Bag of Baby Girl Clothes. Mainly 6 - 9months. (Tyseley B11)

Bag of Baby Girl Clothes. Mainly 6 - 9months. Mainly suitable for summer.
There are a few smaller sized items and items like the leggings and long sleeved tops which can be worn all year round. As can the all in one body suits/vests as these are worn under other clothes.
The bag contains approx -
12 x short sleeved T-Shirts/Tops
5 x long sleeved Tops
3 x sleep suits
18 x all in one Body suits/Vests
11 x Dresses/Suits
1 x pr tights
1 x pr Converse socks
15 x Leggings/Jeans/Trousers
8 x Shorts

Surplus to requirements as grand daughter now outgrown them.

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