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Request: Lapel Pin Clasp Backings (20722 - near Peace Cross) Received On a lark, I am looking for several of these backings that attach to a lapel pin (for pins my father earned in the service). I want to wear them on my Varsity Letter jacket, but the backings are missing. These are only 3/8" in diameter, just over a 1/4".
Photo of Lapel Pin Clasp Backings (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1
Free: Three Door Knob/Slide Bolt Sets (20722 - near Peace Cross) Gifted These are three complete sets of door knobs with the top lock included (slide bolt). They have all their parts for installation and one key for each set. Two of them (the brushed brass color) have the same key for knobs and top locks. (Perhaps good for front door and back door, having one key.) . The brass-colored one has a different key that fits the knob and top lock. Take all three --or-- the two sets that match with one key --or-- just one set. I'll decide based on replies of interest.
Photo of free Three Door Knob/Slide Bolt Sets (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1
Photo of free Three Door Knob/Slide Bolt Sets (20722 - near Peace Cross) #2
Photo of free Three Door Knob/Slide Bolt Sets (20722 - near Peace Cross) #3
Photo of free Three Door Knob/Slide Bolt Sets (20722 - near Peace Cross) #4
+2 +1
Free: Candles (20722 - near Peace Cross) Gifted Regifting Christmas. (Bed, Bath, Beyond)
Photo of free Candles (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1
Photo of free Candles (20722 - near Peace Cross) #2
Photo of free Candles (20722 - near Peace Cross) #3
Photo of free Candles (20722 - near Peace Cross) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: LEAF BLOWER for PARTS (20722 - near Peace Cross) Gifted Worked last season. Mysteriously, not working this season. Might be just the switch for a handy person to fix BUT all the accessories fit and are available (bag w/strap, snap-on bottom piece for blower to function, and the snuffleuppagus downward tube-attachments). Must take all.
Photo of free LEAF BLOWER for PARTS (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1
Free: CPAP Supplies/Items (20722 - near Peace Cross) Expired A hoard including: USED working machines (power cords), NEW full-face masks, hoses, replacement water reservoirs, those little white filters, etc. Anyone know a charity who might take these items?
Photo of free CPAP Supplies/Items (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1
Free: Garden Hose for Crafting (20722 - near Peace Cross) Expired In great condition for a wreath or other craft, save for the gash (shown).
Photo of free Garden Hose for Crafting (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1
Photo of free Garden Hose for Crafting (20722 - near Peace Cross) #2
Free: Collectable Syrup Tins (20722 - near Peace Cross) Gifted Empty, vintage, classic. As you can see, they are not in perfect condition, but if you are a collector: Funks Grove, IL (on historic Route 66); Log Cabin 100th Year Anniversary; and, Butternut Mountain Farm, Vermont.
Photo of free Collectable Syrup Tins (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1
Photo of free Collectable Syrup Tins (20722 - near Peace Cross) #2
Photo of free Collectable Syrup Tins (20722 - near Peace Cross) #3
Photo of free Collectable Syrup Tins (20722 - near Peace Cross) #4
+3 +2 +1
Request: Any Food Saver - Seal-a-Meal device (20722 - near Peace Cross) Received The one I recently Freecycled isn't really sealing. I already have all the bags/plastic. I just need a working appliance.
Photo of Any Food Saver - Seal-a-Meal device (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1
Request: In-sink Drying Rack (20722 - near Peace Cross) Received For a double sink. Approx dimensions: 12" x 14" x 4.5." Color or material doesn't matter. Condition does: I am replacing a polymer-coated peeling and now rusting one.
Request: Weber Grill Lid [only] (20722 - near Peace Cross) Expired As you can see, I have the grill. It's just the lid I need since it is damaged. It is 22" in diameter.
Request: DVD Player (20722 - near Peace Cross) Expired Operational.
Free: Solar Animated Dancing Toys (20722 - near Peace Cross) Expired Bag full. Not sure which still work and which don't. Must take all.
Photo of free Solar Animated Dancing Toys (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1
Photo of free Solar Animated Dancing Toys (20722 - near Peace Cross) #2
Free: Car Accessories (20722 - near Peace Cross) Gifted Must take all: Window shades, cell phone holders (attach to vents), visor clip; bent over cones (can be wrested back into shape), back seat hanging clothes bar (attaches to the little hooks in back seat on ceiling).
Photo of free Car Accessories (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1
Photo of free Car Accessories (20722 - near Peace Cross) #2
Photo of free Car Accessories (20722 - near Peace Cross) #3
Request: Electric Washing Machine (20722 - near Peace Cross) Expired Operational and reliable, please.
Request: Card Table (20722 - near Peace Cross) Expired Typical card table. Nothing fancy needed. For doing jigsaw puzzle and then put away.
Request: RECORDABLE CDs (20722 - near Peace Cross) Expired Remember that stack/tower you have of them and now don't have a CD slot in your laptop? I'll take any amount.
Request: small dog crate (20722 - near Peace Cross) Expired Posted this incorrectly earlier: I NEED a small dog crate: L: 22 x W: 15 x H: 13 (or similar in size) Extra small or small will work. Another Freecycler/TrashNothinger was gracious enough to offer me a crate the last time I posted. Unfortunately, it is WAY too BIG for my toy-sized dog (and kitchen). We tried to make it work, but it just doesn't.
Photo of small dog crate (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1
Request: give away - dog crate (20722 - near Peace Cross) Expired Another Freecycler/TrashNothinger was gracious enough to offer me a crate the last time I posted. Unfortunately, it is WAY too BIG for my toy-sized dog (and kitchen). We tried to make it work, but it just doesn't. I NEED something like: L: 24 x W:18 x H: 19. (This one pictured to GIVE AWAY is: L: 31 x W: 20 x H: 23.) NEED a small wire dog crate. Willing to GIVE AWAY larger wire (with bottom tray) dog crate once I receive a smaller one.
Photo of give away - dog crate (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1
Request: Dog Crate (20722 - near Peace Cross) Expired We got a new puppy this year that has been "crate" trained. Actually it is a dog carrier: the top and sides are solid and only the front has a grate. With this recent heat, we are worried that she is going to suffocate (really feel the heat) in that carrier. Anyone have a cage/crate to spare? She is only 5 lbs., so size should not be an issue. Thanks in advance!
Photo of Dog Crate (20722 - near Peace Cross) #1