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Free: Flower Pots (Iliff & Chambers) Promised Multiple flower pots, plastic, metal, terra cotta, various sizes. Limited time offer.
Photo of free Flower Pots (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Box of Beauty Products (Iliff & Chambers) Promised My daughters finally moved out and when cleaning out their rooms I found lots of hair and skin products, along with other miscellaneous beauty items. Some are full, most a less than half empty. Picture only shows some.
Photo of free Box of Beauty Products (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Gardening Stuff (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted Every thing for gardening and lawn care. Plant and lawn food, grass seed, pots, seedling nets, tarp, tomato posts, buckets, etc. everything should be visible in the photo. Limited time offer, come take what you want. All will go to garbage or chemical disposal after 2 weeks.
Photo of free Gardening Stuff (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Paving Sand (Iliff & Chambers) Grey, loose paving sand. Original bag is deteriorating, you need to bring your own containers to fill. Shown with 5 gallon bucket for scale.
Photo of free Paving Sand (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Light Bulbs (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted Box of light bulbs, mostly fluorescent, some incandescent. Many different sizes and shapes.
Photo of free Light Bulbs (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Landscaping Bricks (Iliff & Chambers) Red edging brick in various shapes and sizes, some broken some whole.
Photo of free Landscaping Bricks (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Boxes of craft paints (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted Several different colors and types. Spray paint, tempura, oils.
Photo of free Boxes of craft paints (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Small Mason Jars (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted I have two boxes of pint and half pint mason jars available.
Photo of free Small Mason Jars (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Mason Jars (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted Mason jars, clear. I still have 2 cases of quart jars and 1 case of mixed sizes.
Photo of free Mason Jars (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Mason Jars (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted Case of 24 quart size mason jars, clear.
Photo of free Mason Jars (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Small drawer set (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted Small white plastic drawers good for craft room, etc.
Photo of free Small drawer set (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Bread Machine (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted White bread machine. Functional.
Photo of free Bread Machine (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Rock Polisher (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted Full kit with instructions and starter materials. Never been used.
Photo of free Rock Polisher (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Upright piano (Iliff & Chambers) Expired Mediocre condition, still works. Comes with bench and music. Moving and cannot take it with. You will need to bring your own team and truck to haul it.
Photo of free Upright piano (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: R2D2 Air Popper (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted Never used, looks like R2D2, still with box and instructions (though the box is a little beat up)
Photo of free R2D2 Air Popper (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Weasel light duty tiller (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted Red, small lightweight tiller. Needs work by someone good at fixing 1-stroke engines. Only used once, and sat for several years. Cannot get it started. Fuel oil included.
Photo of free Weasel light duty tiller (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Photo of free Weasel light duty tiller (Iliff & Chambers) #2
Free: Kids Easel Blackboard (Iliff & Chambers) Expired White board and black board. Needs a good cleaning
Photo of free Kids Easel Blackboard (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Photo of free Kids Easel Blackboard (Iliff & Chambers) #2
Free: Treadmill (Iliff & Chambers) Expired Works fine. Folds up to wall. Safety shutoff still works.
Photo of free Treadmill (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Photo of free Treadmill (Iliff & Chambers) #2
Free: Booster chair and potty trainer (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted Minnie Mouse themed. Decent working condition. Push button on trainer creates flush sound and cheers. Booster chair turn chair into high chair.
Photo of free Booster chair and potty trainer (Iliff & Chambers) #1
Free: Electric Lawnmower (Iliff & Chambers) Gifted Black & Decker electric lawn mower. Works fine, I just moved on to battery operated. Needs long extension cord. Best for small yards.