Free stuff near Morris, New York

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Free: Light therapy (Saugerties) Antique therapeutic light therapy unit (works).
Photo of free Light therapy (Saugerties) #1
Photo of free Light therapy (Saugerties) #2
Photo of free Light therapy (Saugerties) #3
Free: Oak bed frame (queen) (Saugerties) Queen
Photo of free Oak bed frame (queen) (Saugerties) #1
Free: Canon Pixma 241XL printer cartridge (Lansing ny) Color ink
Photo of free Canon Pixma 241XL printer cartridge (Lansing ny) #1
Request: wood chips, log ends (West Danby, NY) Woodchips, Logs, or any combination of the two. Easy access off Rt 34/96 just north of West Danby.
Free: 2 single bed boxsprings (Franklin/Oneonta) Single. Boxsprings are solid wood, no metal springs
Photo of free 2 single bed boxsprings (Franklin/Oneonta) #1
Photo of free 2 single bed boxsprings (Franklin/Oneonta) #2
Photo of free 2 single bed boxsprings (Franklin/Oneonta) #3
Request: Floral China plates (Schenectady) Wanted random floral plates and saucers
Request: 55 Gallon Drum/s (Camden, NY) Would like to get at least two 55 gallon drums.
Request: Garden rakes (Albany) My community garden in Albany (61 gardeners) could use some more hard rakes and a couple of leaf rakes in good condition . I can pick up in Albany and up to 10 miles from Albany. When you reply please let me know if it's a hard rake or leaf rake.
Free: Hummingbird feeder (Belle Sherman) Promised It's in good shape.
Photo of free Hummingbird feeder (Belle Sherman) #1
Free: Decorate Sandal/Shoe Clip (Binghamton) Promised Sadly lost the other one, but this one is very gently used.
Photo of free Decorate Sandal/Shoe Clip (Binghamton) #1
Photo of free Decorate Sandal/Shoe Clip (Binghamton) #2
Free: Solar Energy System (Ellis Hollow) Used 8.32kW solar system System is currently installed on my roof & working with no issues. If you are qualified to remove a solar array from a roof, please contact me asap with your qualifications & suggested arrangement. Consists of: 32 260W Winaico WST260P6 originally installed in 2016 SMA Sunny Boy 7700TL-US-22 grid tied inverter Roof racking (may not be enough if your roof is a different shape than mine.) Serious inquiries only, preference will be given to those with experience with solar arrays.
Free: Wine cork display box (Near crossgates) Like new
Photo of free Wine cork display box (Near crossgates) #1
Free: Picture (Near crossgates) Like new picture on canvas
Photo of free Picture (Near crossgates) #1
Free: furnace air filters (Northeast Ithaca) Offering 4 furnace air filters, size 20x20x1. Purchased to build a home-made air purifier, but we barely used it. The filters look pretty clean. There is a little white duct tape on some of the edges.
Free: Toys and booster seat (Catskill / Athens) Good condition, helping a friend clear out her mother’s house!
Photo of free Toys and booster seat (Catskill / Athens) #1
Photo of free Toys and booster seat (Catskill / Athens) #2
Photo of free Toys and booster seat (Catskill / Athens) #3
Request: Baby/Child Hangers (North Lansing Fire Station) Looking for top/pants/combination hangars. Asking for my daughter who is gearing up for a kids consignment sale where all items must be on hangars. Can pick up almost any time in the greater Ithaca/Lansing area.
Free: Broken vita mix (Etna) Promised Motor runs, but clatters like there is some interference. The receptacle on the bottom of the pitcher has torqued off, so it won’t turn as is. Take it to fix or for metal recycling...
Photo of free Broken vita mix (Etna) #1
Free: Hangers (Ballston Lake, NY) So many plastic hangers
Free: Tons of boxes and packing supplies (Ballston Lake, NY) Just moved and we have a house’s worth of moving boxes and packing supplies for the next adventurer! Includes some wardrobe boxes and sleeves for plates and fragile items. Smoke free home :)
Free: Basket and baby toys (Ballston Lake, NY) Assorted baby things and baskets in great condition
Photo of free Basket and baby toys (Ballston Lake, NY) #1
Photo of free Basket and baby toys (Ballston Lake, NY) #2
Photo of free Basket and baby toys (Ballston Lake, NY) #3
Free: Newborn clothes (Ballston Lake, NY) Beautiful hand made clothes for an infant
Photo of free Newborn clothes (Ballston Lake, NY) #1
Request: Paperback books (north syracuse) Need to collect a large quantity of paperback books for a project. No kids picture books please
Free: King Mattress (South Hill) About 3 years old. No rips, tears, or stains. Memory foam. Preference given to earliest pickup.
Photo of free King Mattress (South Hill) #1
Photo of free King Mattress (South Hill) #2
Photo of free King Mattress (South Hill) #3
Request: The Sun magazines (Ithaca environs) I love this magazine and would like to read issues people are ready to part with. I pass them on when I'm done, if I don't keep them myself.
Request: Broom (Stone Ridge, NY) Looking for a basic broom or angle broom. Nothing fancy, it could be used. Not looking for a corn bristle broom or heavy-duty push broom. Hopefully within 15 miles of Stone Ridge. Thanks!!
Photo of Broom (Stone Ridge, NY) #1
Request: Paneling (north syracuse) Looking for a piece about 6.5’x 5-6’.
Request: Small plastic case with lid (Catskill) Looking for a hard plastic case with lid (no Tupperware), small enough to hold a screwdriver. Hinge on lid preferred but not necessary.
Free: Self-Help Cassettes -Take them all (Northside of Binghamton, NY) Good, like-new condition. Prosperity Solution, Volume One -10 tapes; Prosperity Solution, Volume Two - 8 tapes; Living Health: Lifestyle of Vibrant Health and Energy, Anthony Robbins- 8 tapes; Head First: the biology of hope, Normal Cousins - 4 tapes; Success Mastery with NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) - 6 tapes; Build a Winning Self Image, Volumes One and Two - 8 tapes each; Thr Subliminal Winner, Denis Whitley and Thomas Budzynski, PhD - 6 tapes.
Photo of free Self-Help Cassettes -Take them all (Northside of Binghamton, NY) #1
Photo of free Self-Help Cassettes -Take them all (Northside of Binghamton, NY) #2
Photo of free Self-Help Cassettes -Take them all (Northside of Binghamton, NY) #3
Photo of free Self-Help Cassettes -Take them all (Northside of Binghamton, NY) #4
+7 +6 +5
Request: Tidy cat empty buckets (Hurley) (Hurley (loop road off of 209)) I'm looking for empty tidy cat kitty litter buckets WITH LIDS. Usually they are yellow, and they are rectangular.
Request: Pee/bed pads (Candor) Any size, any quantity. I foster dogs so I'm always going through them.