Looking for a walking pad that sits on the ground. No uprights on it as I have limited space. I am disabled. I cannot drive anymore because of disability issues related to a TBI
And riding the buses get me motion sickness really easy and will cause me to Lose stomach contents
So very hard for me to pick one up when I see one being given away.
I am in west seattle white center by the college
Ideal with motion sickness nauseousness In light headed feelings daily and puke several times a day due to this And walk with a cane. So very hard for me to go out walking very long. I need to be able to do it at home but cannot afford one of these as I am on disability income.
If anybody has one, they are giving away and can drop off. It would be very much appreciated and used in the last 3 months. I have When from 300 to 240 lbs Due to puking and health issues
I am still nowhere near my target wait for my Body mass index trying to get healthy again. But hard to do when you cannot walk very far without getting lightheaded easily