Free stuff near Nicholasville, Kentucky

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Request: Thermal Printer (Georgetown) In need of a printer but it needs to be a thermal one
Request: Tv (Midway ky)
Request: derby theme decorations (East End) Hosting a banquet next November, and starting to gather supplies for the tables, would appreciate any old derby decorations you no longer want. This is for a Music Teacher conference so we have a limited budget.
Request: sheet metal 6 ga (Lily Kentucky) I need free sheet metal thats 6 ga (3/16) “ thick up to 10 ga(1/4) the size im needing is 7’ x7’ x3/16” to build a flat bed for my truck not galvanized i need mild or high carbon steel please call me if you’re local to laurel knox or Whitley county I can pick it up (606)-389-2797
Request: Riding mower or zero turn (Lily Kentucky) I need a riding or zero turn mower im terminally ill with a inoperable heart condition id prefer 48” or bigger if its the old style riding mower then the brake needs to be on the right side i can pick it up if I need to or call me if you have one for me 606-389-2797
Free: Table and three chairs (J-town area near St. Edwards) Wood. Pulled out of a storage locker auction.
Request: Bicycle (Upper West end) If anyone has a bicycle 🚲 I have back problems so I can't be walking that much. I. Would really appreciate it for real..
Request: Yarn (Dixie Highway) Hello I am looking for any free yarn in Louisville and I prefer if you drop off please and thank you
Free: Couch cushions (Union, KY) Free couch cushions.
Photo of free Couch cushions (Union, KY) #1
Photo of free Couch cushions (Union, KY) #2