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Free: Black-eyed Susans (Pittsford) Gifted Black-eyed Susans--All dug up, ready for you to take. Have 6 pots of them (9-inch pots). Probably 6 to 8 plants per pot. All of the pots together would fill an area 3 feet by 3 feet, probably. Very hardy. Will spread. Bloom from July thru September, usually. Near Pittsford Plaza.
Free: Bird nests (2) (Pittsford) Expired Real bird nests! Take one or both. Located near Pittsford Plaza.
Photo of free Bird nests (2) (Pittsford) #1
Free: Comforter for pet bedding (Pittsford) Expired Queen size comforter (not down) good for pet bedding. Has stains on it, but they are not very obvious. Otherwise, good condition. From a non-smoking home. Near Pittsford Plaza.
Photo of free Comforter for pet bedding (Pittsford) #1
Free: 3 Kevin Leman parenting books (Pittsford) Expired Offer: 3 books by Kevin Leman about parenting---"How to Talk so Kids Will Listen", "Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours" and "Bringing Up Kids Without Tearing Them Down." Leman's books are EXCELLENT! From a non-smoking, no pets home. Pittsford Near Pittsford Plaza.
Free: New pink tissue paper-10 lbs (Pittsford) Gifted 10 pound box of unused pink tissue paper. Sheets are 20" x 30". New. Great for crafts or if you have a store and need to wrap fragile things. Or good if you are moving and need to wrap fragile things. Pittsford near Pittsford Plaza.
Free: Sundrops perennial flowers (Pittsford) Expired Sundrops--perennial with 2" yellow flowers -- I have this already dug up for you and it's in one 10" pot. about 10 stems (plants) in the pot. The flowers have died, so it's just leaves now. (The photo was from 2 weeks ago.) You will need to plant them in the ground. Needs at least 4 hours of sun a day. They get about 2 feet tall in that lighting. The flowers bloom around June 15 but bloomed early this year. The blooms usually last about 2 weeks. Sundrops do spread quickly, but are pretty easy to pull up if the patch of them gets too big.The foliage turns burgundy in the fall. Deer do eat the flowers, so you need to either have a fenced garden or no deer in your area. Pittsford near Pittsford Plaza.
Photo of free Sundrops perennial flowers (Pittsford) #1
Free: 6 small drawstring burlap bags (Pittsford) Expired 6 small burlap drawstring bags. Each is 12 inches tall and 8 inches wide when laid flat. These originally contained amaryllis bulbs. All very clean and from a no-smoking, no-pets home. Pittsford near Pittsford Plaza.
Photo of free 6 small drawstring burlap bags (Pittsford) #1
Free: Packing peanuts & other padding (Pittsford) Expired Have a large box (2 feet by 2.5 feet by 2.5 feet) filled with biodegradable packing peanuts, air pillow packaging and brown paper padding material. Pittsford near Pittsford Plaza.
Free: Computer speakers--need repair (Pittsford) Expired Computer speakers --one of the cords is a little loose where it fits into the speaker, so unless you wedge it tightly in the connector slot, there's no sound. But I couldn't wedge it such that it would stay, so the connector slot needs to be replaced or fixed somehow. From a non-smoking, no pets home. Pittsford near Pittsford Plaza.
Photo of free Computer speakers--need repair (Pittsford) #1
Photo of free Computer speakers--need repair (Pittsford) #2
Request: Wide mouth glass jars w metal lids (Pittsford) Expired I'm looking for wide mouth glass jars that have metal lids--Need jars that are 16 to 24 ounces. Mouth 2.5 inches or larger. Like peanut butter jars or salsa jars. Canning jars without lids would be great, too. If you have 5 or more of this type of jar that you want to get rid of, I would love to come take them off your hands! Thank you!
Free: Auto carpet & upholstery cleaner (Pittsford) Expired 2 spray cans of carpet & upholstery cleaner for cars. The Armorall can is 22 oz and is full. The other is 18 oz and is probably 1/3 full. Pittsford near Pittsford Plaza.
