Offering the following items. Please specify day and half-hour time window for pickup (not Sunday) and indicate which item(s) you'd like. It's okay to list multiple days and/or times, as I don't check this email account regularly. Near corner of Wisteria and Great Seneca Highway.
1) Rooted golden pothos cuttings. I pruned my plants, and the cuttings now have roots. Enough for two takers. Please note that this plant is toxic to pets, so I recommend only for pet-free homes.2) Several containers that restaurant food was delivered in. They're not styrofoam; I think they're compostable. They're square in shape.3) Two cans of Del Monte canned goods. One is potatoes, and they expired in October. The other is lower-sodium green beans, and they expire this month.4) Partially-solved variety puzzle magazines. I've solved my favorites; the rest are for someone else. I didn't want to put them into recycling when they have so many puzzles left in them. Approximately15 magazines. Might be nice for a doctor's office waiting room, for a shut-in, or for a classroom on a rainy day. 5) Two boxes of CVS brand antacid tablets, both with 2023 expiration dates.6) Nuts from These were purchased last year; all are unopened. The large orange container in the photo is hazelnuts. I kept the hazelnuts in the refrigerator; the others were kept at room temperature. Please note that I also have a container of Brazil nuts that has been opened. If you would like me to include that package as well, please let me know.
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