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Free: Quad Set of Telephones (Broxbourne EN10) Can anyone make use of this set of four phones which are in excellent condition. I have recently upgraded to Digital Voice and apparently these are not now compatible. If you are interested please email me with a telephone No. to arrange for collection.
Photo of free Quad Set of Telephones (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Table & Chairs, Rug, Lamp, Mirror (Broxbourne EN10) Gifted Listing for a friend who has been let down. These items do not fit as they are downsizing (the same lamp one lit the other not lit). These are required to be collected from Nazeing soon as they are moving on Monday. Please ring me on 07484 275713 if you are interested in any or all of the items. Thank you.
Photo of free Table & Chairs, Rug, Lamp, Mirror (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Photo of free Table & Chairs, Rug, Lamp, Mirror (Broxbourne EN10) #2
Photo of free Table & Chairs, Rug, Lamp, Mirror (Broxbourne EN10) #3
Photo of free Table & Chairs, Rug, Lamp, Mirror (Broxbourne EN10) #4
+3 +2 +1
Free: Jewellery Roll (Broxbourne EN10) Expired I no longer use this jewellery roll can someone else make use of it? If so please email me with a telephone No. Thank you.
Photo of free Jewellery Roll (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Nespresso Capsule Holder (Broxbourne EN10) Expired This holder for original capsules is now no longer used. Does anyone have a use for it if so please email me with a telephone No. Thank you.
Photo of free Nespresso Capsule Holder (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Magazine Racks (Broxbourne EN10) Gifted Can anyone make use of either or both of these magazine racks, if so please email me with a telephone No. Thank you
Photo of free Magazine Racks (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Pumpkins (Broxbourne EN10) Gifted These are obviously redundant now. I seem to remember offering last year and someone took them to make soup or pies. Is anyone interested this year? If so please email me with a telephone No. thank you.
Photo of free Pumpkins (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Vax Spares (Broxbourne EN10) Expired Can anyone make use of a set of Vax steamer spares. The steamer developed a fault and therefore these will not be used. If interested please email me with a telephone No. Thank you.
Photo of free Vax Spares (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Heart Shaped Plastic Cups (Broxbourne EN10) Expired Can anyone make use of these plastic cups perfect for this weather. If so please email me with a telephone No. Thank you
Photo of free Heart Shaped Plastic Cups (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Plastic Cups (Broxbourne EN10) Gifted These are no longer required can anyone make use of them. If so please email me with a telephone No. Thank you
Photo of free Plastic Cups (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: 7 Day Pill Sorter (Broxbourne EN10) Gifted Can anyone make use of this Pill Sorter one for each day of the week. I already have one and found this in a cupboard it seems a shame to throw it away. If interested please email me with a phone No. Thank you.
Photo of free 7 Day Pill Sorter (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Travel Electricals (Broxbourne EN10) Gifted I have two travel irons, one travel hairdryer and one travel shaver which are no longer required. They are in working condition. If someone can make use of them please email me with a telephone No. Thank you.
Photo of free Travel Electricals (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Pre-recorded Tapes (Broxbourne EN10) Expired Thought I would give these one more try in case someone different is checking the posts. Does anyone still listen to music on tapes, these were my mother's and would probably suit any older person who likes to listen to more traditional music. If interested please email me with a telephone No.
Photo of free Pre-recorded Tapes (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Indoor Plant Pots (Broxbourne EN10) Gifted I have a collection of indoor plant pots that are no longer used. Please email me with a telephone No. if you can make use of them. Many thanks Andy
Photo of free Indoor Plant Pots (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Sewing Items (Broxbourne EN10) Gifted I have found a collection of sewing items that belonged to my mother. Please email me with a telephone No. if you think they are of interest. Many thanks Andy
Photo of free Sewing Items (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Minecraft Book (Broxbourne EN10) Expired My grandson has no further need for this book. If someone can make use of it please contact me with a telephone No. Thank you
Photo of free Minecraft Book (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: GCSE Books (Broxbourne EN10) Gifted My grandson took his GCSE's last year and therefore has no further need of these work books. If someone can make use of them please contact me with a phone No. and I will arrange for you to collect. Thank you
Photo of free GCSE Books (Broxbourne EN10) #1
Free: Pumpkins (Broxbourne EN10) Gifted My daughter had a halloween display on her kitchen windowledge which she has now dismantled. She was wondering if there is anyone who might have a use for them (pumpkin pie maybe?) If so please email me with a telephone No. and I will give her address
Photo of free Pumpkins (Broxbourne EN10) #1