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Free: Succulent cuttings I have a handful of large Pig's Ear succulent cuttings as well as three bulbine cuttings (the yellow flowering variety) if anyone is interested. We're in the Centerville area of Fremont, near Thornton Ave. Here's a description of the cuttings: --- Cotyedon orbiculata L. (Pig's ear). My variety has gr a y leaves that sometimes include red margins (depending on sun exposure/time of year). They grow bell-shaped orange-red flowers that dangle from stems above the leaves. The plants eventually get 2-3 feet high/wide -- although older ones may spread more in good conditions if you let them. Very drought tolerant once established. --- Bulbine frutescens. This is a great drought tolerant clump-forming succulent with long thin green leaves -- just stick it in the ground in full to part sun and give it some water this year to get it established. They eventually get about 1.5 ft high and over 2 feet wide and send up tall spikes of small yellow flowers several feet above the foliage from spring through fall. gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/plants/ornamentals/bulbine/
Free: High calorie cat food pouches/sachets and kidney disease supplies for cats 15 single-serving Tiki Cat Silver Comfort high calorie sachets. They're designed for age 11+ cats who have trouble keeping their weight up or have reduced appetite. The flavor is chicken/chicken liver. Our elderly cat loved them. We also have some supplies that might be useful if your cat has kidney disease. The high calorie sachets and kidney disease supplies can go to separate people. We're in the Centerville area of Fremont near Thornton Ave. Andy
Free: California Poppy seeds Gifted I have a small bag of California Poppy seeds, roughly 1/8 pound. That's a LOT of poppy seeds, but they've been sitting around for many years, so germination will likely be less than normal. The best time to broadcast/scatter poppy seeds is in the fall or early winter, but I think if you do it now (February) you'll still get some seedlings later this year, assuming we get some more rain in March and April. And, if needed, you'll have plenty of seeds to try again in the fall. If you're interested, let me know the day and approximate time you can come by. We're in the Centerville area of Fremont near Thornton Ave. Thanks, Andy
Free: Bulbs, rhizomes and cuttings I have lots of the following items available: Cotyedon orbiculata L. (Pig's ear). Small cuttings. My variety has gr a y leaves that sometimes include red margins (depending on sun exposure/time of year). They grow bell-shaped orange-red flowers that dangle from stems above the leaves. The plants eventually get 2-3 feet high/wide -- although older ones may spread more in good conditions if you let them. Very drought tolerant once established. --- Bearded Iris (purple) – This variety of rhizome is “His Royal Highness” or very similar, p urple petals with yellow-splashed beards. They grow up to 3 ft tall and will gradually spread to 2 ft wide or more. They only seem to bloom in the spring for me, although some sources say they can bloom in the fall too. --- Amaryllis Belladonna (Naked Lady lilies) -- Green leaves in the late winter/spring, which then die back and are followed by 2-3 foot stalks and beautiful/fragrant pink flowers mid to late summer. My bulbs typically produce a fairly dark-to-mid pink flower, although a few have been pale pink to almost pure white. Plant them right away if possible. Because the bulbs have already leafed out heavily, they may not flower this year (and the leaves may die back prematurely), but they'll be fine once their roots get re-established. Another very drought tolerant plant. --- Please let me know the day and approximate time you can come by, and how many of each you want. We live in the Centerville area of Fremont, near Thornton Ave. Andy
Request: Self-standing yard waste bag I'm looking for a light-weight self-standing yard waste bag for hauling clippings and weeds to-and-from the green bin. Something in the 16-to-32-gallon size would be ideal. I've attached an example photo, but they come in many variations. It seems like a lot of these are sold in packs of two or three, so maybe someone has an extra one to spare? Thanks, Andy
Photo of Self-standing yard waste bag #1
Request: 3lb and 5lb dumbells Expired Looking for two pairs of handheld dumbbells -- one 3-pound set and one 5-pound set. Neoprene coated would be best, but other types are OK. Thanks! Andy
