Free stuff near South Webster, Ohio

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Free: Toddler crib/bed (Southside) Fits a toddler mattress/crib mattress does not have screws but you can get those and anything else at a hardware store cheap
Photo of free Toddler crib/bed (Southside) #1
Free: Logitech PC speakers (Groveport) They've been with me for years, really good sound quality but unfortunately one of the speakers is broken. They've worked fine for me as is in a pinch, but I figure maybe someone handy can fix them up and give them a new life! :)
Photo of free Logitech PC speakers (Groveport) #1
Photo of free Logitech PC speakers (Groveport) #2
Request: Bedless in Mount Sterling (between Galloway and London) My Fiancé and I are both disabled. He has a prosthetic. I have bad knees , bad neck and back. Most of the time I fake it to take care of him. We are sleeping on this tiny futon.We added all kinds of pillows and such, unfortunately, that doesn’t help make it bigger, and a mattress. He’s on Social Security, I was approved last August. Still, I’m waiting. For something to happen. I don’t understand why it’s taking so long to start giving me my Social Security. They took their money really quick when I was working, lol I’m trying to be patient. So in a nutshell. We really need some help. Desperately, in need of a bed. Remembering, we are bigger people, that’s why our full size futon is killing me. He said a king, I’d be happy with anything... actually a queen would work . We don’t have any furniture here in our apartment. We could use a couple of dressers too. This is the first time I asked for any help for our apartment. Not sure how this works . If anyone out there in freecycle land, is able to help us I would be forever in your debt. Eventually my SSI will start and we will be okay. We were homeless for so long, just having a roof over my head is fortunate. Until all falls in place, I’m afraid of what’s going to happen. The struggle is real. Well, thanks for listening.
Free: 2 to 3t undies for boys unopened (Southside) New, size 2 to 3t toddlers undies for boys multicolor
Photo of free 2 to 3t undies for boys unopened (Southside) #1
Request: Washer and dryer or dryer (Parkersburg) Need a dryer. Need a washer. Currently using a portable washer. Don't have a dryer. Thankyou
Request: Coveralls or insulated bibs (Mount orab/Georgetown, oh) Any color small/medium just need something to keep me warm.