A Members' Posts

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Offers Β  Requests
Free: Bag of hair rollers (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Various sizes.
Photo of free Bag of hair rollers (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Free: Job lot of beads, chains etc for jewellery making. (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Gifted Collection of beads etc.... no longer useful to me!
Photo of free Job lot of beads, chains etc for jewellery making. (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Free: Selection of electronic devices and cables. (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Gifted Jumble of cables etc etc etc. Anyone interested??
Photo of free Selection of electronic devices and cables. (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Free: Knitting yarn (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Gifted Selection of wool.. different colours, sizes, type etc. Anyone want it???
Free: Complete aviation encyclopedia 1 to 5 AIRPLANE (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Expired All in their files.
Photo of free Complete aviation encyclopedia 1 to 5 AIRPLANE (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Photo of free Complete aviation encyclopedia 1 to 5 AIRPLANE (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #2
Free: Old WHICH? magazines...1989-1991. (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Expired All present and in folders.
Photo of free Old WHICH? magazines...1989-1991. (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Free: Few decorating books/ ideas. (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Expired
Photo of free Few decorating books/ ideas. (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Free: 6 dining chair cushions. Zip off covers and ties. (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Gifted
Photo of free 6 dining chair cushions. Zip off covers and ties. (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Photo of free 6 dining chair cushions. Zip off covers and ties. (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #2
Free: Washing machine and tumble dryer (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Gifted Both are functional ( last used yesterday).... but may be on their 'last legs'. Buttons on washing machine are temperamental....... and dryer drum squeaks a bit!!!! Any good to anyone??? Otherwise going to tip.
Photo of free Washing machine and tumble dryer (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Photo of free Washing machine and tumble dryer (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #2
Photo of free Washing machine and tumble dryer (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #3
Photo of free Washing machine and tumble dryer (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #4
+4 +3 +2
Free: Peace lily plant (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Gifted Well established plant....
Photo of free Peace lily plant (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Free: Toaster (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Expired Kenwood toaster..... used.. but still works ok!!!! Any use to anyone??
Photo of free Toaster (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Photo of free Toaster (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #2
Free: Hand held steam cleaner (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Gifted Electric Steam cleaner with multiple attachments... rarely used.
Photo of free Hand held steam cleaner (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Free: Spider plants! (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Expired Spider plants.... 2 established and quite big.. and several spiderlets.... all with roots! Easy to grow and great for purifying air!!! Please collect TOMORROW! Let me know how many and if you need them potted!!! πŸ‘
Photo of free Spider plants! (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Photo of free Spider plants! (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #2
Photo of free Spider plants! (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #3
Photo of free Spider plants! (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #4
+2 +1
Free: Roller 'skates' (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Expired Rollers to attach to shoes. Brand New.
Photo of free Roller 'skates' (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Photo of free Roller 'skates' (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #2
Free: Casserole/steamer dish (Middle Division (Middle Division (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Gifted As new.. never used. White dish with glass steamer and lid.
Photo of free Casserole/steamer dish (Middle Division (Middle Division (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1
Photo of free Casserole/steamer dish (Middle Division (Middle Division (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #2
Photo of free Casserole/steamer dish (Middle Division (Middle Division (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #3
Free: Floor sweeper (Middle Division (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) Gifted Bit scruffy... but still works well!! Different settings for carpets.... Any use to anyone??
Photo of free Floor sweeper (Middle Division (Middle Division (Main Portion) BT38) #1