chair frame (Oradell) Needs to be completely reupholstered. Good bones
Photo of free Chair frame (Oradell) #1
Free: Exercise bike (Oradell) Battery operated display. Not sure if that part is working.
Photo of free Exercise bike (Oradell) #1
Photo of free Exercise bike (Oradell) #2
Free: Dental care (New Milford, NJ) Giving away some dental care items I just received from the dentist.
Photo of free Dental care (New Milford, NJ) #1
Request: Electric washer (10950) Hello, may someone has a electric Washer and doesn't use anymore. Mine is not working anymore. I would be more blessed If someone can help me with that, please.
Free: Lip Balm NEW (Fair Lawn, NJ) My daughter got these for free and doesn’t want them. New, never used. Lip balm. First come, first served.
Photo of free Lip Balm NEW (Fair Lawn, NJ) #1
Photo of free Lip Balm NEW (Fair Lawn, NJ) #2
Photo of free Lip Balm NEW (Fair Lawn, NJ) #3
Request: Small microwave (Yonkers) If it functions well take it.
Request: floor jack for cars (Wappingers falls) If you have a old floor jack for cars and don’t need it text me at 845 891 1820
Request: Junie B. Jones books (Mount Vernon) Looking for Junie B. Jones books
Free: Small notepads, notebook, post-its (Ossining) See pix. All except CVS notebook used to some extent but in good shape. Post-its pictured with CVS notebook.
Photo of free Small notepads, notebook, post-its (Ossining) #1
Photo of free Small notepads, notebook, post-its (Ossining) #2
Photo of free Small notepads, notebook, post-its (Ossining) #3
Request: air compressor (working or not) (Mahopac) I need an air compressor, working or not, with or without wheels.
Free: Chalkboard and cork bulletin board (North Stamford) Each is 24” x 18”
Photo of free Chalkboard and cork bulletin board (North Stamford) #1
Photo of free Chalkboard and cork bulletin board (North Stamford) #2
Request: 4-wheel Walker with Seat (Wayne, NJ) Need a Walker that has four wheels and a seat. Any condition.