A full bedroom set of two side tables, a frame, a woman's dresser with a large mirror and a men's taller dresser. Good shape. Must pick up and provide own labour and truck. . Will add more pictures asap. You will Need to dissemble the bed frame. and take it away. You must take it all.
The picture shows the woman's dresser and mirror. As you can see we are in the midst of removing extensive items from the apt. I will add more pictures as I get them.
These items must be picked up asap since lease up shortly. If serious write to give a date (s) times to pick them up.
Please provide a contact so I can call you to arrange all this.
Fair Offer Policy applies
bedroom set (Yonge and Bloor area)
Collection Times
weekends or weekdays. arrange in advance
weekends or weekdays. arrange in advance
This offer has been gifted to someone and is no longer available.