Free: Succulent cuttings Expired We have lots of Ghost Plant and Blue Chalksticks cuttings. This is the perfect time of year to stick these cuttings in the ground. If you're interested, let me know about how many you want and what day/approximate time you can come by. We're in the Centerville area of Fremont, near Thornton Ave. Andy --- * Graptopetalum (Ghost Plant). A low-growing succulent. Blue-green color when grown in part shade, with pinkish tones when grown in full sun. Stick these in the ground every 6 inches or so, and they’ll fill in the area very nicely within a year or two. Great in pots too. They’ll need periodic water until established but are then very drought hardy (although some extra water during the summer will have them looking better). I’m not sure of the exact variety, but they’re very similar to the ones pictured. Sprays of little yellow flowers during the spring. ( ) --- * Senecio Mandraliscae (Blue Chalksticks). This is a very striking succulent. A single cutting will eventually grow to a 3 ft wide (after several years), so be careful not to plant them too close to walkways. Another great plant that needs no supplemental water once established. ( )
Request: Microcassette player Expired I'm looking for a working microcassette player so that I can listen to a couple of old tapes. Thanks! Andy
Free: Computer routers Expired We have 3 used computer routers. All were in working condition when last used. * Netgear N600 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router, Premium Edition (WNDR3800). Includes power adapter, setup guide and stand. * Linksys by Cisco Wireless-N Broadband Router (WRT160N). Includes power adapter, Ethernet cable, and setup guide w/ software. * Netopia IDSL/SDSL Router (4652-T). Includes power adapter. If you're interested, let me know which routers you're interested in and what day/approximate time you think you can make the pickup. We're in the Centerville area of Fremont near Thornton Ave. Thanks, Andy
Free: 44 oz Ultra Clorox2 Bleach for colors Gifted We have a 44 oz container of "Ultra Clorox2 Bleach for colors" that was used once and has been sitting around ever since. Please let me know the day and approximate time you can make the pickup. We are in the Centerville area of Fremont near Thornton Ave. Thanks, Andy
Free: Metal Altoids Tins Expired We have a dozen or so metal Altoids tins (empty) that measure roughly 3" x 1.5" x .8" each. They have a hinged lid that snaps shut, and they've all been rinsed out. With labels added, they're very handy for organizing small items like screws, tacks, beads, etc., and they pack tightly together for easy storage. If you're interested, let me know the day and approximate time you can pick them up. We're in the Centerville area of Fremont near Thornton Ave. Thanks, Andy
Photo of free Metal Altoids Tins #1
Free: Bags, foam, gel packs and shipping boxes for cold items Expired We have 8 small shipping boxes (10.5” x 9.25” x 4.25”), several cold shipping bags, lots of insulating foam, and 20 small gel packs. The boxes are not insulated, but they’re very sturdy and effective in combination with the foam, bags and some frozen gel packs. These work extremely well for keeping items cold for shipping. 36-48 hours has been no problem if packed properly. Plus, frozen gel packs are handy to have during heat waves and power outages. If you’re interested, please let me know what day and approximate time you can make the pickup. If you only need some of the items, I’m willing to consider that, but priority will go to someone who will take everything. We’re in the Centerville area of Fremont. Thanks, Andy
Photo of free Bags, foam, gel packs and shipping boxes for cold items #1
Free: Christmas tree stands Expired We have two gently used Christmas tree stands made of heavy-duty plastic. The smaller one is about 12 inches wide and fits trees with a trunk diameter of slightly more than two and a half inches. We’d use it for trees up to around 5 foot tall (depending on the tree type). The larger one is about 20 inches wide and fits trees with a trunk diameter of about five inches. It should be able to handle most Christmas trees. It includes a removable side-mounted water reservoir that makes it easier to add water to the stand. Let me know if you’re interested in one or both stands, and what day and approximate time you can make the pickup. We’re located in the Centerville area of Fremont. Andy
Photo of free Christmas tree stands #1
Photo of free Christmas tree stands #2
Free: Downspout splash block Expired Amerimax 2-ft long, green, heavy duty downspout splash block. This polycarbonate water channel helps disperse rain water away from your foundation to reduce erosion and standing water from heavy rains. Weathered, but otherwise in excellent condition. Please let me know what day and approximate time you can make the pickup. We are in the Centerville area of Fremont. Andy
Photo of free Downspout splash block #1
Request: Laser pointer for cat Expired Our old laser pointer cat toy broke some time back, and we need a new one. Any style is fine so long as it's working. Thanks! Andy