Photo of free Auto carpet & upholstery cleaner (Pittsford) #1
Free: 5 small burlap drawstring bags (Pittsford) Gifted 5 small burlap drawstring bags. Each is 12 inches tall and 8 inches wide when laid flat. These originally contained amaryllis bulbs. Pittsford near Pittsford Plaza.
Photo of free 5 small burlap drawstring bags (Pittsford) #1
Free: 8 kids soccer balls & mesh bag (Pittsford) Gifted 8 soccer balls--all used, but still have some life in them! one size 3, four size 4, three size 5. Must take all. Pittsford near Pittsford Plaza.
Photo of free 8 kids soccer balls & mesh bag (Pittsford) #1
Request: 3 foaming soap dispenser bottles (Pittsford) Expired Does anybody have a foaming soap dispenser that is now out of soap and you are going to toss the bottle? I can use 3 of these! Thank you!
Free: Bag for Sears lawn mower (Pittsford) Expired Bag for Sears lawn mower--for a 21 inch rear wheel drive mower. Has a small hole but it is small enough that it won't allow leaves or anything to fall out.
Photo of free Bag for Sears lawn mower (Pittsford) #1
Request: Scrap 2x4s or 2x2s (Pittsford) Expired Does anybody have any scrap lumber hanging around that they want to get rid of? I need six 2x4s or 2x2s that are at least 4 feet 6 inches long each. A mix of 2x4s and 2x2s would work---doesn't need to be all of one or all of the other. I need these for my raised bed garden---I have a 4x8 foot community garden plot and last year my zucchini got infested with squash borer and I need to wait a year before planting zucchini in that dirt again. So to have zucchini again this year, I want to grow it in large pots placed above the dirt, with the pots sitting on 2x4s or 2x2s stretched across the top of the raised bed side walls, not on the garden bed bec that will compress the dirt in the garden. All for the love of organic zucchini! :):):) Thank you!
Free: Non-working Toro leaf blower (Pittsford) Gifted It stopped working and I have no idea why. If you are good at fixing things, maybe you can fix it. It was excellent while it worked!
Photo of free Non-working Toro leaf blower (Pittsford) #1
Free: Learn Photoshop CD set (Pittsford) Expired 5 CDs re: learning/using Photoshop + 1 CD is Photoshop Elements 2.0
Photo of free Learn Photoshop CD set (Pittsford) #1
Free: Alarm clock with radio (Pittsford) Gifted Electric alarm clock with battery back-up. The readout is red, though it shows up as orange-ish in the photo. Can set 2 alarm times. Has snooze button. I don't have the instructions, but you can pretty easily figure out how to set it. Large print (2 inches tall). Clock size is 3 inches by 7.5 inches.
Photo of free Alarm clock with radio (Pittsford) #1
Free: Indoor Norfolk pine tree (Pittsford) Gifted Small Norfolk pine tree--about 12 inches tall. Supposedly it can be kept indoors or planted outside, but the care instructions only refer to keeping it inside. ??
Photo of free Indoor Norfolk pine tree (Pittsford) #1
Photo of free Indoor Norfolk pine tree (Pittsford) #2
Free: 2 outdoor chaise lounges (Pittsford) Gifted Multi position lounge chairs. Salmon-colored fabric. Very sturdy. One has some stains on it (see the close-up picture of the stains) that can probably be gotten out with Oxiclean.
Photo of free 2 outdoor chaise lounges (Pittsford) #1
Photo of free 2 outdoor chaise lounges (Pittsford) #2
Photo of free 2 outdoor chaise lounges (Pittsford) #3
Photo of free 2 outdoor chaise lounges (Pittsford) #4
+2 +1
Request: Landline speakerphone (Pittsford) Expired Looking for a landline phone that has a speakerphone in it. Mine just stopped working. Need the kind of phone that does not have an answering machine built into it. Thank you!