Holmes 1500 Watt Space Heater (Ravenna Springs)

Brr. It's cold. This old style Holmes Radiant heater puts out the heat! Please read the text between Read First block before responding. Thank you. Have a graced day.

** Read First **

Recipe for Receiving ~ If you want to be chosen do this:

1. State why you want this.

2. Provide your text/ phone number and I'll provide mine to ease pick-up. Do this in your first response. [Sadly, I've found that I must insist on this because of too many flakes.]

3. In person pick-up only, so offer a couple of time slots when you can come by. I only hand off my gifts in person to avoid package thieves.

4. Fair Offer Policy: I allow 24 hours from my original posts to allows members who get the digest a fair chance.
** end of Read First **

In original box 12 in hi x 19 in across x 8 in deep.

Fair Offer Policy applies
Collection Times
By mutual agreement, in person.