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Free: Binoculars (Loud Bridge PR3) These are forty-odd years old, so there will be much better ones nowadays. Therefore might be more suitable for a child than an adult. Yours if you want them, anyway.
Photo of free Binoculars (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Photo of free Binoculars (Loud Bridge PR3) #2
Free: Classic fiction (Loud Bridge PR3) Here's a list of most of them. This is generated by AI so may not be perfect but gives you an idea - check the photos for more. You're welcome to take some or all as you prefer. Thomas Hardy Under the Greenwood Tree Thomas Hardy The Mayor of Casterbridge Thomas Hardy The Trumpet Major Thomas Hardy Tess of the d'Urbervilles Thomas Hardy The Return of the Native Thomas Hardy Far from the Madding Crowd Thomas Hardy Jude the Obscure Sellar, Yeatman 1066 and all That James Egypt Revealed Homer The Odyssey I. S. Turgenev Fathers and Sons Ira Levin Rosemary's Baby Thomas Hardy Jude the Obscure W. Somerset Maugham Collected Short Stories I Tolstoy Anna Karenin Machiavelli The Prince Thackeray Vanity Fair Thomas Hardy The Mayor of Casterbridge James Joyce Dubliners Racine Andromache and Other Plays George Eliot MIDDLEMARCH Tolstoy THE COSSACKS AND OTHER STORIES WILLIAM THACKERAY VANITY FAIR Vladimir Nabokov Lolita CICERO, UPCOTT CATILINARIAN ORATIONS Aldous Huxley Mortal Coils Daphne du Maurier Rebecca Racine ANOROMACHE AND OTHER PLAYS Thomas Hardy THE MAYOR OF CASTERBRIDGE Jane Austen Northanger Abbey Jane Austen Persuasion Charles Dickens Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Great Expectations Charles Dickens David Copperfield Jane Austen Mansfield Park Jane Austen Emma Charles Dickens Hard Times Charles Dickens The Old Curiosity Shop Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility D.H. Lawrence Lady Chatterley's Lover Truman Capote Breakfast at Tiffany's George Orwell Animal Farm Virginia Woolf Mrs Dalloway Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange
Photo of free Classic fiction (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Photo of free Classic fiction (Loud Bridge PR3) #2
Photo of free Classic fiction (Loud Bridge PR3) #3
Photo of free Classic fiction (Loud Bridge PR3) #4
+2 +1
Free: Back cushion (Longridge PR3) Magazine for scale.
Photo of free Back cushion (Longridge PR3) #1
Photo of free Back cushion (Longridge PR3) #2
Request: Car lighter to USB adaptor (Loud Bridge PR3) Anyone near me got one of these knocking about? I want to charge a phone from the lighter socket.
Free: Science/Philosophy books (Loud Bridge PR3) Gifted Take some or all as you prefer. See photos for details. Here's a list generated by AI from the photos of some of them. Stephen W. Hawking A Brief History of Time A.R. Cooper, G.V. Jeffreys Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design H.J. Eysenck Sense and Nonsense in Psychology Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels The Communist Manifesto Peter Donaldson A Guide to the British Economy Anne Schulman Pull the Door Marked Push Karen Armstrong The Battle for God Primo Levi If This Is A Man - The Truce C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis The Problem of Pain Sarah Bakewell How To Live Matthew Crawford Why We Drive Karen Armstrong The End of Silence Lionel Trilling Sincerity and Authenticity Bertrand Russell History of Western Philosophy Alain de Botton The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work Joseph Schwartz, Michael McGuinness Einstein for Beginners Jonathan Miller, Borin Van Loon Darwin for Beginners Rius Marx for Beginners
Photo of free Science/Philosophy books (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Photo of free Science/Philosophy books (Loud Bridge PR3) #2
Free: Pair of curtains (Loud Bridge PR3) These are a good few years old, but in good condition and lined. Drop 65.5 inches, width of each curtain at the base (ignoring pencil pleats at top) is 103 inches.
Photo of free Pair of curtains (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Free: Dictionaries, quotations, reference books (Longridge PR3) Promised See pictures. Take some or all as you prefer.
Photo of free Dictionaries, quotations, reference books (Longridge PR3) #1
Photo of free Dictionaries, quotations, reference books (Longridge PR3) #2
Free: Children's books (Loud Bridge PR3) Gifted Take some or all as you prefer.