Free: Banana tree pups Expired I have some more banana tree pups that I'll be separating from the mother plant. Two are under 5 ft tall, and the rest are over 6 ft tall counting the outstretched leaves, The root balls will be bagged (not potted), so you’ll need to plant them in the ground right away. You could also plant them in a pot temporarily, but in order for them to fully develop and fruit they have to go in the ground. This variety, Blue Java, aka "Ice Cream", does very well in our climate if planted in full sun and given regular water , and it will fruit after approximately 2 years. It produces miniature bananas that have an excellent flavor. The trees themselves grow to about 12-15 ft. tall when fully established. Although the original tree will die after fruiting, it puts out multiple pups that will eventually grow into new trees. So plant it where it will have some room to expand over time (I'd say a 6' x 6' space, minimum), and you'll eventually have a tight cluster of banana trees. That said, the pups can be easily separated/dug up with a shovel to keep them from spreading in a certain direction. If you're interested, let me know the day and approximate time you can make the pickup. I won’t dig up your pup until you confirm a day/time. We're in the Centerville area of Fremont, near Thornton Ave. Thanks, Andy
Free: Banana tree pups Expired I have some banana tree pups (various sizes) that I will be separating from the mother plant. The root balls will be bagged (not potted), so you’ll need to plant them in the ground right away. You could also plant them in a pot temporarily, but in order for them to fruit they have to go in the ground. This variety, Blue Java, aka "Ice Cream", does very well in our climate if planted in full sun and given regular water , and it will fruit after approximately 2 years. It produces miniature bananas that have an excellent flavor. The trees themselves grow to about 12-15 ft. tall when fully established. Although the original tree will die after fruiting, it puts out multiple pups that will eventually grow into new trees. So plant it where it will have some room to expand over time (I'd say a 5' x 5' space, minimum), and you'll eventually have a tight cluster of banana trees. That said, the pups can be easily separated/dug up with a shovel to keep them from spreading in a certain direction. If you're interested, let me know the day and approximate time you can make the pickup. I won’t dig up your pup until you confirm a day/time. We're in the Centerville area of Fremont, near Thornton Ave. Thanks, Andy
Free: Cuttings and bulbs Expired I have the following cuttings and bulbs. All of them prefer full sun, although they’ll tolerate part-sun just fine. * Aeonium canariense (Canary Island Aeonium) cuttings. This is a great succulent that needs no supplemental water once established. It can grow to 3 ft wide & 2 ft high within a few years. After several years it will put out a large cone-shaped cluster of yellow flowers. ( ) * Bulbine frutescens cuttings – A very drought tolerant clump-forming succulent with long thin green leaves. They eventually get about 1.5 ft high and over 2 feet wide and send up tall spikes of tiny yellow flowers several feet above the foliage from spring through fall. ( ) * Amaryllis Belladonna (Naked Lady lilies) -- Green leaves in the late winter/spring, which then die back and are followed by 2-3 foot stalks and beautiful/fragrant pink flowers mid to late summer. My bulbs typically produce a fairly dark-to-mid pink flower, although a few have been pale pink to almost pure white. Plant them right away if possible. Because the bulbs have already leafed out heavily, they may not flower this year (and the leaves may die back prematurely), but they'll be fine once their roots get re-established. Another very drought tolerant plant. ( ) Please let me know what day/time you can come by, which items you want, and how many of each. We're in the Centerville area of Fremont. Andy
Free: Bags, foam, gel packs and shipping boxes for cold items Expired We have several cold shipping bags, some insulating foam, 4 small shipping boxes (10.5” x 9.25” x 4.25”), and a lot of small to medium sized gel packs. The boxes are not insulated, but they’re very sturdy and effective in combination with the gel packs, foam and bags. These work extremely well for keeping items cold for shipping. 24 to 36 hours has been no problem if packed properly. I’ve attached a picture of most of the items (I discovered some more blue gel packs afterwards), and everything is packed in a large box for easy pickup. If you’re interested, please let me know what day and approximate time you can make the pickup. We’re in the Centerville area of Fremont. Thanks, Andy
Photo of free Bags, foam, gel packs and shipping boxes for cold items #1
Free: Bearded Iris rhizomes Expired This variety is “His Royal Highness” or very similar, with purple petals with yellow-splashed beards. They grow up to 3 ft tall and will gradually spread to 2 ft wide or more. They only seem to bloom in the spring for me, although some sources say they can bloom in the fall too. I have lots of rhizomes available. Please let me know the day and approximate time you can come by, and how many you want. We live in the Centerville area of Fremont, near Thornton Ave. Andy
