Free stuff near Williamsburg, Pennsylvania

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Request: Lally pole(s (Shepherdstown WV) Lally Pole (or Lally Column) needed. These are used in a basement to support an overhead floor.
Photo of Lally pole(s (Shepherdstown WV) #1
Photo of Lally pole(s (Shepherdstown WV) #2
Free: Tank tops (Williamsport) Both are 2xl but the size seems closer to xl. Please take both.
Photo of free Tank tops (Williamsport) #1
Photo of free Tank tops (Williamsport) #2
Free: Child’s winter hat (Williamsport) Never used
Photo of free Child’s winter hat (Williamsport) #1
Photo of free Child’s winter hat (Williamsport) #2
Free: Paper towel holder (Williamsport)
Photo of free Paper towel holder (Williamsport) #1
Free: Mouse pad (Williamsport)
Photo of free Mouse pad (Williamsport) #1
Photo of free Mouse pad (Williamsport) #2
Request: of ring cam (Hagerstown.) Looking for just a regular ring camera not a doorbell. Anybody have one they’re willing to part with would be much appreciated.
Request: Small rice cooker (Mechanicsburg PA) I’d love to have a small working rice cooker. Can pickup or meet most evenings and weekends. Thanks!
Free: Wooden Magazine Rack (Lewistown, MD) Needs cosmetic refurbishing but structurally very sound.
Photo of free Wooden Magazine Rack (Lewistown, MD) #1
Request: Large metal barrels (Shepherdstown WV) 55 Gallon Steel Barrels will serve my purpose; with lids if available.
Photo of Large metal barrels (Shepherdstown WV) #1
Photo of Large metal barrels (Shepherdstown WV) #2
Request: 26in bicycle (State college) I am in need of a working 26in peddle bike.
Free: Bubble mailers (Halfway- Hagerstown) Lots of sizes. Great to reuse if you sell things online!
Photo of free Bubble mailers (Halfway- Hagerstown) #1
Request: Interested in any bulbs or tubers (South Chambersburg) Something I can plant now that will bloom this year or next.
Photo of Interested in any bulbs or tubers (South Chambersburg) #1
Request: Boat (Hagerstown) ISO John boat with trailer
Free: Futon black metal frame (Near Wesley Road) Nice, black metal frame, 2 mattresses (1 black, 1 brown). The brown is currently under the black.
Photo of free Futon black metal frame (Near Wesley Road) #1
Photo of free Futon black metal frame (Near Wesley Road) #2
Request: Chain Link Fencing parts (Shepherdstown WV) I need various parts for a chain link fence. May I have your fence project leftover parts, poles and fencing?
Photo of Chain Link Fencing parts (Shepherdstown WV) #1
Photo of Chain Link Fencing parts (Shepherdstown WV) #2
Request: pick up of electronics (Carlisle and surrounding areas) Free pick up of broken or unwanted electronics that need recycled. Items include but may not be limited to: office & cell phones, calculators, cable boxes, modems, routers,satellite dish’s (must be removed from structure). Gaming systems, remotes, flat screen TV’s/computer monitors, computers, laptops, and electronic kids toys. But no older tube type TV’s please.
Free: Wooden dollhouse (Thurmont MD) This doll house was built from plywood by my dad in the early 90s. About 3.5 ft high and 3 ft wide. The rooms are carpeted! It's in pretty good shape (the front door, trim, and one shutter are missing.) There's a turntable thing underneath so that the house can spin around. I hate to part with it, but I don't think it will survive my two boys until my youngest daughter is old enough to play with it. (The boys are the reason for the missing trim, door, and shutter!) I will include the door and trim if you're interested in fixing it. Please respond with day/time you can pick up. We're in Thurmont next to the NVR plant. Thanks! Mary
Photo of free Wooden dollhouse (Thurmont MD) #1
Photo of free Wooden dollhouse (Thurmont MD) #2
Request: Medical Equipment (Williamsport,Md) In need of some medical equipment for an elderly lady who has recently had a leg amputated she is in need of a transfer board bedside commode, shower bench, and a hip pack
Request: Chain link fence (Shepherdstown WV) Any chain link fencing is useful for my purpose. Even parts for the fence will be used.
Photo of Chain link fence (Shepherdstown WV) #1
Photo of Chain link fence (Shepherdstown WV) #2
Free: 12” x 16” Wall Frames (Latrobe, PA downtown) Two 12” x 16” ready-made wall frames. Never used, and in excellent shape. I will give you the address for a porch pick up when you contact me. If you want them, please pick them up as soon as possible after we connect.
Photo of free 12” x 16” Wall Frames (Latrobe, PA downtown) #1
Photo of free 12” x 16” Wall Frames (Latrobe, PA downtown) #2
Free: Working refrigerator (Waynesboro) Must be able to load yourself and say when you’re going to pick it up. Beige Kenmore. After set outside, the wind caught the door and bent the bottom hinge. That will need to be repaired for it to seal properly.
Photo of free Working refrigerator (Waynesboro) #1
Photo of free Working refrigerator (Waynesboro) #2
Photo of free Working refrigerator (Waynesboro) #3
Request: Potato Slicer (Shepherdstown WV) Any working and usable potato slicer will meet my needs.
Photo of Potato Slicer (Shepherdstown WV) #1
Photo of Potato Slicer (Shepherdstown WV) #2
Request: Metal Canoe in useable / condition (Shepherdstown WV) I am looking for a two-person, metal canoe in useable / repairable condition.
Photo of Metal Canoe in useable / condition (Shepherdstown WV) #1
Free: Large Aquarium (halfway) Promised Large empty tank
Photo of free Large Aquarium (halfway) #1
Photo of free Large Aquarium (halfway) #2
Free: Glass Phone Screen Shields (Latrobe, PA downtown) A two pack of tempered glass clear screen shields. Designed for iPhone 8/7. Include the two shields, alcohol prep pad, and instructions. I will give you the address for a porch pick up when you contact me. If you want them, please pick them up as soon as possible after we connect.
Photo of free Glass Phone Screen Shields (Latrobe, PA downtown) #1
Photo of free Glass Phone Screen Shields (Latrobe, PA downtown) #2
Photo of free Glass Phone Screen Shields (Latrobe, PA downtown) #3
Free: Square Reader (Latrobe, PA downtown) Square contactless, swipe ball, insertable card reader. I replaced it with another one, so I don’t need this one anymore. You will need a Square account to use it. Make it to a primary point of sale device, or add it to your current set up. If you want it, I will give you the address, but please pick it up soon.
Photo of free Square Reader (Latrobe, PA downtown) #1
Photo of free Square Reader (Latrobe, PA downtown) #2
Photo of free Square Reader (Latrobe, PA downtown) #3
Photo of free Square Reader (Latrobe, PA downtown) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: approx. 100 audiotape cassettes (Foxdale Village) Many never played, most of the tapes contain folk music, American and foreign, only a few are classical
Free: matching sofa/loveseat/chaire (State College) Sturdy wood with cream color textured upholstery.
Photo of free matching sofa/loveseat/chaire (State College) #1
Free: Roomba 500 series replacement parts (Mt Pleasant PA) Brushes, front wheel and filters. All new from iRobot.
Photo of free Roomba 500 series replacement parts (Mt Pleasant PA) #1
Request: Dark brown fedora hat (Altoona) I am requesting a size medium (7 1/8in) dark brown fedora hat. Thank you in advance and I appreciate your time.