Photo of free Children's books (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Free: Pan (Longridge PR3) Withdrawn Maybe this is Sistema too. Not sure that it is heat resistant, though. Lid is removable.
Photo of free Pan (Longridge PR3) #1
Free: Tire pressure gauge (Loud Bridge PR3) Withdrawn I've not used this myself. The same model still seems to be for sale. Yours if you want it.
Photo of free Tire pressure gauge (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Free: German language and reference books (Loud Bridge PR3) These are quite technical books, so for some of them you'd need to be interested in the origin and structure of the German language, not just trying to speak conversationally. Here is an AI-generated list of some of them. You're welcome to take some or all of these as you wish. Bachmann Mittelhochdeutsches Lesebuch Farrell Dictionary of German Alfred Götze, Hans Volz Frühneuhochdeutsches Lesebuch Hammer German Grammar and Usage Marti Grammatik der Biblisch-Aramäischen Sprache Eggers Deutsche Sprachgeschichte I Eggers Deutsche Sprachgeschichte II Eggers Deutsche Sprachgeschichte III Eggers Deutsche Sprachgeschichte IV Scheyer, Weil A Book of German Idioms Duden Stilwörterbuch R.E. Keller The German Language Stopp Manual of Modern German Meisen Altdeutsche Grammatik Brugmann Vergleichende Grammatik der Indogermanischen Sprachen
Photo of free German language and reference books (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Photo of free German language and reference books (Loud Bridge PR3) #2
Photo of free German language and reference books (Loud Bridge PR3) #3
Free: Books - fiction/feminism (Loud Bridge PR3) Gifted Here's an AI-generated list to give you an idea. You're welcome to take some or all of them. A. S. BYATT Possession Suzannah Dunn flamingo Barbara Pym Civil to Strangers Mary Cadogan You're a Brick, Angela! Anita Brookner Strangers Margaret Drabble The Waterfall Helen Simpson Constitutional Wendy Cope Serious Concerns Wendy Cope Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis Jung Chang Wild Swans Germaine Greer The Whole Woman Kate Millett Sexual Politics Margaret Drabble A Summer Bird-Cage Joan Smith Misogynies A.L. Kennedy Now That You're Back
Photo of free Books - fiction/feminism (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Free: Spanish linguaphone cassettes (Loud Bridge PR3) Withdrawn For the younger amongst you, a cassette is like an MP3 with wheels. Posting on Preston as no interest in Ribble Valley.
Photo of free Spanish linguaphone cassettes (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Free: Box of books, female authors, mostly modern fiction (Loud Bridge PR3) Gifted See photos. Here's an AI-generated list of some of them to give you an idea. You're welcome to take some or all. Radclyffe Hall The Well of Loneliness Tim Heald A Classic English Crime Ivy Compton-Burnett Daughters and Sons Edith Wharton The House of Mirth Geraldine Brooks Nine Parts of Desire Ivy Compton-Burnett Mother and Son Ivy Compton-Burnett The Mighty and Their Fall Ivy Compton-Burnett Two Worlds and Their Ways May Sarton As We Are Now Simone de Beauvoir The Second Sex Ivy Compton-Burnett A Heritage and Its History Susan Faludi Backlash Kateryn Flett The Heart-Shaped Bullet Belinda Jones Divas Las Vegas Anita Brookner A First Omnibus MAEVE BINCHY, BERNICE RUBENS VICTORIA LINE, Hilary Mantel VACANT POSSESSION Sybille Bedford A Legacy Anita Brookner A Private View Anita Brookner Incidents in the Rue Laugier Anita Brookner Lewis Percy Margaret Atwood Life Before Man Jill Tweedie MORE FROM MARTHA Further Letters from a Fainthearted Feminist Sara Maitland THREE TIMES TABLE Barbara Pym AN ACADEMIC QUESTION JUDY BLUME FOREVER Alison Lurie Love and Friendship Fay Weldon Down Among The Women Muriel Spark Symposium Virginia Woolf To the Lighthouse Anita Brookner Altered States Ivy Compton-Burnett Parents and Children Rachel Cusk Saving Agnes Hilary Mantel An Experiment in Love E.H. Young The Misses Mallett Simone de Beauvoir When Things of the Spirit Come First BERNICE RUBENS VICTORIA LINE Hilary Mantel VACANT POSSESSION Sybille Bedford A Legacy Anita Brookner A Private View Anita Brookner Incidents in the Rue Laugier Anita Brookner Lewis Percy Margaret Atwood Life Before Man Jill Tweedie MORE FROM MARTHA Sara Maitland THREE TIMES TABLE Barbara Pym AN ACADEMIC QUESTION JUDY BLUME FOREVER Marie Smith Ms. Murder Barbara Pym A Glass of Blessings Penelope Mortimer The Pumpkin Eater Doris Lessing The Golden Notebook Anita Brookner Falling Slowly Katherine Mansfield The Collected Stories of Katherine Mansfield Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique Angela Holdsworth Of The Dolls House
Photo of free Box of books, female authors, mostly modern fiction (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Photo of free Box of books, female authors, mostly modern fiction (Loud Bridge PR3) #2
Photo of free Box of books, female authors, mostly modern fiction (Loud Bridge PR3) #3
Photo of free Box of books, female authors, mostly modern fiction (Loud Bridge PR3) #4
+5 +4 +3
Free: Videos, some Polish language (Loud Bridge PR3) Withdrawn As in picture. Happy for you to take some or all as you wish.
