Free stuff near Saint Matthews, South Carolina

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Request: clothes and shoes (Sumter) In need of size 14 to 16 jeans XL to XXL tops and size 9 shoes have nothing anything helps
Request: A small desk that has a drawer (Augusta) I need a small desk with a drawer so I can sit read and store my books in and possibly put a puzzle together on! Thanks I appreciate it!!! 🖥️free!
Free: Bricks (Chapin) Red multicolored bricks. Approx 200 count. Just load and take for free. Need wheel barrow for loading approx 30 feet from driveway.
Photo of free Bricks (Chapin) #1
Request: Toddler Toys (N Charleston) Educational/ constructive
Request: Skoolie Furniture (Prosperity) My husband and I are looking for a mini fridge/freezer, microwave, coffee maker, curtains and rods, queen mattress, small kitchen sink, gas stove, generator, TV and cabinets. We are converting our bus! Anything helps!
Photo of Skoolie Furniture (Prosperity) #1
Photo of Skoolie Furniture (Prosperity) #2
Free: 2 plate glass mirrors (cross hill) 2 plate glass mirrors with fittings. 2'x3'and 3'x4'. The larger mirror has a small chip in one cornet
Request: Used Tools (Newberry, SC) Looking for used hand tools and power tools. Please message if you have low cost or no cost items. Thank you! [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Request: drivable motorhome or rv (Florence) Full-time doordash delivery driver homeless living out of my car with my two dogs I'm originally looking for a drivable livable RV or motorhome it can be a fixer upper or as is maybe somebody that wants it off their property as soon as possible clean title it's getting cold outside and I'm looking for the community's help
Photo of drivable motorhome or rv (Florence) #1
Photo of drivable motorhome or rv (Florence) #2