Free: More succulent cuttings Expired I still have plenty if cuttings left. Anything not picked up by Monday will go in the green bin. If you're interested, PLEASE tell me what cuttings you want, how many you want, and approximately when you can get them. We live in the Centerville area of Fremont, near Thornton Ave. The first two seem to do well in either full sun or part shade. The later two seem to do best with some afternoon shade. * Aeonium canariense (Canary Island Aeonium). This is a great succulent that needs no supplemental water once established. It can grow to 3 ft wide & 2 ft high within a few years. After several years it will put out a large cone-shaped cluster of yellow flowers. --- * Graptopetalum (Ghost Plant). A low-growing succulent. Stick these in the ground every 6 inches or so, and they’ll fill in the area very nicely within a year or two. Great in pots too. They’ll need periodic water until established, but are then very drought hardy (although some extra water during the summer will have them looking better). I’m not sure of the exact variety, but they’re very similar to the ones pictured. Sprays of little yellow flowers during the spring. --- * Cotyedon orbiculata L. (Pig's ear). Most cuttings are a foot or two long, and will make excellent starter plants. My variety has gray leaves that sometimes include red margins (depending on sun exposure/time of year). They also will grow bell-shaped orange-red flowers that dangle from stems above the leaves. The plants typically only get a 2-3 feet high/wide -- although older ones may spread more in good conditions if you let them. Very drought tolerant once established. --- * Crassula tillaea? I’m not certain about the correct identity of this succulent, although I think it’s in the stonecrop family. Crassula tillaea typically grows very low to the ground, but mine grow up to 1 foot tall and at least that wide in part sun. Regardless, it’s a cool looking plant that adds a pop of green and fills in nicely around other succulents. Again, very drought tolerant, although a bit of water in the summer can be helpful. I’ve attached a photo of this one. Andy
Photo of free More succulent cuttings #1
Free: Succulent cuttings Expired I have the following cuttings available. The first two seem to do well in either full sun or part shade. The later two seem to do best with some afternoon shade. * Aeonium canariense (Canary Island Aeonium). This is a great succulent that needs no supplemental water once established. It can grow to 3 ft wide & 2 ft high within a few years. After several years it will put out a large cone-shaped cluster of yellow flowers. ( ) --- * Graptopetalum (Ghost Plant). A low-growing succulent. Stick these in the ground every 6 inches or so, and they’ll fill in the area very nicely within a year or two. Great in pots too. They’ll need periodic water until established, but are then very drought hardy (although some extra water during the summer will have them looking better). I’m not sure of the exact variety, but they’re very similar to the ones pictured. Sprays of little yellow flowers during the spring. ( ) --- * Cotyedon orbiculata L. (Pig's ear). Most cuttings are a foot or two long, and will make excellent starter plants. My variety has gr a y leaves that sometimes include red margins (depending on sun exposure/time of year). They also will grow bell-shaped orange-red flowers that dangle from stems above the leaves. The plants typically only get a 2-3 feet high/wide -- although older ones may spread more in good conditions if you let them. Very drought tolerant once established. --- * Crassula tillaea? I’m not certain about the correct identity of this succulent, although I think it’s in the stonecrop family. Crassula tillaea typically grows very low to the ground, but mine grow up to 1 foot tall and at least that wide in part sun. Regardless, it’s a cool looking plant that adds a pop of green and fills in nicely around other succulents. Again, very drought tolerant, although a bit of water in the summer can be helpful. I’ve attached a photo of this one. Let me know how many cuttings you want and what day/approximate time you can make the pickup. We live in the Centerville area of Fremont, near Thornton Ave. Andy
Photo of free Succulent cuttings #1
Request: Set of 2-pound hand weights or dumbbells Received Looking for a set of 2-pound hand weights or dumbbells. Lightly used 2-pound (or adjustable) wrist weights could also work. Thanks! Andy
Free: More succulent cuttings Expired I had some no-shows yesterday, so I still have some cuttings left. Most of them prefer full sun, although they’ll usually do fine in part-sun. However, I find that Red Echeveria and Fairy Crassula do better with a fair amount of shade. * Aeonium canariense (Canary Island Aeonium) * Graptopetalum (Ghost Plant) * Senecio mandraliscae (Blue Chalksticks) * Echeveria coccinea (Red Echeveria) * Crassula multicava (Fairy Crassula). Just 1 left. * Bulbine frutescens. I believe this is the yellow variety? Just 3 left. * Oscularia deltoides (Deltoid-leaved Dewplant). Let me know how many cuttings you want and what day/approximate time you can make the pickup. The sooner the better. We live in the Centerville area of Fremont, near Thornton Ave. Andy
