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Request: easy assembly clothes rail (LU2) has anyone got an easy assembly clothes rail. suitable for boot sale please i would appreciate one
Request: beach shelter (LU2) has anyone got a beach shelter not used anymore i would appreciate one please like photo above
Photo of beach shelter (LU2) #1
Request: old duffle coat (LU2) any colour size 16 duffle coat with toggles if anyone has one lying around unwanted i would appreciate one please
Request: white paint for wood (LU2) has any one have any white paint for wood please would like to upcycle 3 cabinets near to stopsley as i dont drive will have to walk from lu29js thankyou
Request: beach folding trolly (LU2) Withdrawn beach folding trolley similar to photo if anyone has one not needed anymore please i can collect most times
Photo of beach folding trolly (LU2) #1
Free: vintage ladies bike (LU2) Gifted vintage folding bike needs tlc tyres need pumping up brakes need attention
Photo of free vintage ladies bike (LU2) #1
Photo of free vintage ladies bike (LU2) #2
Free: pull out single chair bed (LU2) Expired going to tip friday if no tskers colour brown peeling in some places as in photos needs covers bed part/ mattress in good condition quite heavy couldnt get full photo of pull out part as no room
Photo of free pull out single chair bed (LU2) #1
Photo of free pull out single chair bed (LU2) #2
Photo of free pull out single chair bed (LU2) #3
Photo of free pull out single chair bed (LU2) #4
+7 +6 +5
Free: toshiba regza tv (LU2) Gifted toshiba regza 37 wlt 66s tv no remote no stand quite heavy not smart tv
Photo of free toshiba regza tv (LU2) #1
Photo of free toshiba regza tv (LU2) #2
Photo of free toshiba regza tv (LU2) #3
Photo of free toshiba regza tv (LU2) #4
+5 +4 +3
Request: electric cooker (LU2) Expired need electric cooker please if one available
Free: over bed table (LU2) Gifted over bed table quite large
Photo of free over bed table (LU2) #1
Photo of free over bed table (LU2) #2
Request: suutcase (LU2) Expired wanted a medium size suitcase on wheels and a retractable handle. please if one going i'd appreciate one
Request: sun lounger (LU2) Expired has anyone got a reasonably nice sun lounger they no longer need please i would really appreciate one if so can't collect until after monday
Request: mini tabletop dishwasher (LU2) Expired just wondering if anyone is gifting a mini tabletop dishwasher i would greatly appreciate one please
Request: very large piece of foam (LU2) Expired need a very large piece of about 6foot square please can collect most times would appreciate
Request: under counter freezer (LU2) Expired In need Small under counter freezer please mine just broken if anyone got one it would be appreciated
Request: Basic walking frame (LU2) Received Basic walking frame with 2 wheels at front if anyone has on not needed please can pick up anytime
Free: Ladies clothes (LU2) Gifted 6 black bags Ladies clothes sizes between 14,16,maybe 18 all bags are mixed sizes didn’t sort them but trousers mostly sizes 14 other mostly 16 few 18
Request: Ring doorbell 3 battery (LU2) Expired In need of working doorbell 3 battery ( like photo) if anyone has one to gift it would greatly appreciated
Photo of Ring doorbell 3 battery (LU2) #1
Free: Real leather jacket (LU2) Gifted Small jacket size 36 real leather
Photo of free Real leather jacket (LU2) #1
Request: Disability walker (LU2) Expired In need of disability walker with seat please if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated
Request: under counter freezer (LU2) Expired In need Small under counter freezer mine just broken if anyone got one it would be appreciated
Free: Toilet riser (LU2) Expired Adjustable toilet riser
Photo of free Toilet riser (LU2) #1
Request: Small Chest freezer (LU2) Expired Small chest freezer needed if anyone got one they no longer need please
Free: 4 slice Toaster only year old (LU2) Gifted Silver /gold 4 slice toaster 1 knob broken but still works for toasting can only be picked up tonight up to 8-30 pm or tomorrow after 3 pm unless I leave behind bins in bag other than that next weekend
Photo of free 4 slice Toaster only year old (LU2) #1
Photo of free 4 slice Toaster only year old (LU2) #2
Photo of free 4 slice Toaster only year old (LU2) #3
Photo of free 4 slice Toaster only year old (LU2) #4
+2 +1
Request: Disability walker (LU2) Expired In need off folding disability walker with seat for family And shopping bag if possible please I have one myself but need one for family
Request: Ring doorbell battery (LU2) Expired Has anyone got a 2nd generation ring doorbell battery please I would appreciate one
Request: Disability walker (LU2) Expired In need off folding disability walker with seat And shopping bag if possible please
Request: Working washing machine (LU2) Expired Has anyone a working washing machine to gift please my on broken down
Request: Lightweight wheelchair (LU2) Expired Would like a lightweight wheelchair for my mother in law one that can fold and put in car please if anyone has one not wanted anymore
Request: Parts inside camper furniture (LU2) Expired I would appreciate if anyone scrapping caravan, motor home , camper,bits as doing a van conversion