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Free: Offcuts Of Wood Ideal For Burning (CT21) Available to anyone who can make use of it, offcuts of wood ideal for burning. Collection from Hythe ***Moderators Note: Please be aware that some pallets are not suitable for burning on an indoor stove/fire as they may have been pretreated with harmful chemicals.
Photo of free Offcuts Of Wood Ideal For Burning (CT21) #1
Free: 5 Garden Sacks (CT21) I have 5 garden sacks which came with my compost if anyone can make use of them your welcome to them Collection from Hythe
Photo of free 5 Garden Sacks (CT21) #1
Request: Fake/Artificial Grass Offcuts (CT21) Wanted fake/artificial grass offcuts If anyone has or will be getting some fake grass offcuts over the next couple of months I'm looking for some and they would be very much appreciated...Thank you Nigel
Request: Ready Mixed Powered Concrete (CT21) if anyone has some Ready Mixed Powered Concrete I'm looking for some dont have to beloads something like half a bag would do i think...Thanks Nigel
Request: Ready Mixed Powered Concrete (CT21) if anyone has some Ready Mixed Powered Concrete I'm looking for some don't have to be loads something like half a bag would do i think...Thanks Nigel
Request: Green Fence Paint (CT21) If anyone has any tubs of green fence paint, they don't use or want anymore, they would sure be appreciated ...Nigel... Hythe
Free: A Mature Weeping Sedge (CT21) A mature weeping sedge is available and out the ground ready for collection from Hythe. You need to bring your own bag or pot to put it in. I have cut it back ready for repotting but it will soon grow back. -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- If you are expecting a reply PLEASE PLEASE remember to check your SPAM folder, you'd be amazed how many messages we find/or hear of that are missed because they've got sent to spam by over zealous email filters, Yahoo being by far the worst. Please also remember to check your Freegle account page for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. Please check that items offered are suitable, before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily. Finally PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT allow buying, selling, lending, borrowing or swapping under any circumstances.
Photo of free A Mature Weeping Sedge (CT21) #1
Photo of free A Mature Weeping Sedge (CT21) #2
Request: Lawn Edging (CT21) Wanted lawn edging like that in picture, I only need a couple of bits, if anyone has an odd couple of pieces left over in the garage etc that they no longer want, would be greatly appreciated ....Kind Regards Nigel
Photo of Lawn Edging (CT21) #1
Photo of Lawn Edging (CT21) #2
Photo of Lawn Edging (CT21) #3
Request: Fake Artificial Grass Offcuts (CT21) Wanted fake artificial grass offcuts If anyone has or will be getting some fake grass offcuts over the next couple of months I'm looking for some and they would be very much appreciated...Thank you Nigel
Free: Two smart Internet hubs with plugs (CT21) Expired Two smart Internet hubs with plugs if anyone can make use of them -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- If you are expecting a reply PLEASE PLEASE remember to check your SPAM folder, you'd be amazed how many messages we find/or hear of that are missed because they've got sent to spam by over zealous email filters, Yahoo being by far the worst. Please also remember to check your Freegle account page for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. NOTE: If there is a red dot or a red number on the 'Chat' icon at the top of your account page then there are messages/replies from others for you to read !!!! Please check that items offered are suitable, before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily. Finally PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT allow buying, selling, lending, borrowing or swapping under any circumstances.
Photo of free Two smart Internet hubs with plugs (CT21) #1
Request: Outdoor Tumbling Compost Bin (CT21) Expired If anyone has an outdoor tumbling compost bin they no longer use or want, I am looking for one and it would be very much appreciated ....Regards Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- If you are expecting a reply PLEASE PLEASE remember to check your SPAM folder, you'd be amazed how many messages we find/or hear of that are missed because they've got sent to spam by over zealous email filters, Yahoo being by far the worst. Please also remember to check your Freegle account page for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. NOTE: If there is a red dot or a red number on the 'Chat' icon at the top of your account page then there are messages/replies from others for you to read !!!! Please check that items offered are suitable, before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily. Finally PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT allow buying, selling, lending, borrowing or swapping under any circumstances.
Request: Leaf Blower (CT21) Expired I'm looking for a leaf blower, if anyone has one they no longer want, it would be very much appreciated. Kind regards, Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- If you are expecting a reply PLEASE PLEASE remember to check your SPAM folder, you'd be amazed how many messages we find/or hear of that are missed because they've got sent to spam by over zealous email filters, Yahoo being by far the worst. Please also remember to check your Freegle account page for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. NOTE: If there is a red dot or a red number on the 'Chat' icon at the top of your account page then there are messages/replies from others for you to read !!!! Please check that items offered are suitable, before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily. Finally PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT allow buying, selling, lending, borrowing or swapping under any circumstances.
Request: Old Newspapers (CT21) Received Old newspapers wanted please. If anyone has any they don't want they would be greatly appreciated...Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- If you are expecting a reply PLEASE PLEASE remember to check your SPAM folder, you'd be amazed how many messages we find/or hear of that are missed because they've got sent to spam by over zealous email filters, Yahoo being by far the worst. Please also remember to check your Freegle account page for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. NOTE: If there is a red dot or a red number on the 'Chat' icon at the top of your account page then there are messages/replies from others for you to read !!!! Please check that items offered are suitable, before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily. Finally PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT allow buying, selling, lending, borrowing or swapping under any circumstances.
