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Request: Textured glass dishes (North Brunswick, NJ) Hi, If anyone has several glass dishes (12 are needed in total) that are textured, I'd love to pick these up for an anniversary. I'm very hopeful to collect something similar to the image posted this week. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Photo of Textured glass dishes (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Request: 2 tiered stand (North Brunswick, NJ) Hi, Does anyone have a 2 or 3 tiered stand you are no longer interested in? I'm looking for these for our anniversary party for a sweets table. Please let me know. I would really appreciate it. Thank you
Photo of 2 tiered stand (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Request: Empty glass olive oil bottles (North Brunswick, NJ) Hello, If there is someone here who uses olive oil and you have these glass bottles, can you please collect them and let me know if I can pick them up? I would really appreciate it. They will be used to decorate tables for our anniversary. I would really appreciate it. Thank you
Photo of Empty glass olive oil bottles (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: Refurbish cabinet shelf (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Would anyone be interested in an antique piece of furniture whose leg needs to be repaired, yet we do not have time to do it? If you can restore this piece we would love you to have it. I can share a photo if you let me know this is your interest.
Request: Steno books (15) (North Brunswick, NJ) Expired Needed for preschoolers
Free: Mens (size 11) (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Used
Photo of free Mens (size 11) (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: Mens shoes 10 1/2 (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Used
Photo of free Mens shoes 10 1/2 (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: Black shoes 9 1/2 (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Used
Photo of free Black shoes 9 1/2 (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: Mens 10 1/2 (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Used sneakers
Photo of free Mens 10 1/2 (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: Sneakers size 13 (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Used Asics
Photo of free Sneakers size 13 (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: Young adult shoes (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Size 11, used (for Prom?)
Free: Used black reclining sofa (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Used Has a spot where you sit due to wet hair while laying on it. It may be useful as a prop on a stage or for a game room.
Photo of free Used black reclining sofa (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: Reclining sofa (North Brunswick, NJ) Expired Black sofa, used (yet still functional). Image shows material isn’t leather. We are looking to paint and changing our color scheme at home. If picking up, you will need two people to move it.
Photo of free Reclining sofa (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Photo of free Reclining sofa (North Brunswick, NJ) #2
Free: Empty jars (North Brunswick, NJ) Expired Used - some without lids
Photo of free Empty jars (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: Iron (for taking apart) (North Brunswick, NJ) Expired Condition: It leaks water Just posting here in case anyone can fix it for themselves or have a child that likes to take things apart.
Photo of free Iron (for taking apart) (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: Laminate and other materials (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Used Wondering if anyone can use any of it
Free: Pieces of laminate (North Brunswick, NJ) Expired Used
Photo of free Pieces of laminate (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: Scooter - side to side (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Used
Photo of free Scooter - side to side (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Photo of free Scooter - side to side (North Brunswick, NJ) #2
Free: Spirilizer (North Brunswick, NJ) Expired Not working, yet if you are a handy person, perhaps you can get it to work. I only used it once. No longer interested in teying to figure it out.
Photo of free Spirilizer (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: wood block - Meghan (North Brunswick, NJ) Expired Wood
Photo of free wood block - Meghan (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: 4 Wooden chairs (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Two are upholstered, two are not. I received this from another freecycle.
Photo of free 4 Wooden chairs (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Photo of free 4 Wooden chairs (North Brunswick, NJ) #2
Photo of free 4 Wooden chairs (North Brunswick, NJ) #3
Free: Inversion table (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Used condition - still does the job of helping someone with back issues. Purchased long ago when I bust my behind from doing stunts with my boys. No longer needed my back is jacked up for life.
Photo of free Inversion table (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: Two solid wood chairs for a project (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Used condition from another recycler. I only repurposed two chairs. These need a new home to make space in my garage for family moving in.
Photo of free Two solid wood chairs for a project (North Brunswick, NJ) #1
Free: Dishes (taupe colored) (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted Used condition - I have too many and need to downsize. Made in USA.
Free: Utility sink (North Brunswick, NJ) Expired Given to me by another recycler. We could not brake a hole in the ground for the water to run.
Free: Broken dishes for mosaics (North Brunswick, NJ) Expired If anyone wants broken dishes I have plenty. I thought at some point on my lifetime that I would get into this hobby….nope. If interested, let me know.
Free: Kids workbench (North Brunswick, NJ) Gifted The workbench came from a preschool many years ago. It is solid wood. Anyone can use it really, especially if you do crafts and want to bang away on a table. Need to give this away as space is needed in my garage for a family member move in soon. Tennis racket on top is to show the size.
Photo of free Kids workbench (North Brunswick, NJ) #1