Free stuff near Wortham, Texas

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Free: Bag of plastic utensils (By fire station 53) Promised Various plastic utensils from takeout that I didn’t ask for. Maybe these are useful for you?
Photo of free Bag of plastic utensils (By fire station 53) #1
Free: large white cabinet (1421 Apache ct Joshua Tx) white 2by 7 tall feet bought Lowes no longer need . Great for storage in garage or house
Request: dog items & fencing (Scurry) ISO: - dog houses/igloos/shelters - dog beds/blankets - fencing materials (lots of it)
Free: Partially-used Butane Canister (Lakewood) Iwatani brand. It says for use with that brand appliance. I used it with a small indoor single gas burner stove of that brand. It's mostly full.
Photo of free Partially-used Butane Canister (Lakewood) #1
Photo of free Partially-used Butane Canister (Lakewood) #2
Photo of free Partially-used Butane Canister (Lakewood) #3
Free: Above ground pool cover (We are on lake Palestine) Blue and made for a 16 foot above ground pool. The brand was Intex. Never used.
Request: Hangers (Lakewood) Looking for a dozen or so decent plastic or wood hangers.
Free: Italian Designer Jacket (Dallas tx 75231) is in good condition italiana
Photo of free Italian Designer Jacket (Dallas tx 75231) #1
Photo of free Italian Designer Jacket (Dallas tx 75231) #2
Free: Random glassware (The Destino Apartments) There are 6 half glasses some small serving plates some glass Sunday boats and a few more must take all
Photo of free Random glassware (The Destino Apartments) #1
Photo of free Random glassware (The Destino Apartments) #2
Request: moving boxes (oak lawn) anyone have a bunch? thanks!
Request: Plywood (Ferris tx 75125) Any size thick plywood to help keep warmth
Request: Mattress (Grand Prairie) In desperate need of a baby/toddler mattress...
Request: Plastic shelves (Grand Prairie) Short or tall. Wide or narrow. Deep or shallow. In good shape.
Request: reclining chair (Balchsprings) Clean in good condition no pets no smoking 7
Request: Picture frames (Grand Prairie) All sizes, including collages. I prefer black or silver but would appreciate anything.
Request: Old laptop power supplies (Waxahachie) Looking for older dell laptop power supplies, and any laptop power supplies that are rated at ~19v for a project I am working on.
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