The four posters are as follows:
1. Degas - Ecole de Danse poster from 1986 New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. Size is 36 inches (915mm) x 30 inches (765mm). Slight damage to upper edge of poster. Poster has never been mounted or framed.
2. Winslow Homer - Snap the Whip poster from 1986 New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. Size is 42 inches (1065mm) x 28 inches (710mm). Slight damage to upper edge of poster. Poster has never been mounted or framed.
3. The Sleeper Cutters (Australia Forestry New South Wales). Size is 33.5 inches (850mm) x 25.5 inches (650mm). Poster has never been mounted or framed.
4. Felling Trees by Axe from Springboard (Australia Forestry Gympie Queensland). Size is 21 inches (530mm) x 16.5 inches (420mm). Poster has never been mounted or framed.
Posters are all contained in a cardboard box for transit.
Thank you.