A Members' Posts

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Free: Can you repair it? (Near Orangeville Mall) If you know how to fix a blood pressure machine, you're welcome to have mine.
Free: Dog leaking urine? (Near Orangeville Mall) Full bag of wraps for medium sized male dog that's leaking urine or marking.
Free: Creams (Near Orangeville Mall) Gifted Good quality hand cream, eye cream, etc. I'm allergic and can't use any more. Containers are full or almost full.
Free: Hand care (Near Orangeville Mall) Withdrawn I was gifted a Mary Kay hand care set. I tried it once and it seems to be very good, but I'm not good at taking care of my hands and know I won't use this. If you can use this, I'd be happy for you to have it.
Free: Small bag of toiletries (Near Orangeville Mall) Gifted Small bag of new and used toiletries.
Free: Sanyo Television (Near Orangeville Mall) Expired Sanyo TV available. Was put in garage last Fall and worked very well at that time. Hasn't been used since, so must go. See photo for details.
Photo of free Sanyo Television (Near Orangeville Mall) #1
Request: Dog crate (Near Orangeville Mall) Expired Does anyone have a dog crate they 'd like to gift? To fit a medium or large size dog? Would be grateful to get one.
Request: Electronics repairs (Near Orangeville Mall) Expired Can anyone refer me to a good electronics repair person?
Free: box of toiletries (Near Orangeville Mall) Gifted box of shampoos, cosmetics, etc. Tresemme, John Frieda, and many others.
Free: Large box Tide (Near Orangeville Mall) Gifted Large box Tide Original detergent. Porch pick up.
Photo of free Large box Tide (Near Orangeville Mall) #1
Photo of free Large box Tide (Near Orangeville Mall) #2
Free: Box of hair and cosmetic supplies (Near Orangeville Mall) Expired Assortment of hair supplies and cosmetics. Some new. Some used.
Free: Box of hair and cosmetic supplies (Near Orangeville Mall) Expired Great assortment of hair supplies and cosmetics. Too many to list.
Free: Beauty products (Near Orangeville Mall) Expired Assortment of beauty products. Some new, some partially used.
Request: Stuffed toys (Near Orangeville Mall) Expired If you have any stuffed toys no longer in use, without eyes, or anything that can be swallowed, I'd be happy to take them.
Request: Dog Crate (Near Orangeville Mall) Expired Looking for a dog crate, medium or large size, please, and thank you.
Free: LAST CALL: Office Supplies (Orangeville, Ontario) Expired About 16 blue file folder holders. Brand new. Never used.