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Free: Plastic covers for clothes on coathangers (Minchinhampton GL6) Clear plastic long enough for dresses. 13 altogether. Long plastic clear covers with a hole in the top for the hook of the coathanger to go through. Collect from Minchinhampton or Uplands
Free: 6 drawer unit (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted Plastic. Has castors. 21 inches high (without castors) 10 inches wide, 14 inches deep. I used is for stationery, it fitted under my desk. Collection from Minchinhampton or Uplands
Photo of free 6 drawer unit (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Photo of free 6 drawer unit (Minchinhampton GL6) #2
Free: Two placemats (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted These are much bluer than in the picture! Material. 4 'animals' on each mat. Collect from Minchinhampton or Uplands
Photo of free Two placemats (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: pair of 'net' curtains - large (Minchinhampton GL6) Each is 116 inches wide and 84 inches long. We had them made for patio doors which we no longer have. 92% polyester 8% linen. Washable at 30 degrees according to the label. They were hung on a wooden rod but could go on a 'wire', see pic 2 for the top and bottom, which have a roll which is slightly weighted to keep them straight. Collect from Minchinhampton or Uplands.
Photo of free pair of 'net' curtains - large (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Photo of free pair of 'net' curtains - large (Minchinhampton GL6) #2
Free: 7 pairs of 3D glasses (Minchinhampton GL6) Promised collection from Minchinhampton or Uplands, or could deliver between these two places
Photo of free 7 pairs of 3D glasses (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: Bag of bubbewrap (Minchinhampton GL6) collect from Minchinhampton or Uplands
Photo of free Bag of bubbewrap (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: Curtain pole and rings (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted Brass effect. Minimum length 50 inches, maximum extension 99 inches.. Collect from Minchinhampton or Uplands.
Photo of free Curtain pole and rings (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: Plasters for ingrowing toenail (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted Didn't think these would work, but they did for me! Small plasters that you put on your nail. (5p piece for scale).
Photo of free Plasters for ingrowing toenail (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: Random earrings/broken jewellery/odd beads (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted Anyone want these before I bin them? Collect from Minchinhampton or Uplands. Or can deliver anywhere on this route
Photo of free Random earrings/broken jewellery/odd beads (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: packaging & boxes (Minchinhampton GL6) Expired can deliver
Photo of free packaging & boxes (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Photo of free packaging & boxes (Minchinhampton GL6) #2
Photo of free packaging & boxes (Minchinhampton GL6) #3
Photo of free packaging & boxes (Minchinhampton GL6) #4
+2 +1
Free: 25 litre container (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted Had distilled water in it, so it's clean
Photo of free 25 litre container (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Photo of free 25 litre container (Minchinhampton GL6) #2
Free: 25 litre container (Minchinhampton GL6) Withdrawn Had distilled water in it, so clean
Free: Hair/beauty products (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted To all go together please. Some unused.
Photo of free Hair/beauty products (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Photo of free Hair/beauty products (Minchinhampton GL6) #2
Free: Highchair (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted Collect from Cashes Green
Photo of free Highchair (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: Double pushchair (Minchinhampton GL6) Expired Collect from Cashes Green
Photo of free Double pushchair (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: Set of 6 chairs (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted Collect from Cashes Green
Photo of free Set of 6 chairs (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: Cardboard box for 3 bottles (Minchinhampton GL6) Expired Sturdy box with packing inside (pic 2) for transporting 3 bottles.
Photo of free Cardboard box for 3 bottles (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Photo of free Cardboard box for 3 bottles (Minchinhampton GL6) #2
Free: Screw top plastic tubs (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted 10 of them (and more later!) Pen for size guide. Sturdy tubs. Had dog treats in them. Could be useful for nuts/screws etc or craft items. Anyone interested before I recycle?
Photo of free Screw top plastic tubs (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Photo of free Screw top plastic tubs (Minchinhampton GL6) #2
Free: packing material (Minchinhampton GL6) Expired Carrier bag of packing material - biodegradable nuggets.
Photo of free packing material (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: Black dress (Minchinhampton GL6) Expired Size 8. Dorothy Perkins. Side zip needs repairing or replacing. I can't sew! Anyone interested before I bin? Don't mind if it's wanted just for the material.
Photo of free Black dress (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: Skirt (Minchinhampton GL6) Expired Size 12. Anokhi for East. Needs a repair. I can't sew!
Photo of free Skirt (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Photo of free Skirt (Minchinhampton GL6) #2
Free: Random stain removers (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted Cupboard sort out, anyone want these random things? Happy to deliver around the Stroud area
Photo of free Random stain removers (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: Knitted jumper needs sewing up (Minchinhampton GL6) Expired Size 10, made for me but never finished, needs sewing together. It's a fluffy mohair type wool and a bit paler than the photograph. small amount of wool left to sew up with.
Free: Plastic downpipes and fittings (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted Good for a shed maybe?
Photo of free Plastic downpipes and fittings (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Photo of free Plastic downpipes and fittings (Minchinhampton GL6) #2
Free: earthing/grounding sheet (Minchinhampton GL6) Expired 29"x37"
Photo of free earthing/grounding sheet (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: Box of packing (Minchinhampton GL6) Expired
Photo of free Box of packing (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Free: Wardrobe (Minchinhampton GL6) Expired WOODEN WARDROBE. 1600mm High 920mm wide 470mm deep
Free: Double Bed (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted Ikea
Photo of free Double Bed (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Photo of free Double Bed (Minchinhampton GL6) #2
Free: TV (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted bush model led19982hd. i can't find the remote! so no idea if working. the red light comes on when it's plugged in.
Photo of free TV (Minchinhampton GL6) #1
Photo of free TV (Minchinhampton GL6) #2
Free: Cat litter tray (Minchinhampton GL6) Gifted Bit dusty from storage but fully functional.
Photo of free Cat litter tray (Minchinhampton GL6) #1