Photo of free Videos, some Polish language (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Free: Linn Kan speakers (Longridge PR3) Gifted These were decent speakers...quite a long time ago. Last used about five years ago, but worked fine then. Stands not included.
Photo of free Linn Kan speakers (Longridge PR3) #1
Photo of free Linn Kan speakers (Longridge PR3) #2
Free: Christmas stocking (Longridge PR3) Withdrawn
Photo of free Christmas stocking (Longridge PR3) #1
Free: Pre-recorded cassettes (Loud Bridge PR3) See photo. Mostly classical
Photo of free Pre-recorded cassettes (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Free: Recordable cassettes (Loud Bridge PR3) No idea if anyone still has a use for these - this is how to find out.
Free: Small index box (Loud Bridge PR3)
Photo of free Small index box (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Free: Wooden model bicycle (Loud Bridge PR3) It says 8+, but I think it is more suitable to younger. Never opened.
Photo of free Wooden model bicycle (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Photo of free Wooden model bicycle (Loud Bridge PR3) #2
Free: Old iPhone (Longridge PR3) Gifted Model A1332. Works, factory reset. Please confirm that you know it is old when you reply otherwise it'll go to someone else. This is likely to be popular so I'll take a day or two to get back to you. Cable not included.
Photo of free Old iPhone (Longridge PR3) #1
Free: Teddy bear (Longridge PR3) Expired About 18 inches tall. Good condition. Reposting on Preston as no interest in Ribble Valley.
Photo of free Teddy bear (Longridge PR3) #1
Free: Boots (Longridge PR3) Expired UK sow 3.5. Posting on Preston as no interest in Ribble.
Photo of free Boots (Longridge PR3) #1
Photo of free Boots (Longridge PR3) #2
Free: iPad 32GB (Longridge PR3) Gifted Model A1430, which makes it an old iPad. Factory reset. Cable not included. Please confirm you understand that it's old if you reply.
Photo of free iPad 32GB (Longridge PR3) #1
Free: iPod 60GB A1136 (Longridge PR3) Gifted This is an old iPod. I've copied files off it and done a factory reset on it, so it still works, though I have no idea about battery life. Cable not included. Please confirm you understand it's old if you reply.
Photo of free iPod 60GB A1136 (Longridge PR3) #1
Free: Christmas tablecloth (Longridge PR3) Gifted Roughly a metre square, so for a small table.
Photo of free Christmas tablecloth (Longridge PR3) #1
Free: Golf tees (Longridge PR3) Gifted 100, unopened packet. Posting on Preston as no interest in Ribble Valley.
Photo of free Golf tees (Longridge PR3) #1
Free: Lampshade (Loud Bridge PR3) Expired About 18" tall, 22" diameter at the base. Probably suitable for a standard lamp. Would all make entertaining hat.
Photo of free Lampshade (Loud Bridge PR3) #1
Free: Shoe trees (Longridge PR3) Gifted Old fashioned shoe trees. It says 10 x 11 on them - not sure if that is the shoe size. Would also make unsatisfactory trowels. Posting on Preston as no interest in Ribble Valley.
Photo of free Shoe trees (Longridge PR3) #1