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Request: Haircut (Woodbridge) In need of a trim bad plz. My ends are split and getting thin and it's depressing but I can't afford a haircut. I don't need a blow dry. Near woodbridge tho plz. Thank u :)
Request: Xbox one (Woodbridge) In need of an xbox 1 digital for our son. His is glitching and and he is so sad about it. He has a bunch of games purchased on it so we need a digital one to transfer the games onto it,unless a nondigital regular xbox 1 can also. I can pick up. Thank u. :)
Request: Door or full.legnth wall.mirror (Woodbridge) Need a full length or door mirror plz. I can pick up. Thanks :)
Request: Men's size 2x casual clothes (Woodbridge) In need of cheap or free men's size 2x casual clothes. I can pick up. Thank u :D
Request: Twin boxspring (Woodbridge) Withdrawn A twin boxspring for our son plz. His was ruined due to leaking water pipe. We can pick up in and around Woodbridge. Thanks ♡
Request: Twin. Bedframe (Woodbridge) Received Need a twin bed frame asap, emergency for our son plz. Thx Thx
Request: Disposable masks (Woodbridge) Expired Disposable masks plz. We're almost out and our son wears them to school. And we're unfortunately broke right now. I can pick up. In and around Woodbridge. Thank u :)
Request: Men's large clothes (Woodbridge) Expired Very much needing men's large winter clothes.Our son had a growth spurt again and it's hard to keep up. I can pick up. Thx for considering. Thx ♡
Request: Men's medium & large clothes (Woodbridge) Expired Very much needing men's medium and large winter clothes.Our son had a growth spurt again and it's hard to keep up. I can pick up. Thx for considering. Thx ♡
Request: Electric hair clippers (Woodbridge) Expired Electric hair clippers needed plz. I can pick up. Thanks :)
Request: Upright vacuum cleaner size box (Woodbridge) Expired Upright Vacuum cleaner sized box needed please. I can pick up. Thanks
Request: Men's xxl clothes (Woodbridge) Expired Men's XXL clothes plz. I can pick up. Thx :)
Request: Vacuum cleaner (Woodbridge) Expired Vacuum cleaner from a pet free home plz due to allergies. I can pick up. Thank u
Free: Exercise bike (Woodbridge) Gifted Free exercise bike. Great condition. Just need the space. A lil heavy so need 2 people to carry from bottom foor apartment. Thank u
Photo of free Exercise bike (Woodbridge) #1
Request: Boogie board (Woodbridge) Expired Need Boogie board for our 12 year old son for the pool plz. I can pick up. Thx 😊
Request: XXL men's shorts (Woodbridge) Expired Asking for men's XXL shorts and large shirts please. I can pick up.
Request: Cel phone (Woodbridge) Received Cheap cel phone for our son to use with just wifi. I can pick up. Thanks alot. :) ♡
Request: Lego sets (Woodbridge) Expired Hi :) Does anyone have any lego sets they aren't gonna use I can give our 11 year old son for Christmas please? Thank u ♡
Free: dracena plant (Woodbridge) Expired Giving away dracena plant b4 it dies cuz I don't want to kill it. An expert can revive it I'm sure. Without planter tho unfortunately plz. Pick up Woodbridge. Thank u
Photo of free dracena plant (Woodbridge) #1
Request: Men's long sleeve sm & med shirts (Woodbridge) Expired In need of men's small & medium long sleeved shirts (without collars) plz for our growing little man. I can pick up. Thanks alot
Request: medium &/or large plant pots (Woodbridge) Expired In need of medium &/or large plant pots please. I can pick up. Thanks so much :)
Request: xbox 360 controller (Woodbridge) Expired In need of an xbox 360 controller for our son please. I can.pick up. Thanks. :)
Request: medical boot for an injury (Woodbridge) Expired Ask To borrow or have a Medical boot plz. I can pick up.Thx. :)
Request: plant stand (Woodbridge) Expired In need of a plant stand please. I can pick.up.Thank.u. :)