Free stuff near Phelps County, Missouri

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Free: 5 gallon diesel can (Pacific) Yellow 5 gallon plastic diesel fuel can.
Photo of free 5 gallon diesel can (Pacific) #1
Photo of free 5 gallon diesel can (Pacific) #2
Free: Old fashioned weed whackers (Pacific) Label on one says True Temper, Briar Edge, No 29. These are old with some rust. May need sharpened.
Photo of free Old fashioned weed whackers (Pacific) #1
Photo of free Old fashioned weed whackers (Pacific) #2
Photo of free Old fashioned weed whackers (Pacific) #3
Free: metal shelves (Pacific) Light weight, gray, 36W 71H 16D, some dents.
Photo of free metal shelves (Pacific) #1
Photo of free metal shelves (Pacific) #2
Request: Exercise Bike and or Treadmill (Camdenton Missouri) In good shape. Please.
Request: Used bubble wrap (Richland mo) Used or extra bubble wrap wanted, preferably unpopped as much as possible,
Request: Swing set frame (Holts Summit)
Request: Car seat (Rolla) I just left a very toxic relationship and he will not give me my baby's car seat. She is 10 months old weighing 26 pounds and although an infant car seat would suffice, she will surely outgrow it very soon when she reaches 30 pounds. So a convertible toddler car seat would be ideal. Thank you so nuch and God bless.
Request: Various items (Washington mo) Hello everyone me and my niece are new here so I think I’m writing in the right spot I hope so hehe here are a some things Me and my niece are in desperate need of at the moment and again anything would be a blessing even advice to maybe find some of the items 🧡 Queen or king size blankets ,sheets,Pillow cases would be wonderful we do have a box spring and mattress it’s old but should be okay for another year . Some clothing we are both L or XL Hygiene products She is in need of bras and sneakers size 7 also socks . Thank you and please know anything is appreciated even giving our post a read we would also if nobody has any of those listed advice would be very helpful as well 🩶❤️🩵