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Free: Heated propagator (South Normanton near J28 M1) Old but still useful unlike me. Have given up starting from seeds, I have this available. It holds two small trays or one standard size seed tray. Sits on a windowsill.
Photo of free Heated propagator (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Random Light bulbs (South Normanton near J28 M1) About 25 light bulbs and other electrical items. Just cleared the cupboard under the stairs.
Photo of free Random Light bulbs (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Very robust child gate (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted This is a solid metal frame with a plasticised mesh gate which winds back when open . it says it will be suitable for openings from 20cm to 120cm. It has all its parts and instructions. We didn't use it because we couldnt drill into the wall we intended. It is about a metre tall. Safetots website Not sure which model this is so it may be the wider one.
Photo of free Very robust child gate (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Fold up wheeled trolley (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted works very well, I used to take it to gardening shows to transport all the plants I bought. I notice it has a bit of a crack on one side but this doesn't stop it being a useful gadget. It folds down to a small pack with a carry handle. I had a photo of this but that seems to have vanished into the ether.
Photo of free Fold up wheeled trolley (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Mens winter boots (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted Size 9/43. Very good condition, hardly worn. They are Karrimor which I don't think exists any more. So must be a bit old but lovely warm waterproof boots.
Photo of free Mens winter boots (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Prestige Toaster (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted In good working order, no manual. It is rather grubby having been stored under the stairs for a few years. Sorry about that.
Photo of free Prestige Toaster (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Mens green wellies (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted Size 9/43. In very good condition hardly worn but a little muddy.
Photo of free Mens green wellies (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Kitchen oil filter jug (South Normanton near J28 M1) Withdrawn Useful if you stioll use a lot of oil. It has an aluminium filter which catches all the 'bits' and helps prolong the life of your cooking oil. It has a plastic lid. THe jug is teflon lined metal. Hold a couple of pints at a guess.
Photo of free Kitchen oil filter jug (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Waste paper basket grey metal (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted about 32cm tall. could do with a bit of a clean having been under the stairs for ages. Good condition otherwise
Photo of free Waste paper basket grey metal (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Leifhiet carpet sweeper (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted Quality carpet sweeper found under the stairs. Doesnt require any power so very environmentally friendly. Works on various surfaces.
Photo of free Leifhiet carpet sweeper (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Honeywell fan (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted Found in the back of a cupboard. Seems a bog standard fan with three settings.
Photo of free Honeywell fan (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Exercise mat thick (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted In reasonable condition much thicker than the usual Yoga mats. Same size though
Photo of free Exercise mat thick (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Pilates/Yoga mat thin type (South Normanton near J28 M1) Withdrawn This has a bit of damage where the dog tried a down dog! Much better than no mat.
Photo of free Pilates/Yoga mat thin type (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Convection heater with timer (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted This is fairly old but works well. Very useful if you have no heating at all.
Photo of free Convection heater with timer (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Two swimming floats one cut in half (South Normanton near J28 M1) Withdrawn in good condition had them for my grand children. I cut one in half for a craft project but cant remember why!!
Photo of free Two swimming floats one cut in half (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Water filters (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted Six Brita filters here if anyone can use them.
Photo of free Water filters (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: dog toys and other dog things (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted Three sets of dog stuff. Picture 1 is suitable for a small dog. Two nice coats, two harnesses a couple of leads and some small dog balls. THese were used by my big Yorkie when she was in a Flyball team. She couldnt hold a normal size ball in her little mouth. Picture 2 A big bag of mainly used tennis balls (the good ones) with a couple of tried and tested chuckers. I swore I wouldnt teahc my present dogs to fetch balls and walks are much calmer. so these are surplus. Picture 3 two packs new 'good' balls several others a couple of chuckers and a fabric frisbie Most of the balls are Kong squeakys. Set 1 has been promised. Please let me know which set you want.
Photo of free dog toys and other dog things (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Photo of free dog toys and other dog things (South Normanton near J28 M1) #2
Photo of free dog toys and other dog things (South Normanton near J28 M1) #3
Free: Box of things to make wreaths (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted Sorry no picture. THere are fir cones cinnamon sticks, dried seed pods plastic berries etc all fixed to wire ready to creat a wreath. I also will include with this a wreath base of artificial pine 50 cm across.
Free: 4 Felt and mock fur chair covers (South Normanton near J28 M1) Withdrawn Santa hat chair back covers. Fit most size of dining chairs. I made these a few years ago and no longer want them.
Photo of free 4 Felt and mock fur chair covers (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Ships decanter (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted Very nice decanter in excellent condition. It has a label Thomas Webb International Crystal. 27cm tall. It weighs around 2 kilos. (ship decanters have a wide base to lessen the risk of spillage in high seas)
Photo of free Ships decanter (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Big bag of DVDs (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted Lots of good films here. Family, Sci Fi, Mystery, Classics
Photo of free Big bag of DVDs (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Table lamp metal base (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted Nice table lamp with inoffensive shade. Metal base.
Photo of free Table lamp metal base (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Old calendars of American mountains (South Normanton near J28 M1) Expired Before I bin these I'll offer them here. THey are mainly Appalachian trail, Blue Ridge Mountains and others ranges around North Carolina and Tenessee. Lovely pictures, just wish I had a use for them.
Photo of free Old calendars of American mountains (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Half a kilo of large rubber bands (South Normanton near J28 M1) Expired As it says on the box! Someone may have a use for these.
Photo of free Half a kilo of large rubber bands (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Magnetic Knife Block (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted Well used but a nice piece of 'stuff' for your counter. It is quite heavy and very well made. holds at least5 knives each side.
Photo of free Magnetic Knife Block (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Pretty melamin tray (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted THis tray look nearly new to me. It is 47cm long and 33cm wide.
Photo of free Pretty melamin tray (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Puma Suit bag carrying/ hanging (South Normanton near J28 M1) Expired THis is a well made bag with many good features it can be hung in a wardrobe or folded in half and carried. Phots dont do it justice maybe look on line for similar to give a better idea.
Photo of free Puma Suit bag carrying/ hanging (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Photo of free Puma Suit bag carrying/ hanging (South Normanton near J28 M1) #2
Free: triangular pillow (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted Very good condition.
Photo of free triangular pillow (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Small wicker laundry basket (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted THis is the wicker one not the plastic white one. THe lining bag needs a wash. It is 45cm tall and 31 cm across.
Photo of free Small wicker laundry basket (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Free: Brand new Electric toothbrush (South Normanton near J28 M1) Gifted I found this while clearing a friends home and thought someone might be able to use it. Looks as if it has never been out of the box.
Photo of free Brand new Electric toothbrush (South Normanton near J28 M1) #1
Photo of free Brand new Electric toothbrush (South Normanton near J28 M1) #2