Free stuff near Stanleytown, Virginia

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Request: Furniture,, household, and kitchen (Thomasville) Grateful for anything that is useable for a home 🤍
Free: Basketball ring, net, backboard (Northwest Winston Salem) Our children and I have "aged-out" of the basketball set up.
Photo of free Basketball ring, net, backboard (Northwest Winston Salem) #1
Free: waterproof pants (Durham, west side) men's toL, navy blue, waterproof pants for outdoor activities in wet conditions
Photo of free waterproof pants (Durham, west side) #1
Photo of free waterproof pants (Durham, west side) #2
Request: dress form (Durham, west side) I am looking for a dress form for a small adult female
Request: Adult Coloring Books and Etc (Collins Mtn Rd, Chapel Hill) Looking for Adult Coloring books, coloring pencils and gel pens or markers I have found that this is so much more relaxing for me than starring at my cellphone for hours on end.
Request: Shoes (Triad) i need a pair of shoes. all mine are bucket food now. if anyone has a pair of 8.5 shoes that would soo cool. i may be asking for free shoes, but i am still a lil particular. To be fair the less theyve been worn the better. these feet are sensitive and get irritated fast. please dont judge. im only asking for free new ish shoes because you miss 100% of the shots you dont take. and my lil prissy feets need a new comfy pair. Addidas are the top of the list. Nike at the bottom. i will reiterate. there are others that need more than myself but if this is something that is stumbled upon i would truly be grateful. ill never hesitate to help a fellow human in need to add. Please, and Thank you. Sean <3
Request: IKEA Kura Bed Twin (Down town) In desperate need of this kind of bed. Getting out of DV relationship... Finally got a new rental after being in the DV shelter. He took temp custody of our babies and our newborn claiming I was abusive and neglectful. I don’t want to make the request for custody until I have a bed that can accommodate the kids!!!
Request: Ikea Kura Twin Bed (Winston Salem Nc 27105) Please consider my request, I’m leaving a DV relationship. I finally have a new rental. Just got out the DV shelter. HE took our babies with claims of abuse and neglect, it’s only temporary, but I don’t want to make the custody request before being able to get the things I need for my babies!!! 😭😭😭 I’m in Winston -Salem!
Request: items (Tre 4 area) Boy clothes 10_12 (10 yro boy) Dressers Lamps
Free: Mop - Mr. Clean brand (Lake Daniel, Greensboro)
Photo of free Mop - Mr. Clean brand (Lake Daniel, Greensboro) #1
Photo of free Mop - Mr. Clean brand (Lake Daniel, Greensboro) #2
Photo of free Mop - Mr. Clean brand (Lake Daniel, Greensboro) #3
Free: Retro Lime Green Sofa & Loveseat (pick up near Friendly Center) Retro lime green leather sofa + loveseat. With a little cleaning and leather polish, this dynamic duo will be in mint condition! Has been very loved, but still has a lot more love to offer. See dimensions below. Couch: 79.5" (L) X 34.5"(H) 35"(W) Loveseat: 63" (L) X 30.5" (H) X 35.5"(W)
Photo of free Retro Lime Green Sofa & Loveseat (pick up near Friendly Center) #1
Photo of free Retro Lime Green Sofa & Loveseat (pick up near Friendly Center) #2
Photo of free Retro Lime Green Sofa & Loveseat (pick up near Friendly Center) #3
Photo of free Retro Lime Green Sofa & Loveseat (pick up near Friendly Center) #4
+2 +1
Free: Hardwood (6969 Brandi Wood Cir) Hickory tree down. It is already cut up. Just need splitting please come and haul it away or split it up on the property and take with you. I have already split what I needed. You can have the rest. Let me know that you’re coming and how much you wish to take as others may be interested
Photo of free Hardwood (6969 Brandi Wood Cir) #1
Free: 1970s ceiling fan brass heavy (North Forest Hills) OK, I removed this wood and brass ceiling fan because on an 8 foot ceiling. It comes down so far that it’s just above your head if you’re 6 feet tall the prior owners of this house must’ve been quite small. It works. I just needed something more flushed with the ceiling.
Photo of free 1970s ceiling fan brass heavy (North Forest Hills) #1
Photo of free 1970s ceiling fan brass heavy (North Forest Hills) #2
Request: screen door (Glenwood) Looking for screen doors - one 30” on 36” with hinges on right facing door and door knob on left. Will come get!