Request: Guttering (CT21) Expired Just wondering if anyone can help me I'm looking for some guttering for my shed please, would be greatly appreciated ...Kind regards Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- If you are expecting a reply PLEASE PLEASE remember to check your SPAM folder, you'd be amazed how many messages we find/or hear of that are missed because they've got sent to spam by over zealous email filters, Yahoo being by far the worst. Please also remember to check your Freegle account page for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. NOTE: If there is a red dot or a red number on the 'Chat' icon at the top of your account page then there are messages/replies from others for you to read !!!! Please check that items offered are suitable, before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily. Finally PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT allow buying, selling, lending, borrowing or swapping under any circumstances.
Request: Forest Green Fence Paint (CT21) Expired If anyone has any tubs of Forest Green fence paint they don't use or want anymore they would sure be appreciated ...Nigel... Hythe -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- If you are expecting a reply PLEASE PLEASE remember to check your SPAM folder, you'd be amazed how many messages we find/or hear of that are missed because they've got sent to spam by over zealous email filters, Yahoo being by far the worst. Please also remember to check your Freegle account page for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. Please check that items offered are suitable, before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily. Finally PLEASE NOTE: We DO NOT allow buying, selling, lending, borrowing or swapping under any circumstances.
Free: clumps of Weeping Sedge (CT21) Expired I have clumps of Weeping Sedge left I have just cut it down today and if anyone would like some of it your be very welcome, I have dug up so its ready to be collected if not it soon it will go to the tip which would be a shame I'm in Hythe -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Photo of free clumps of Weeping Sedge (CT21) #1
Photo of free clumps of Weeping Sedge (CT21) #2
Request: Large Garden Plant Pots (CT21) Expired If anyone has some large garden plant pots they no longer want I am in need of some and would very much appreciate them, thank you.....Nigel (Hythe) -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Request: Empty 5 to 10 Litre Containers (CT21) Expired I'm looking for some empty 5 to 10 litre containers something like in the picture I have shown here if anyone can help me would be much appreciated ...Regards Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site volunteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Photo of Empty 5 to 10 Litre Containers (CT21) #1
Request: Odd Gloss Paints (CT21) Expired I'm looking for some gloss paint in red, green, yellow and grey, I dont need much of each, so if anyone has got some odd bits left in tins they don't want they would be greatly appreciated ....Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Request: Red Floor Paint (CT21) Expired Just wondering if anyone can help me out I'm looking for red floor paint ...Kind Regards Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Request: Microwave, air fryer, TVneeded (CT21) Expired My Partners Son and his family has just moved here and is in real need of a Microwave, Airfryer and a TV, for his family it would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help him out with any of these items ...kind regards Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Request: Microwave, air fryer, TV (CT21) Expired My Partners Son and his family has just moved here and is in real need of a Microwave, Air fryer and a TV, for his family it would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help him out with any of these items ...kind regards Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Free: 9 Plastic Storage Tubs (CT21) Gifted 9 Plastic Storage Tubs if anyone can make use of them your very welcome to them -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Photo of free 9 Plastic Storage Tubs (CT21) #1
Request: Amazon Firestick (CT21) Received I'm looking for an Amazon Firestick if anyone has one they no longer use or want, would be very much appreciated ....Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Request: Carpet/Floor Sweeper (CT21) Expired If anyone has a carpet/floor sweeper they no longer want I am looking for one and it would be greatly appreciated ...Regards Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Free: 3 of these wheel trims 16" brought from Aldi (CT21) Expired I have 3 of these wheel trims 16" brought from Aldi if anyone wants them for spares your welcome to them I'm in Hythe ....Regards Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Photo of free 3 of these wheel trims 16" brought from Aldi (CT21) #1
Free: 3 wheel trims 16" brought from Aldi (CT21) Expired I have 3 of these wheel trims 16" brought from Aldi if anyone wants them for spares your welcome to them I'm in Hythe ....Regards Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Photo of free 3 wheel trims 16" brought from Aldi (CT21) #1
Free: Frying Pans (CT21) Expired if anyone can make use of a couple of frying pans no longer needed your very welcome to them before they get chucked out ....Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Photo of free Frying Pans (CT21) #1
Request: Small Amounts of Gloss Paints (CT21) Expired I'm just looking for some small amounts of gloss paints in green, blue, red and yellow if anyone has some little amounts left in cans they no longer want, would be greatly appreciated .....Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = Free, Giving, Locally, Easily.
Request: 4K Amazon Firestick (CT21) Expired I'm looking for a 4K Amazon Firestick if anyone has one they no longer use or want would be very much appreciated ....Nigel -- MODERATORS MESSAGE -- Please remember to check your account for 'Chat' messages from other members and/or site vounteers. Please check the items offered are suitable before any potentially wasted journeys are undertaken. Remember EVERYTHING on Freegle must be for FREE - Freegle = FREE, Giving, Locally, Easily.