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Free: Two Wheelchair Tyres with Innertubes (Purley CR2) Expired A pair of tyres with inner tubes, tyre size 24 x 1/3/8, The tyres have hardly been used but have some surface cracks due to their age, the innertubes are in good condition and hold pressure.
Photo of free Two Wheelchair Tyres with Innertubes (Purley CR2) #1
Free: Assorted Computer Cables (Purley CR2) Expired Six VGA male to male Two Centronics (Parallel) Printer One 9 pin to 16 pin male One USB A to a non standard min USB
Photo of free Assorted Computer Cables (Purley CR2) #1
Photo of free Assorted Computer Cables (Purley CR2) #2
Free: Fitbit Charge 2 (Purley CR2) Gifted Fitbit Charge 2 watch/monitor, all the usual functions, with charger and spare straps, the screen is cracked but still functions. 24 hour fair offer policy applies, I will not decide who to offer to for 24 hours.
Photo of free Fitbit Charge 2 (Purley CR2) #1
Free: Door Bell (Purley CR2) Gifted Door Bell with Friedland transformer / power supply, but no bell push. Please note the transformer is designed to be hardwired into an electrical supply. Fully functioning, just add some bell wire and a push.
Photo of free Door Bell (Purley CR2) #1
Free: Fluorescent Light Fittings, Four, with tubes and spares (Purley CR2) Gifted Four 600mm (2 foot) fluorescent light fittings, all working, with tubes and four spare tubes, eight tubes in total. Fair offer policy applies, I will allow 24 hours before offering so please do not ask about picking up before then
Photo of free Fluorescent Light Fittings, Four, with tubes and spares (Purley CR2) #1
Photo of free Fluorescent Light Fittings, Four, with tubes and spares (Purley CR2) #2
Free: Cordless Phone Set (Purley CR2) Gifted Three BT Cordless Phones with Base Station and Answer Phone, all working but the handsets need some new re-chargeable batteries, any AAA re-chargeable battery should work, two per handset. 24 Hour fair offer policy applies
Photo of free Cordless Phone Set (Purley CR2) #1
Free: cd-r (Purley CR2) Gifted 45 CD-R's brand new and unused on a spindle Please note - fair offer policy applies, I will wait 24 hours before offering.
Photo of free cd-r (Purley CR2) #1
Free: dvd-r (Purley CR2) Gifted Brand new, unused 55 DVD-R's on a spindle. Please note - fair offer policy applies, I will wait 24 hours before offering.
Photo of free dvd-r (Purley CR2) #1
Free: Slow Cooker (Purley CR2) Gifted Tower 2 Litre (3.5 Pints) Slow Cooker with high and low heat settings, clean and in good condition, non removable liner. Fair Offer Policy Applies (24 hours before accepting any offers)
Photo of free Slow Cooker (Purley CR2) #1
Photo of free Slow Cooker (Purley CR2) #2
Photo of free Slow Cooker (Purley CR2) #3
Free: Sandwich Toaster (Purley CR2) Gifted Clean, working sandwich toaster in the shape of a cow. Fair Offer Policy Applies
Photo of free Sandwich Toaster (Purley CR2) #1
Photo of free Sandwich Toaster (Purley CR2) #2
Free: Sandwich Toaster (Purley CR2) Gifted Blue Cook Works double sandwich toaster, clean and in good working order. Fair offer policy appliers
Photo of free Sandwich Toaster (Purley CR2) #1
Photo of free Sandwich Toaster (Purley CR2) #2
Free: Pop up mosquito net (Purley CR2) Gifted An all enclosing mosquito net 1800mm x 2000mm. Fair offer policy applies
Photo of free Pop up mosquito net (Purley CR2) #1
Photo of free Pop up mosquito net (Purley CR2) #2
Free: Rug (Purley CR2) Gifted Crosley, rust colour rug, 230 cm x 160 cm, good condition
Photo of free Rug (Purley CR2) #1
Free: Vacuum Cleaner (Purley CR2) Gifted Vax Air upright vacuum cleaner, in working order, with accessories, the flexible hose is shorter than it used to be due to some repairs and new filters might improve the efficiency
Photo of free Vacuum Cleaner (Purley CR2) #1