Request: landscape plastic (Durham, west side) looking for black plastic to kill the weeds in my garden
Request: 🐔Chicken Waterer / light/ Wire (Collins Mtn Rd, Chapel Hill) In need of a chicken waterer at least 1.5 gallon would be great. Also the warming light for chick's and any extra chicken wire that you might just have laying around, not in use, I would really appreciate it very much. We started a new flock last fall and have lost two of our hens the past two nights, then two more the following night (4 total lost and we're devastated!!). I really appreciate any help available in advance with any 🐔 chicken wire or 🐔 heating lights or waterer💧 any chicken equipment you no longer are using and it would be VERY, VERY, MUCH APPRECIATED. Thank you. 😊
Photo of 🐔Chicken Waterer / light/ Wire (Collins Mtn Rd, Chapel Hill) #1
Free: Basketball hoop n pole (Winston-Salem) Good condition just has surface rust and glass needs cleaning. Free but must remove yourself (in ground right now)
Photo of free Basketball hoop n pole (Winston-Salem) #1
Request: Chicken Waterer 1.5 g, /Misc (Collins Mtn Rd, Chapel Hill) In need of a chicken waterer at least 1.5 gallon would be great and also any extra chicken wire that you might have just laying around unused I would really appreciate it very much. We started a new flock last fall and have lost two of our hens the past two nights, one of which was laying if not both. I really appreciate any help available in advance.
Photo of Chicken Waterer 1.5 g, /Misc (Collins Mtn Rd, Chapel Hill) #1
Free: Graduation Gown (North Chapel Hill) Black graduation gown with white stole. No tags to indicate size but it is about 55" from shoulder to hem. Not for a short person.
Photo of free Graduation Gown (North Chapel Hill) #1
Free: Rain Gauge (North Chapel Hill) Tall plastic rain gauge with mounting bracket. Chapel Hill.
Photo of free Rain Gauge (North Chapel Hill) #1
Request: Veteran (East mebane) Veteran looking for gentley used furniture for bedroom and living room. I know God will provide. Thanks in advance [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Request: Working or repair Laptop or tablet (Orange county) On disability and limited funds, I'll try to fix if small problems but definitely not a big problem.
Free: bling guard dots (Durham, west side) like new, barely used box of jewelry cushioning pads
Photo of free bling guard dots (Durham, west side) #1
Photo of free bling guard dots (Durham, west side) #2
Photo of free bling guard dots (Durham, west side) #3
Request: Rocks (27705) Best place to pick up some free rocks around here for yard projects
Free: The father storehouse Thomasville (Thomasville North Carolina) The father storehouse of Thomasville needs your help helping the women and children of Thomasville they need help with clothes food and other potentials if you are willing to help please donate food clothes and much more if you're willing to donate or help you visit their website she could use all the help that she can get to help these women and children thank you very much God bless
Photo of free The father storehouse Thomasville (Thomasville North Carolina) #1
Request: Food/coat/computer (Roanoke) - A women’s Large/X-Large winter jacket. -Food to get through the month(even just Bread and peanut butter would do and be very helpful) -looking for a laptop that works. I am also looking for a computer so that I can make a resume and find a part-time job hopefully soon. If you are able to help or willing to share feel free to email me at and use “HELP” as the subject line please. Thank you for taking the time to read.
Request: Furniture (North side) Just moved to back Danville last month and we are starting from scratch. We are in need of a decent small sofa, some dressers, kitchen table(small). We are in an apartment. And a full and queen bed frame. Need a box sping for the full. And maybe 1 or 2 small end tables. Stuff don't have to be in tip top shape, but be nice if it was decent. I don't have a truck though. That's our other issue. [ Items received in response to this request will be resold ]
Request: Educational Supplies (Northeast) In need of Educational and School Supplies for homeschooling for grades 1, 7, and 10 - anything helps: paper, notebooks, pencils, pens, crayons, markers, books, and any supplies suitable for an engaging and interactive educational experience for each child is beneficial! Thank you!
Free: Comfy recliner in need of repair (north central Durham, NC) Left armrest has come loose and needs securing. We cannot deliver.
Photo of free Comfy recliner in need of repair (north central Durham, NC) #1
Photo of free Comfy recliner in need of repair (north central Durham, NC) #2
Request: Crock Pot (Roxboro nc) Any size, working condition.