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Free: 3mm Greenhouse glass (Owlpen GL11) 4 pieces are 50cm x 61cm. 9 pieces are 61cm x 61cm. 16 pieces are 61cm x 73cm. Plus 5 triangles. They'll need a wash.
Photo of free 3mm Greenhouse glass (Owlpen GL11) #1
Photo of free 3mm Greenhouse glass (Owlpen GL11) #2
Free: Cap for disused chimney (Owlpen GL11) Gifted Plastic cap for a chimney no longer in use. Easy to fit. Held in place by spring clips so shouldn't get blown off.
Photo of free Cap for disused chimney (Owlpen GL11) #1
Photo of free Cap for disused chimney (Owlpen GL11) #2
Free: 6 x corrugated card boxes (Owlpen GL11) Expired 6 x card boxes suitable for hampers. New. 34cm long. 29cm wide. 9cm tall.
Photo of free 6 x corrugated card boxes (Owlpen GL11) #1
Free: Bubblewrap bottle bags x 15 (Owlpen GL11) Expired I have about 15 bubblewrap bags suitable for bottles
Photo of free Bubblewrap bottle bags x 15 (Owlpen GL11) #1
Free: Houseplant (Owlpen GL11) Gifted I'm not sure what this plant is called but it's quite healthy, as you can see. Needs repotting though as roots look a bit crowded.
Photo of free Houseplant (Owlpen GL11) #1
Free: orthopedic walking boot (Owlpen GL11) Expired Orthopedic walking boot for recovery from lower leg or foot injury. Medium. Foot is 30cm long. The inner has been washed.
Photo of free orthopedic walking boot (Owlpen GL11) #1
Photo of free orthopedic walking boot (Owlpen GL11) #2
Free: 2 lengths of chimney flue (Owlpen GL11) Gifted 6" diameter. I piece is 210cm long and the other is 160cm long. Could they be of use to anyone else?
Photo of free 2 lengths of chimney flue (Owlpen GL11) #1
Photo of free 2 lengths of chimney flue (Owlpen GL11) #2
Free: Morphy Richards Electric Kettle (Owlpen GL11) Gifted It works, just surplus to requirements.
Photo of free Morphy Richards Electric Kettle (Owlpen GL11) #1
Free: Plastic 2L jug (Owlpen GL11) Gifted 2L plastic jug for whatever you like!
Photo of free Plastic 2L jug (Owlpen GL11) #1
Free: Ceramic pot (Owlpen GL11) Gifted 36cm high, 30cm wide, 30cm long. Just one small hole in base.
Photo of free Ceramic pot (Owlpen GL11) #1
Photo of free Ceramic pot (Owlpen GL11) #2
Photo of free Ceramic pot (Owlpen GL11) #3
Request: Plastic curtain track & gliders (Owlpen GL11) Expired Has anyone got a 150cm length of white plastic curtain track spare? Similar to Swish. With gliders, if possible.
Free: 3 x ice buckets for champagne or wine (Owlpen GL11) Gifted 3 on offer as photo.
Photo of free 3 x ice buckets for champagne or wine (Owlpen GL11) #1
Free: 2 litre strong plastic jug (Owlpen GL11) Expired I have 3 of these that are surplus to requirements.
Free: 3 x pots (Owlpen GL11) Gifted 3 x pots. The 2 smaller ones are 15cm wide at the top, 12cm high with no holes in base so suitable for indoor herbs or plants. The larger one is 20cm wide at the top, 16cm high with 2 holes in the base so needs a saucer. Not plastic some sort of pottery.
Photo of free 3 x pots (Owlpen GL11) #1
Photo of free 3 x pots (Owlpen GL11) #2
Free: Corded telephone (Owlpen GL11) Gifted Useful for when there's a powercut or you have to check a line is working.
Photo of free Corded telephone (Owlpen GL11) #1
Request: Breeze blocks (Owlpen GL11) Expired We're looking for whole or broken concrete or breeze blocks.
Free: Arm sling (Owlpen GL11) Expired Lightweight arm sling - fortunately I no longer need it!
Photo of free Arm sling (Owlpen GL11) #1
Free: Nespresso Descaling Kit (Owlpen GL11) Gifted Just found this in a drawer. It contains 2 sachets of descaler for Nespresso machines shown in photo.
Photo of free Nespresso Descaling Kit (Owlpen GL11) #1
Free: Black picture frames - 37.5cm x 28cm (Owlpen GL11) Gifted I ghave 3 more black picture frames that are about 37.5cm x 28cm overall. Again the frame is about 1cm wide.
Photo of free Black picture frames - 37.5cm x 28cm (Owlpen GL11) #1
Photo of free Black picture frames - 37.5cm x 28cm (Owlpen GL11) #2
Free: Black picture frames - 31.5cm x 23cm (Owlpen GL11) Gifted I have 3 black picture frames that are about 31.5cm x 23cm overall. The black frame is about 1 cm wide. They don't have to go together.
Photo of free Black picture frames - 31.5cm x 23cm (Owlpen GL11) #1
Photo of free Black picture frames - 31.5cm x 23cm (Owlpen GL11) #2
Request: Coat hooks (Owlpen GL11) Expired Has anyone got some old coat hooks that are screwed onto a wall?
Free: Paper till rolls (Owlpen GL11) Expired I have about 40 of these plain paper till rolls. 2.25" (58mm) wide. Any use to anyone?
Free: Friedland Big Bell (Owlpen GL11) Expired This came out of a village PO. It was originally electrical, I think, looking at the back. It's metal and heavy. About 10" (25cm) across.
Photo of free Friedland Big Bell (Owlpen GL11) #1
Photo of free Friedland Big Bell (Owlpen GL11) #2