Free: Plant cuttings and transplants Expired We have the following cuttings, plus a few plants. Most of them prefer full sun, although they’ll usually do fine in part-sun. However, I find that Red Echeveria, Fairy Crassula and Stinking Iris do better with a fair amount of shade. * Aeonium canariense (Canary Island Aeonium) cuttings. * Graptopetalum (Ghost Plant) cuttings. * Senecio mandraliscae (Blue Chalksticks) cuttings. Lots of these available. * Aeonium arboreum (Tree Aeonium) cuttings. I have two different varieties. One is more greenish, and the other is leans more to black. These cuttings are fairly small, and I only have a few. * Echeveria coccinea (Red Echeveria) cuttings. * Crassula multicava (Fairy Crassula) cuttings. * Bulbine frutescens cuttings. I believe t his is the yellow variety? I only have a couple of these. * Oscularia deltoides (Deltoid-leaved Dewplant). I only have a couple of these. * Stachys byzantina ( Lamb's Ear ) plants. These were recently transplanted into 4-inch pots, so they should probably be left in the pots for a month or so before putting in the ground. * Iris foetidissima (Stinking Iris). I only have one of these, in a gallon pot. L et me know how many cuttings you want and what day/approximate time you can make the pickup. We live in the Centerville area of Fremont, near Thornton Ave. Andy
Free: Banana tree pups Gifted I have 3 banana tree pups that I just dug up and potted. Counting the pot, they're about 3-4 ft tall. The soil in the pots is still somewhat loose, so take that into account when transporting. This variety, "Ice Cream", does very well in our climate if planted in full sun and given regular water, and it will fruit after approximately 2 years. It produces miniature bananas that have an excellent flavor. The trees themselves grow to about 12-15 ft. tall when fully established. Although the original tree will die after fruiting, it puts out multiple pups that will eventually grow into new trees. So plant it where it will have some room to expand over time (I'd say a 5' x 5' space, minimum), and you'll eventually have a tight cluster of banana trees. That said, the pups can be easily separated/dug up with a shovel to keep them from spreading in a certain direction. If you're interested, let me know the day and approximate time you can make the pickup. We're in the Centerville area of Fremont, near Thornton Ave. Thanks, Andy
Free: Succulent cuttings and plants Expired I have lots of the following cuttings, plus a few plants. All of them prefer full sun, although they’ll tolerate part-sun. * Aeonium canariense (Canary Island Aeonium). This is a great succulent that needs no supplemental water once established. It can grow to 3 ft wide & 2 ft high within a few years. After several years it will put out a large cone-shaped cluster of yellow flowers. ( ) --- * Graptopetalum (Ghost Plant). A low-growing succulent. Stick these in the ground every 6 inches or so, and they’ll fill in the area very nicely within a year or two. Great in pots too. They’ll need periodic water until established, but are then very drought hardy (although some extra water during the summer will have them looking better). I’m not sure of the exact variety, but they’re very similar to the ones pictured. Sprays of little yellow flowers during the spring. ( ) --- * Senecio Mandraliscae (Blue Chalksticks). This is a very striking succulent. A single cutting will eventually grow to a 3 ft wide (it may take several years), so be careful not to plant them too close together or too close to walkways. Never gets above 1 ft high. Another great plant that needs no supplemental water once established. ( ) --- * Aeonium arboreum (Tree Aeonium). I’m not certain of the variety – mine have longer, thinner green leaves with purplish edges and tips than those pictured. Probably some sort of cross or hybrid with ‘Atropurpureum’. Can eventually can grow to 3 to 5 ft high, and several feet wide. As with the others, this is very drought tolerant once established ( ) --- * Golden Feverfew plants. Excellent drought tolerant mounding shrub with lots of little daisy-like flowers during the summer (and often spring and fall too). Another one that needs no supplemental water once established, although it will appreciate some water now and then during hot weather. Cut it back when the flowers die or when the plant gets leggy to reinvigorate. I only have 5 of these right now (three in 4-inch pots and two in gallon pots). ( ) --- Let me know how many cuttings you want and what day/approximate time you can make the pickup. We live in the Centerville area of Fremont. Andy