Folding set of shelves (Rishworth HX6)
After the THIRD time-waster failed to arrange to collect this folding sets of shelves is up for grabs again. They are about 26" wide and 10" deep and can best be described as 'serviceable' in that, although sound, they have a number of scratches so are only suitable for use where appearance isn't important. We can't put up with any more pratting about so I will only offer them to someone who is able to collect Monday (17th) evening, Tuesday (18th) daytime or Wednesday (19th) all day. Preference will be given to people who say when they would propose to collect. My apologies to the three or four people who asked for these originally but didn't get an offer; things have dragged on so long I have lost your contact info. Please feel free to ask again.
This post has been withdrawn.