Free stuff near Ulysses, Pennsylvania

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Request: The Sun magazines (Ithaca environs) I love this magazine and would like to read issues people are ready to part with. I pass them on when I'm done, if I don't keep them myself.
Free: motorized lowering shelf unit (West Danby, NY) This unit swings down so items on the shelves can be brought down to a reachable height. It has a motor and needs to be wired in. We can meet you in Ithaca. thanks
Photo of free motorized lowering shelf unit (West Danby, NY) #1
Photo of free motorized lowering shelf unit (West Danby, NY) #2
Free: Potassium Supplements for CKD pets (Canandaigua) Our beloved CKD cat died, so I am giving away her things. The supplement jars are barely used. Hopefully you can use them for your animals.
Photo of free Potassium Supplements for CKD pets (Canandaigua) #1
Photo of free Potassium Supplements for CKD pets (Canandaigua) #2
Photo of free Potassium Supplements for CKD pets (Canandaigua) #3
Photo of free Potassium Supplements for CKD pets (Canandaigua) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: hand carved sofa (Ithaca west hill) This hand carved a sofa was originally a wedding gift. She needs new cushions and new upholstery, but the frame is solid as a rock and very unique. You would need to come with a truck and two people. To carry it away.
Photo of free hand carved sofa (Ithaca west hill) #1
Photo of free hand carved sofa (Ithaca west hill) #2
Photo of free hand carved sofa (Ithaca west hill) #3
Request: carpet scraps (North Van Etten) Wanted: carpet pieces at least 30 x 42 to go in my dog's crate. He is chewing on expensive dog beds so enough of that. Closely tufted carpet would be best- no shag that would be more tempting to chew up. Thanks!
Free: Handcarved Sofa (Ithaca west hill) One of a kind handcarved sofa frame is solid as a rock. The fabric and cushions need to be replaced. Free to you if you come and get it. You will need two people and a truck it is heavy.
Photo of free Handcarved Sofa (Ithaca west hill) #1
Photo of free Handcarved Sofa (Ithaca west hill) #2
Photo of free Handcarved Sofa (Ithaca west hill) #3
Photo of free Handcarved Sofa (Ithaca west hill) #4
+2 +1
Request: Chicken Things (Ithaca - West Side) I'm planning/hoping to build a chicken area in the Spring, and am new to hosting backyard chickens. If you are no longer caring for backyard chickens and have Chicken Things to unload, I am looking for materials, accessories, ideas. Thanks in advance!
Request: Large coffee urn, Ball Thrower (Ithaca, West Hill) I am hoping for a large coffee urn, 50 cups or larger A ball thrower for my dog Thanks a lot!!
Free: Shims for Mattes Dressage Pad (Canandaigua) These shims were never used, but they do have a little dust on them from being, well, in a barn . . .The pieces on the lower left were trimmed off, but could be inserted in the pad’s pockets anyway. Easy porch pickup.
Photo of free Shims for Mattes Dressage Pad (Canandaigua) #1
Free: Bromeliads (Canandaigua) Three bromeliads. Two have bloomed, and the largest one has two pups. They are light in color because I gave them too much sun; they need partial shade. They did well, just the appearance was affected. Easy porch pickup.
Photo of free Bromeliads (Canandaigua) #1
Photo of free Bromeliads (Canandaigua) #2
Free: ZuPreem Food for Parrots (Canandaigua) One of the bags is opened and nearly full, and the other is brand new and unopened. Easy porch pickup. Thanks for looking!
Photo of free ZuPreem Food for Parrots (Canandaigua) #1