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Free: Fold up Single Bed (West End Woking) Gifted Folds away neatly for storage. Very useful for guests.
Photo of free Fold up Single Bed (West End Woking) #1
Photo of free Fold up Single Bed (West End Woking) #2
Free: Box of socks (West End Woking) Gifted Collect from GU24 9LY in daylight All washed. Adult size around 5-7
Photo of free Box of socks (West End Woking) #1
Free: Worktop ironing board (West End Woking) Withdrawn Collect in daylight from GU24 9LY Legs fold flat for storage Chipboard body
Photo of free Worktop ironing board (West End Woking) #1
Request: Omnia Oven (West End Woking) If anyone has one to go my daughter who lives in a van is in need of one. Thanks
Photo of Omnia Oven (West End Woking) #1
Free: Fibreglass Bath (West End Woking) Collect from GU24 9LY in daylight Useful for raised bed/allotment? 1800 x 800 x H 400 mm Crack in one corner see pic
Photo of free Fibreglass Bath (West End Woking) #1
Photo of free Fibreglass Bath (West End Woking) #2
Free: Fibreglass Bath (West End Woking) Withdrawn Collect from GU24 9LY in daylight Useful for raised bed/allotment? 1800 x 800 x H 400 mm Crack in one corner see pic
Photo of free Fibreglass Bath (West End Woking) #1
Photo of free Fibreglass Bath (West End Woking) #2
Free: Suspension Files + Folders (West End Woking) Collect in daylight from GU24 9LY Suspension files, name tags with inserts and square cut folders
Photo of free Suspension Files + Folders (West End Woking) #1
Free: Suspension Files + Folders (West End Woking) Withdrawn Collect in daylight from GU24 9LY Suspension files, name tags with inserts and square cut folders
Photo of free Suspension Files + Folders (West End Woking) #1
Free: Buoy with rope (West End Woking) Gifted Collect in daylight from GU24 9LY Foot ruler for scale Seems fine
Photo of free Buoy with rope (West End Woking) #1
Free: Sun lounger (West End Woking) Gifted Collect in daylight from GU24 9LY Sound and all there but needs a clean
Photo of free Sun lounger (West End Woking) #1
Free: Pots/Troughs and Edging (West End Woking) Gifted Collecting in daylight from GU24 9LY Prefer to go in one lot
Photo of free Pots/Troughs and Edging (West End Woking) #1
Request: Omnia Oven (West End Woking) Expired If anyone has one to go my daughter who lives in a van is in need of one. Thanks
Photo of Omnia Oven (West End Woking) #1
Free: Sundry Habedashery Items (West End Woking) Gifted Collect in daylight from GU24 9LY Ribbons, lace, laces, some thread, various
Photo of free Sundry Habedashery Items (West End Woking) #1
Free: Adult bike Mud Guards (West End Woking) Gifted Collect in daylight from GU24 9LY Have fixing bolts. Silver colour
Photo of free Adult bike Mud Guards (West End Woking) #1
Request: Old Monopoly game (West End Woking) Expired Complete if possible please
Free: Hangers (West End Woking) Gifted Collect from GU24 9LY in daylight Whole bag
Photo of free Hangers (West End Woking) #1
Request: Elderberries (West End Woking) Expired Please if anyone has any
Request: Kneeling chair (West End Woking) Expired Please if you have one to go.
Free: Two Oils (West End Woking) Gifted Collect from GU24 9LY in daylight About one litre of each
Photo of free Two Oils (West End Woking) #1
Request: Mahjong set (West End Woking) Received If anyone has one they no longer use please. I’ve just taken it up and joined a group. Many thanks
Photo of Mahjong set (West End Woking) #1
Request: Elderly ipad (West End Woking) Expired Maybe one which will no longer update so is of little use. I only want to play a word game on it. Thanks
Free: Warning triangle (West End Woking) Expired Collect from GU24 9LY Quite heavy Polco with plastic case
Photo of free Warning triangle (West End Woking) #1
Free: Hardcore to go (West End Woking) Expired Collect from GU24 9LY in daylight I guess about a cubic metre or a bit less
Photo of free Hardcore to go (West End Woking) #1
Free: Large cushion (West End Woking) Expired Collect from GU24 9LY in daylight About 700mm square Soft green colour, faded along one edge Filling is a feather duvet
Photo of free Large cushion (West End Woking) #1
Free: Lots of suspension files (West End Woking) Expired Collect from GU24 9LY in daylight With some inserts and plastic sleeves
Free: Hangers (West End Woking) Gifted Collect from GU24 9LY. Daytime
Photo of free Hangers (West End Woking) #1
Free: Revel cash box (West End Woking) Gifted Collect from GU24 9LY in daylight Inside fine Outside has surface rust so needs a clean up With key
Photo of free Revel cash box (West End Woking) #1
Photo of free Revel cash box (West End Woking) #2
Free: Side Table (West End Woking) Gifted Collect from GU24 9LY in daylight Pine Sturdy Needs refinishing H. 475. W. 450. D. 380 mm
Photo of free Side Table (West End Woking) #1
Free: Four non stick pans (West End Woking) Gifted Collect from GU24 9LY in daylight in good condition 200-300mm across
Photo of free Four non stick pans (West End Woking) #1
Request: Mahjong set (West End Woking) Expired If anyone has one they no longer use please. I’ve just taken it up and joined a group. Many thanks
Photo of Mahjong set (West End Woking) #1