Free stuff near Saxeville, Wisconsin

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Free: Thule car rack and accessories (Near East Towne) This is an old-style, square-bar Thule roof rack. It has mounting towers for any car with rain gutters and also towers for more modern cars but you may need to find a fit kit for your particular vehicle. There are carrying accessories for bicycles, skis and kayaks. It includes the locks. The accessories will fit any other rack with square bars. The equipment has been well used but is perfectly serviceable.
Photo of free Thule car rack and accessories (Near East Towne) #1
Photo of free Thule car rack and accessories (Near East Towne) #2
Free: TV stand (Columbus) TV stand. 62" wide.
Photo of free TV stand (Columbus) #1
Photo of free TV stand (Columbus) #2
Free: 1998 Encyclopedia Americana set (Village of Harrison (Darboy)) Complete set; all but a couple volumes are still in their wrapper (please see photos)!
Photo of free 1998 Encyclopedia Americana set (Village of Harrison (Darboy)) #1
Photo of free 1998 Encyclopedia Americana set (Village of Harrison (Darboy)) #2
Photo of free 1998 Encyclopedia Americana set (Village of Harrison (Darboy)) #3
Photo of free 1998 Encyclopedia Americana set (Village of Harrison (Darboy)) #4
+2 +1
Free: Broken (?) Roku TV (Sun prairie) TV was in my apartments trash area. The screen brightens and shows colored lines. Broken, but might be fixable. Could certainly be fun to disassemble. Or used for parts. Onn, Roku TV brand.
Photo of free Broken (?) Roku TV (Sun prairie) #1
Photo of free Broken (?) Roku TV (Sun prairie) #2
Photo of free Broken (?) Roku TV (Sun prairie) #3
Request: bed or a couch (Fond Du Lac WI) i need something to sleep on maybe something that fits two a bed works or a couch that turns into a couch to save space!
Free: Sweet Tea Mix (Dane County) Most of an opened can of Bremer Sweet Tea Mix purchased last summer. Porch pick up near the corner of Northport Dr and School Rd.
Photo of free Sweet Tea Mix (Dane County) #1
Photo of free Sweet Tea Mix (Dane County) #2
Free: Dry Cat Food (Dane County) Given to me by a family member. I'm not sure what brand it is, but my cats wouldn't eat it. Porch pick up near the corner of Northport Dr. and School Rd
Photo of free Dry Cat Food (Dane County) #1
Request: Books (Green Bay) Any romance or biography
Request: Portable dishwasher (Dodge county) I'm in desperate need of a portable dishwasher. Can pick up with in reason.
Request: Circular saw (Madison, Wi) Looking for a circular saw for home improvement projects
Free: Women's health products (Madison East) I ordered both of these by mistake and they each cost upwards of 30 plus dollars but they're yours for free if you need them. One is for hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms and the other is to take if say you've had an antibiotic or something or anything to do with yeast or an imbalance vaginally. Take one, take both.
Photo of free Women's health products (Madison East) #1
Photo of free Women's health products (Madison East) #2